

Note [Wrap bindings returned by specImports]

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‘specImports’ returns a set of specialized bindings. However, these are lacking necessary floated dictionary bindings, which are returned by UsageDetails(ud_binds). These dictionaries need to be brought into scope with ‘wrapDictBinds’ before the bindings returned by ‘specImports’ can be used. See, for instance, the ‘specImports’ call in ‘specProgram’.

Note [Disabling cross-module specialisation]

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Since GHC 7.10 we have performed specialisation of INLINABLE bindings living in modules outside of the current module. This can sometimes uncover user code which explodes in size when aggressively optimized. The -fno-cross-module-specialise option was introduced to allow users to being bitten by such instances to revert to the pre-7.10 behavior.

See #10491

Note [Warning about missed specialisations]

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  • In module Lib, you carefully mark a function ‘foo’ INLINABLE
  • Import Lib(foo) into another module M
  • Call ‘foo’ at some specialised type in M

Then you jolly well expect it to be specialised in M. But what if ‘foo’ calls another function ‘Lib.bar’. Then you’d like ‘bar’ to be specialised too. But if ‘bar’ is not marked INLINABLE it may well not be specialised. The warning Opt_WarnMissedSpecs warns about this.

It’s more noisy to warning about a missed specialisation opportunity for /every/ overloaded imported function, but sometimes useful. That is what Opt_WarnAllMissedSpecs does.

ToDo: warn about missed opportunities for local functions.

Note [Specialise imported INLINABLE things]

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What imported functions do we specialise? The basic set is
  • DFuns and things with INLINABLE pragmas.
but with -fspecialise-aggressively we add
  • Anything with an unfolding template

#8874 has a good example of why we want to auto-specialise DFuns.

We have the -fspecialise-aggressively flag (usually off), because we risk lots of orphan modules from over-vigorous specialisation. However it’s not a big deal: anything non-recursive with an unfolding-template will probably have been inlined already.

Note [Glom the bindings if imported functions are specialised]

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Suppose we have an imported, recursive, INLINABLE function
f :: Eq a => a -> a f = /a d x. …(f a d)…
In the module being compiled we have
g x = f (x::Int)
Now we’ll make a specialised function
f_spec :: Int -> Int f_spec = x -> …(f Int dInt)… {-# RULE f Int _ = f_spec #-} g = x. f Int dInt x

Note that f_spec doesn’t look recursive After rewriting with the RULE, we get

f_spec = x -> …(f_spec)…

BUT since f_spec was non-recursive before it’ll stay non-recursive. The occurrence analyser never turns a NonRec into a Rec. So we must make sure that f_spec is recursive. Easiest thing is to make all the specialisations for imported bindings recursive.

Note [Avoiding recursive specialisation]

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When we specialise ‘f’ we may find new overloaded calls to ‘g’, ‘h’ in ‘f’s RHS. So we want to specialise g,h. But we don’t want to specialise f any more! It’s possible that f’s RHS might have a recursive yet-more-specialised call, so we’d diverge in that case. And if the call is to the same type, one specialisation is enough. Avoiding this recursive specialisation loop is the reason for the ‘done’ VarSet passed to specImports and specImport.

Note [Floating dictionaries out of cases]

[note link]

g = d. case d of { MkD sc … -> …(f sc)… }

Naively we can’t float d2’s binding out of the case expression, because ‘sc’ is bound by the case, and that in turn means we can’t specialise f, which seems a pity.

So we invert the case, by floating out a binding for ‘sc_flt’ thus:

sc_flt = case d of { MkD sc … -> sc }

Now we can float the call instance for ‘f’. Indeed this is just what’ll happen if ‘sc’ was originally bound with a let binding, but case is more efficient, and necessary with equalities. So it’s good to work with both.

You might think that this won’t make any difference, because the call instance will only get nuked by the d. BUT if ‘g’ itself is specialised, then transitively we should be able to specialise f.

In general, given
case e of cb { MkD sc … -> …(f sc)… }
we transform to
let cb_flt = e
sc_flt = case cb_flt of { MkD sc … -> sc }

in case cb_flt of bg { MkD sc … -> ….(f sc_flt)… }

The “_flt” things are the floated binds; we use the current substitution to substitute sc -> sc_flt in the RHS

Note [Account for casts in binding]

[note link]


f :: Eq a => a -> IO () {-# INLINABLE f

StableUnf = (/a (d:Eq a) (x:a). blah) |> g


f = …

In f’s stable unfolding we have done some modest simplification which has pushed the cast to the outside. (I wonder if this is the Right Thing, but it’s what happens now; see SimplUtils Note [Casts and lambdas].) Now that stable unfolding must be specialised, so we want to push the cast back inside. It would be terrible if the cast defeated specialisation! Hence the use of collectBindersPushingCo.

