

Note [Generating Ord instances]

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Suppose constructors are K1..Kn, and some are nullary. The general form we generate is:

  • Do case on first argument
    case a of
    K1 … -> rhs_1 K2 … -> rhs_2 … Kn … -> rhs_n _ -> nullary_rhs
  • To make rhs_i
    If i = 1, 2, n-1, n, generate a single case.
    rhs_2 case b of
    K1 {} -> LT K2 … -> …eq_rhs(K2)… _ -> GT
Otherwise do a tag compare against the bigger range
(because this is the one most likely to succeed)
   rhs_3    case tag b of tb ->
            if 3 <# tg then GT
            else case b of
                    K3 ... -> ...eq_rhs(K3)....
                    _      -> LT
  • To make eq_rhs(K), which knows that

    a = K a1 .. av b = K b1 .. bv

    we just want to compare (a1,b1) then (a2,b2) etc. Take care on the last field to tail-call into comparing av,bv

  • To make nullary_rhs generate this

    case con2tag a of a# -> case con2tag b of -> a# compare b#

Several special cases:

  • Two or fewer nullary constructors: don’t generate nullary_rhs
  • Be careful about unlifted comparisons. When comparing unboxed values we can’t call the overloaded functions. See function unliftedOrdOp

Note [Game plan for deriving Ord]

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It’s a bad idea to define only ‘compare’, and build the other binary comparisons on top of it; see #2130, #4019. Reason: we don’t want to laboriously make a three-way comparison, only to extract a binary result, something like this:

(>) (I# x) (I# y) = case <# x y of

True -> False False -> case ==# x y of

True -> False False -> True

This being said, we can get away with generating full code only for ‘compare’ and ‘<’ thus saving us generation of other three operators. Other operators can be cheaply expressed through ‘<’: a <= b = not $ b < a a > b = b < a a >= b = not $ a < b

So for sufficiently small types (few constructors, or all nullary) we generate all methods; for large ones we just use ‘compare’.

Note [Use expectP]

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Note that we use
expectP (Ident “T1”)
rather than
Ident “T1” <- lexP

The latter desugares to inline code for matching the Ident and the string, and this can be very voluminous. The former is much more compact. Cf #7258, although that also concerned non-linearity in the occurrence analyser, a separate issue.

Note [Read for empty data types]

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What should we get for this? (#7931)
data Emp deriving( Read ) – No data constructors
Here we want
read “[]” :: [Emp] to succeed, returning []
So we do NOT want
instance Read Emp where
readPrec = error “urk”
Rather we want
instance Read Emp where
readPred = pfail – Same as choose []

Because ‘pfail’ allows the parser to backtrack, but ‘error’ doesn’t. These instances are also useful for Read (Either Int Emp), where we want to be able to parse (Left 3) just fine.

Note [Newtype-deriving instances]

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We take every method in the original instance and coerce it to fit into the derived instance. We need type applications on the argument to coerce to make it obvious what instantiation of the method we’re coercing from. So from, say,

class C a b where
  op :: forall c. a -> [b] -> c -> Int
newtype T x = MkT <rep-ty>
instance C a <rep-ty> => C a (T x) where
  op = coerce @ (a -> [<rep-ty>] -> c -> Int)
              @ (a -> [T x]      -> c -> Int)
              op :: forall c. a -> [T x] -> c -> Int

In addition to the type applications, we also have an explicit type signature on the entire RHS. This brings the method-bound variable c into scope over the two type applications. See Note [GND and QuantifiedConstraints] for more information on why this is important.

Giving ‘coerce’ two explicitly-visible type arguments grants us finer control over how it should be instantiated. Recall

coerce :: Coercible a b => a -> b

By giving it explicit type arguments we deal with the case where ‘op’ has a higher rank type, and so we must instantiate ‘coerce’ with a polytype. E.g.

class C a where op :: a -> forall b. b -> b
newtype T x = MkT <rep-ty>
instance C <rep-ty> => C (T x) where
  op = coerce @ (<rep-ty> -> forall b. b -> b)
              @ (T x      -> forall b. b -> b)
             op :: T x -> forall b. b -> b

The use of type applications is crucial here. If we had tried using only explicit type signatures, like so:

instance C <rep-ty> => C (T x) where
  op = coerce (op :: <rep-ty> -> forall b. b -> b)
                  :: T x      -> forall b. b -> b

Then GHC will attempt to deeply skolemize the two type signatures, which will wreak havoc with the Coercible solver. Therefore, we instead use type applications, which do not deeply skolemize and thus avoid this issue. The downside is that we currently require -XImpredicativeTypes to permit this polymorphic type instantiation, so we have to switch that flag on locally in TcDeriv.genInst. See #8503 for more discussion.

