

Note [atomicModifyIORef’ definition]

[note link]

atomicModifyIORef’ was historically defined

atomicModifyIORef' ref f = do
    b <- atomicModifyIORef ref $ \a ->
            case f a of
                v@(a',_) -> a' `seq` v
    b `seq` return b

The most obvious definition, now that we have atomicModifyMutVar2#, would be

atomicModifyIORef’ ref f = do
(_old, (!_new, !res)) <- atomicModifyIORef2 ref f pure res

Why do we force the new value on the “inside” instead of afterwards? I initially thought the latter would be okay, but then I realized that if we write

atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \x -> (x + 5, x - 5)

then we’ll end up building a pair of thunks to calculate x + 5 and x - 5. That’s no good! With the more complicated definition, we avoid this problem; the result pair is strict in the new IORef contents. Of course, if the function passed to atomicModifyIORef’ doesn’t inline, we’ll build a closure for it. But that was already true for the historical definition of atomicModifyIORef’ (in terms of atomicModifyIORef), so we shouldn’t lose anything. Note that in keeping with the historical behavior, we don’t propagate the strict demand on the result inwards. In particular,

atomicModifyIORef' ref (\x -> (x + 1, undefined))

will increment the IORef and throw an exception; it will not install an undefined value in the IORef.

A clearer version, in my opinion (but one quite incompatible with the traditional one) would only force the new IORef value and not the result. This version would have been relatively inefficient to implement using atomicModifyMutVar#, but is just fine now.