Note [Evidence foralls]

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Suppose (#12212) that we are specialising
f :: forall a b. (Num a, F a ~ F b) => blah
with a=b=Int. Then the RULE will be something like
RULE forall (d:Num Int) (g :: F Int ~ F Int).
f Int Int d g = f_spec

But both varToCoreExpr (when constructing the LHS args), and the simplifier (when simplifying the LHS args), will transform to

RULE forall (d:Num Int) (g :: F Int ~ F Int).
f Int Int d <F Int> = f_spec

by replacing g with Refl. So now ‘g’ is unbound, which results in a later crash. So we use Refl right off the bat, and do not forall-quantify ‘g’:

  • varToCoreExpr generates a Refl
  • exprsFreeIdsList returns the Ids bound by the args, which won’t include g

You might wonder if this will match as often, but the simplifier replaces complicated Refl coercions with Refl pretty aggressively.

Note [Orphans and auto-generated rules]

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When we specialise an INLINABLE function, or when we have -fspecialise-aggressively, we auto-generate RULES that are orphans. We don’t want to warn about these, or we’d generate a lot of warnings. Thus, we only warn about user-specified orphan rules.

Indeed, we don’t even treat the module as an orphan module if it has auto-generated rule orphans. Orphan modules are read every time we compile, so they are pretty obtrusive and slow down every compilation, even non-optimised ones. (Reason: for type class instances it’s a type correctness issue.) But specialisation rules are strictly for optimisation only so it’s fine not to read the interface.

What this means is that a SPEC rules from auto-specialisation in module M will be used in other modules only if M.hi has been read for some other reason, which is actually pretty likely.

Note [Make the new dictionaries interesting]

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Important! We’re going to substitute dx_id1 for d and we want it to look “interesting”, else we won’t gather any consequential calls. E.g.

f d = …g d….

If we specialise f for a call (f (dfun dNumInt)), we’ll get a consequent call (g d’) with an auxiliary definition

d’ = df dNumInt

We want that consequent call to look interesting

Note [From non-recursive to recursive]

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Even in the non-recursive case, if any dict-binds depend on ‘fn’ we might have built a recursive knot

f a d x = <blah>
MkUD { ud_binds = NonRec d7  (MkD ..f..)
     , ud_calls = ...(f T d7)... }

The we generate

Rec { fs x = <blah>[T/a, d7/d]
      f a d x = <blah>
          RULE f T _ = fs
      d7 = ...f... }

Here the recursion is only through the RULE.

However we definitely should /not/ make the Rec in this wildly common case:

d = … MkUD { ud_binds = NonRec d7 (…d…)

, ud_calls = …(f T d7)… }
Here we want simply to add d to the floats, giving
MkUD { ud_binds = NonRec d (…)
NonRec d7 (…d…)

, ud_calls = …(f T d7)… }

In general, we need only make this Rec if
  • there are some specialisations (spec_binds non-empty)
  • there are some dict_binds that depend on f (dump_dbs non-empty)

Note [Avoiding loops]

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When specialising /dictionary functions/ we must be very careful to avoid building loops. Here is an example that bit us badly: #3591

class Eq a => C a
instance Eq [a] => C [a]
This translates to
dfun :: Eq [a] -> C [a] dfun a d = MkD a d (meth d)
d4 :: Eq [T] = <blah>
d2 ::  C [T] = dfun T d4
d1 :: Eq [T] = $p1 d2
d3 ::  C [T] = dfun T d1

None of these definitions is recursive. What happened was that we generated a specialisation:

RULE forall d. dfun T d = dT  :: C [T]
dT = (MkD a d (meth d)) [T/a, d1/d]
   = MkD T d1 (meth d1)

But now we use the RULE on the RHS of d2, to get

d2 = dT = MkD d1 (meth d1)
d1 = $p1 d2

and now d1 is bottom! The problem is that when specialising ‘dfun’ we should first dump “below” the binding all floated dictionary bindings that mention ‘dfun’ itself. So d2 and d3 (and hence d1) must be placed below ‘dfun’, and thus unavailable to it when specialising ‘dfun’. That in turn means that the call (dfun T d1) must be discarded. On the other hand, the call (dfun T d4) is fine, assuming d4 doesn’t mention dfun.

