

Note [Deriving and unused record selectors]

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Consider this (see #13919):

module Main (main) where
data Foo = MkFoo {bar :: String} deriving Show
main :: IO ()
main = print (Foo "hello")

Strictly speaking, the record selector bar is unused in this module, since neither main nor the derived Show instance for Foo mention bar. However, the behavior of main is affected by the presence of bar, since it will print different output depending on whether MkFoo is defined using record selectors or not. Therefore, we do not to issue a “Defined but not used: ‘bar’” warning for this module, since removing bar changes the program’s behavior. This is the reason behind the [Name] part of the return type of hasStockDeriving—it tracks all of the record selector `Name`s for which -Wunused-binds should be suppressed.

Currently, the only three stock derived classes that require this are Read, Show, and Generic, as their derived code all depend on the record selectors of the derived data type’s constructors.

See also Note [Newtype deriving and unused constructors] in TcDeriv for another example of a similar trick.

Note [Deriving any class]

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Classic uses of a deriving clause, or a standalone-deriving declaration, are for:

  • a stock class like Eq or Show, for which GHC knows how to generate the instance code
  • a newtype, via the mechanism enabled by GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving

The DeriveAnyClass extension adds a third way to derive instances, based on empty instance declarations.

The canonical use case is in combination with GHC.Generics and default method signatures. These allow us to have instance declarations being empty, but still useful, e.g.

data T a = ...blah..blah... deriving( Generic )
instance C a => C (T a)  -- No 'where' clause

where C is some “random” user-defined class.

This boilerplate code can be replaced by the more compact

data T a = ...blah..blah... deriving( Generic, C )

if DeriveAnyClass is enabled.

This is not restricted to Generics; any class can be derived, simply giving rise to an empty instance.

Unfortunately, it is not clear how to determine the context (when using a deriving clause; in standalone deriving, the user provides the context). GHC uses the same heuristic for figuring out the class context that it uses for Eq in the case of *-kinded classes, and for Functor in the case of * -> *-kinded classes. That may not be optimal or even wrong. But in such cases, standalone deriving can still be used.

Note [Check that the type variable is truly universal]

[note link]

For Functor and Traversable instances, we must check that the last argument of the type constructor is used truly universally quantified. Example

data T a b where
  T1 :: a -> b -> T a b      -- Fine! Vanilla H-98
  T2 :: b -> c -> T a b      -- Fine! Existential c, but we can still map over 'b'
  T3 :: b -> T Int b         -- Fine! Constraint 'a', but 'b' is still polymorphic
  T4 :: Ord b => b -> T a b  -- No!  'b' is constrained
  T5 :: b -> T b b           -- No!  'b' is constrained
  T6 :: T a (b,b)            -- No!  'b' is constrained

Notice that only the first of these constructors is vanilla H-98. We only need to take care about the last argument (b in this case). See #8678. Eg. for T1-T3 we can write

fmap f (T1 a b) = T1 a (f b)
fmap f (T2 b c) = T2 (f b) c
fmap f (T3 x)   = T3 (f x)

We need not perform these checks for Foldable instances, however, since functions in Foldable can only consume existentially quantified type variables, rather than produce them (as is the case in Functor and Traversable functions.) As a result, T can have a derived Foldable instance:

foldr f z (T1 a b) = f b z
foldr f z (T2 b c) = f b z
foldr f z (T3 x)   = f x z
foldr f z (T4 x)   = f x z
foldr f z (T5 x)   = f x z
foldr _ z T6       = z

See Note [DeriveFoldable with ExistentialQuantification] in TcGenFunctor.

For Functor and Traversable, we must take care not to let type synonyms unfairly reject a type for not being truly universally quantified. An example of this is:

type C (a :: Constraint) b = a
data T a b = C (Show a) b => MkT b

Here, the existential context (C (Show a) b) does technically mention the last type variable b. But this is OK, because expanding the type synonym C would give us the context (Show a), which doesn’t mention b. Therefore, we must make sure to expand type synonyms before performing this check. Not doing so led to #13813.