

Note [Inline FB functions]

[note link]

After fusion rules successfully fire, we are usually left with one or more calls to list-producing functions abstracted over cons and nil. Here we call them FB functions because their names usually end with ‘FB’. It’s a good idea to inline FB functions because:

  • They are higher-order functions and therefore benefits from inlining.
  • When the final consumer is a left fold, inlining the FB functions is the only way to make arity expansion to happen. See Note [Left fold via right fold].

For this reason we mark all FB functions INLINE [0]. The [0] phase-specifier ensures that calls to FB functions can be written back to the original form when no fusion happens.

Without these inline pragmas, the loop in perf/should_run/T13001 won’t be allocation-free. Also see #13001.

Note [scanl rewrite rules]

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In most cases, when we rewrite a form to one that can fuse, we try to rewrite it back to the original form if it does not fuse. For scanl, we do something a little different. In particular, we rewrite

scanl f a bs


build (c n -> a c foldr (scanlFB f c) (constScanl n) bs a)

When build is inlined, this becomes

a : foldr (scanlFB f (:)) (constScanl []) bs a

To rewrite this form back to scanl, we would need a rule that looked like

forall f a bs. a : foldr (scanlFB f (:)) (constScanl []) bs a = scanl f a bs

The problem with this rule is that it has (:) at its head. This would have the effect of changing the way the inliner looks at (:), not only here but everywhere. In most cases, this makes no difference, but in some cases it causes it to come to a different decision about whether to inline something. Based on nofib benchmarks, this is bad for performance. Therefore, we instead match on everything past the :, which is just the tail of scanl.

foldr, foldr1, scanr, and scanr1 are the right-to-left duals of the above functions.

Note [Fusion for foldrN]

[note link]

We arrange that foldr2, foldr3, etc is a good consumer for its first (left) list argument. Here’s how. See below for the second, third etc list arguments

  • The rule “foldr2/left” (active only before phase 1) does this:

    foldr2 k z (build g) ys = g (foldr2_left k z) (_ -> z) ys

    thereby fusing away the ‘build’ on the left argument

  • To ensure this rule has a chance to fire, foldr2 has a NOINLINE[1] pragma

There used to be a “foldr2/right” rule, allowing foldr2 to fuse with a build form on the right. However, this causes trouble if the right list ends in a bottom that is only avoided by the left list ending at that spot. That is, foldr2 f z [a,b,c] (d:e:f:_|_), where the right list is produced by a build form, would cause the foldr2/right rule to introduce bottom. Example:

zip [1,2,3,4] (unfoldr (s -> if s > 4 then undefined else Just (s,s+1)) 1)
should produce
but with the foldr2/right rule it would instead produce

Note [Fusion for zipN/zipWithN]

[note link]

We arrange that zip, zip3, etc, and zipWith, zipWit3 etc, are all good consumers for their first (left) argument, and good producers. Here’s how. See Note [Fusion for foldr2] for why it can’t fuse its second (right) list argument.

NB: Zips for larger tuples are in the List module.

  • Rule “zip” (active only before phase 1) rewrites

    zip xs ys = build (c n -> foldr2 (zipFB c) n xs ys)

    See also Note [Inline FB functions]

Ditto rule "zipWith".
  • To give this rule a chance to fire, we give zip a NOLINLINE[1] pragma (although since zip is recursive it might not need it)

  • Now the rules for foldr2 (see Note [Fusion for foldr2]) may fire, or rules that fuse the build-produced output of zip.

  • If none of these fire, rule “zipList” (active only in phase 1) rewrites the foldr2 call back to zip

    foldr2 (zipFB (:)) [] = zip

    This rule will only fire when build has inlined, which also happens in phase 1.

Ditto rule "zipWithList".