Discard all calls that mention dictionaries that depend (directly or indirectly) on the dfun we are specialising. This is done by ‘filterCalls’
class Monoid v => C v a where …
We start with a call
f @ [Integer] @ Integer $fC[]Integer
Specialising call to ‘f’ gives dict bindings
$dMonoid_1 :: Monoid [Integer] $dMonoid_1 = M.$p1C @ [Integer] $fC[]Integer
$dC_1 :: C [Integer] (Node [Integer] Integer)
$dC_1 = M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_1
…plus a recursive call to
f @ [Integer] @ (Node [Integer] Integer) $dC_1
Specialising that call gives
$dMonoid_2 :: Monoid [Integer] $dMonoid_2 = M.$p1C @ [Integer] $dC_1
$dC_2 :: C [Integer] (Node [Integer] Integer)
$dC_2 = M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_2
Now we have two calls to the imported function
M.$fCvNode :: Monoid v => C v a M.$fCvNode @v @a m = C m some_fun

But we must /not/ use the call (M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_2) for specialisation, else we get:

$dC_1 = M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_1
$dMonoid_2 = M.$p1C @ [Integer] $dC_1
$s$fCvNode = C $dMonoid_2 ...
  RULE M.$fCvNode [Integer] _ _ = $s$fCvNode

Now use the rule to rewrite the call in the RHS of $dC_1 and we get a loop!

class C a where { foo,bar :: [a] -> [a] }
instance C Int where
   foo x = r_bar x
   bar xs = reverse xs
r_bar :: C a => [a] -> [a]
r_bar xs = bar (xs ++ xs)

That translates to:

r_bar a (c::C a) (xs::[a]) = bar a d (xs ++ xs)
Rec { $fCInt :: C Int = MkC foo_help reverse
      foo_help (xs::[Int]) = r_bar Int $fCInt xs }
The call (r_bar $fCInt) mentions $fCInt,
which mentions foo_help, which mentions r_bar

But we DO want to specialise r_bar at Int:

Rec { $fCInt :: C Int = MkC foo_help reverse
      foo_help (xs::[Int]) = r_bar Int $fCInt xs
r_bar a (c::C a) (xs::[a]) = bar a d (xs ++ xs)
  RULE r_bar Int _ = r_bar_Int
r_bar_Int xs = bar Int $fCInt (xs ++ xs)

Note that, because of its RULE, r_bar joins the recursive group. (In this case it’ll unravel a short moment later.)

Note [Specialising a recursive group]

[note link]

let rec { f x = …g x’…
; g y = …f y’…. }

in f ‘a’

Here we specialise ‘f’ at Char; but that is very likely to lead to a specialisation of ‘g’ at Char. We must do the latter, else the whole point of specialisation is lost.

But we do not want to keep iterating to a fixpoint, because in the presence of polymorphic recursion we might generate an infinite number of specialisations.

So we use the following heuristic:
  • Arrange the rec block in dependency order, so far as possible (the occurrence analyser already does this)
  • Specialise it much like a sequence of lets
  • Then go through the block a second time, feeding call-info from the RHSs back in the bottom, as it were

In effect, the ordering maxmimises the effectiveness of each sweep, and we do just two sweeps. This should catch almost every case of monomorphic recursion – the exception could be a very knotted-up recursion with multiple cycles tied up together.

This plan is implemented in the Rec case of specBindItself.

Note [Specialisations already covered]

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We obviously don’t want to generate two specialisations for the same argument pattern. There are two wrinkles

1. We do the already-covered test in specDefn, not when we generate the CallInfo in mkCallUDs. We used to test in the latter place, but we now iterate the specialiser somewhat, and the Id at the call site might therefore not have all the RULES that we can see in specDefn

2. What about two specialisations where the second is an instance of the first? If the more specific one shows up first, we’ll generate specialisations for both. If the less specific one shows up first, we don’t currently generate a specialisation for the more specific one. (See the call to lookupRule in already_covered.) Reasons:

  1. lookupRule doesn’t say which matches are exact (bad reason)
  2. if the earlier specialisation is user-provided, it’s far from clear that we should auto-specialise further

Note [Auto-specialisation and RULES]

[note link]

g :: Num a => a -> a g = …
f :: (Int -> Int) -> Int
f w = ...
{-# RULE f g = 0 #-}

Suppose that auto-specialisation makes a specialised version of g::Int->Int That version won’t appear in the LHS of the RULE for f. So if the specialisation rule fires too early, the rule for f may never fire.