Note [Newtype-deriving trickiness]

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Consider (#12768):
class C a where { op :: D a => a -> a }
instance C a  => C [a] where { op = opList }
opList :: (C a, D [a]) => [a] -> [a]
opList = ...
Now suppose we try GND on this:
newtype N a = MkN [a] deriving( C )

The GND is expecting to get an implementation of op for N by coercing opList, thus:

instance C a => C (N a) where { op = opN }
opN :: (C a, D (N a)) => N a -> N a
opN = coerce @([a]   -> [a])
             @([N a] -> [N a]
             opList :: D (N a) => [N a] -> [N a]

But there is no reason to suppose that (D [a]) and (D (N a)) are inter-coercible; these instances might completely different. So GHC rightly rejects this code.

Note [GND and QuantifiedConstraints]

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Consider the following example from #15290:

class C m where
  join :: m (m a) -> m a
newtype T m a = MkT (m a)
deriving instance
(C m, forall p q. Coercible p q => Coercible (m p) (m q)) => C (T m)

The code that GHC used to generate for this was:

instance (C m, forall p q. Coercible p q => Coercible (m p) (m q)) =>
C (T m) where
join = coerce @(forall a. m (m a) -> m a)
@(forall a. T m (T m a) -> T m a) join

This instantiates coerce at a polymorphic type, a form of impredicative polymorphism, so we’re already on thin ice. And in fact the ice breaks, as we’ll explain:

The call to coerce gives rise to:

Coercible (forall a.   m   (m a) ->   m a)
          (forall a. T m (T m a) -> T m a)

And that simplified to the following implication constraint:

forall a <no-ev>. m (T m a) ~R# m (m a)

But because this constraint is under a forall, inside a type, we have to prove it without computing any term evidence (hence the <no-ev>). Alas, we must generate a term-level evidence binding in order to instantiate the quantified constraint! In response, GHC currently chooses not to use such a quantified constraint. See Note [Instances in no-evidence implications] in TcInteract.

But this isn’t the death knell for combining QuantifiedConstraints with GND. On the contrary, if we generate GND bindings in a slightly different way, then we can avoid this situation altogether. Instead of applying coerce to two polymorphic types, we instead let an explicit type signature do the polymorphic instantiation, and omit the `forall`s in the type applications. More concretely, we generate the following code instead:

instance (C m, forall p q. Coercible p q => Coercible (m p) (m q)) =>
    C (T m) where
  join = coerce @(  m   (m a) ->   m a)
                @(T m (T m a) -> T m a)
                join :: forall a. T m (T m a) -> T m a

Now the visible type arguments are both monotypes, so we need do any of this funny quantified constraint instantiation business.

You might think that that second @(T m (T m a) -> T m a) argument is redundant in the presence of the explicit :: forall a. T m (T m a) -> T m a type signature, but in fact leaving it off will break this example (from the T15290d test case):

class C a where
  c :: Int -> forall b. b -> a
instance C Int
instance C Age where
  c = coerce @(Int -> forall b. b -> Int)
             c :: Int -> forall b. b -> Age

That is because the explicit type signature deeply skolemizes the forall-bound b, which wreaks havoc with the Coercible solver. An additional visible type argument of @(Int -> forall b. b -> Age) is enough to prevent this.

Be aware that the use of an explicit type signature doesn’t /solve/ this problem; it just makes it less likely to occur. For example, if a class has a truly higher-rank type like so:

class CProblem m where
  op :: (forall b. ... (m b) ...) -> Int

Then the same situation will arise again. But at least it won’t arise for the common case of methods with ordinary, prenex-quantified types.

Note [GND and ambiguity]

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We make an effort to make the code generated through GND be robust w.r.t. ambiguous type variables. As one example, consider the following example (from #15637):

class C a where f :: String
instance C () where f = "foo"
newtype T = T () deriving C

A naïve attempt and generating a C T instance would be:

instance C T where
  f = coerce @String @String f
        :: String

This isn’t going to typecheck, however, since GHC doesn’t know what to instantiate the type variable a with in the call to f in the method body. (Note that f :: forall a. String!) To compensate for the possibility of ambiguity here, we explicitly instantiate a like so:

instance C T where
  f = coerce @String @String (f @())
        :: String

All better now.

Note [Auxiliary binders]

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We often want to make a top-level auxiliary binding. E.g. for comparison we haev

instance Ord T where
  compare a b = $con2tag a `compare` $con2tag b
$con2tag :: T -> Int
$con2tag = ...code....

Of course these top-level bindings should all have distinct name, and we are generating RdrNames here. We can’t just use the TyCon or DataCon to distinguish because with standalone deriving two imported TyCons might both be called T! (See #7947.)

So we use package name, module name and the name of the parent (T in this example) as part of the OccName we generate for the new binding. To make the symbol names short we take a base62 hash of the full name.

In the past we used the unique from the parent, but that’s not stable across recompilations as uniques are nondeterministic.