It might be possible to add new rules, to “complete” the rewrite system. Thus when adding

RULE forall d. g Int d = g_spec
also add
RULE f g_spec = 0

But that’s a bit complicated. For now we ask the programmer’s help, by copying the INLINE activation pragma to the auto-specialised rule. So if g says {-# NOINLINE[2] g #-}, then the auto-spec rule will also not be active until phase 2. And that’s what programmers should jolly well do anyway, even aside from specialisation, to ensure that g doesn’t inline too early.

This in turn means that the RULE would never fire for a NOINLINE thing so not much point in generating a specialisation at all.

Note [Specialisation shape]

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We only specialise a function if it has visible top-level lambdas corresponding to its overloading. E.g. if

f :: forall a. Eq a => ….
then its body must look like
f = /a. d. …

Reason: when specialising the body for a call (f ty dexp), we want to substitute dexp for d, and pick up specialised calls in the body of f.

This doesn’t always work. One example I came across was this:
newtype Gen a = MkGen{ unGen :: Int -> a }
choose :: Eq a => a -> Gen a
choose n = MkGen (\r -> n)
oneof = choose (1::Int)
It’s a silly example, but we get
choose = /a. g cast co

where choose doesn’t have any dict arguments. Thus far I have not tried to fix this (wait till there’s a real example).

Mind you, then ‘choose’ will be inlined (since RHS is trivial) so it doesn’t matter. This comes up with single-method classes

class C a where { op :: a -> a } instance C a => C [a] where ….
$fCList :: C a => C [a] $fCList = $copList |> (…coercion>…) ….(uses of $fCList at particular types)…

So we suppress the WARN if the rhs is trivial.

Note [Inline specialisations]

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Here is what we do with the InlinePragma of the original function
  • Activation/RuleMatchInfo: both transferred to the
    specialised function
  • InlineSpec:
    1. An INLINE pragma is transferred
    2. An INLINABLE pragma is not transferred

Why (a): transfer INLINE pragmas? The point of INLINE was precisely to specialise the function at its call site, and arguably that’s not so important for the specialised copies. BUT pragma-directed specialisation now takes place in the typechecker/desugarer, with manually specified INLINEs. The specialisation here is automatic. It’d be very odd if a function marked INLINE was specialised (because of some local use), and then forever after (including importing modules) the specialised version wasn’t INLINEd. After all, the programmer said INLINE!

You might wonder why we specialise INLINE functions at all. After all they should be inlined, right? Two reasons:

  • Even INLINE functions are sometimes not inlined, when they aren’t applied to interesting arguments. But perhaps the type arguments alone are enough to specialise (even though the args are too boring to trigger inlining), and it’s certainly better to call the specialised version.

  • The RHS of an INLINE function might call another overloaded function, and we’d like to generate a specialised version of that function too. This actually happens a lot. Consider

    replicateM_ :: (Monad m) => Int -> m a -> m () {-# INLINABLE replicateM_ #-} replicateM_ d x ma = …

    The strictness analyser may transform to

    replicateM_ :: (Monad m) => Int -> m a -> m () {-# INLINE replicateM_ #-} replicateM_ d x ma = case x of I# x’ -> $wreplicateM_ d x’ ma

    $wreplicateM_ :: (Monad m) => Int# -> m a -> m () {-# INLINABLE $wreplicateM_ #-} $wreplicateM_ = …

    Now an importing module has a specialised call to replicateM_, say (replicateM_ dMonadIO). We certainly want to specialise $wreplicateM_! This particular example had a huge effect on the call to replicateM_ in nofib/shootout/n-body.

Why (b): discard INLINABLE pragmas? See #4874 for persuasive examples. Suppose we have

{-# INLINABLE f #-} f :: Ord a => [a] -> Int f xs = letrec f’ = …f’… in f’
Then, when f is specialised and optimised we might get
wgo :: [Int] -> Int# wgo = …wgo… f_spec :: [Int] -> Int f_spec xs = case wgo xs of { r -> I# r }

and we clearly want to inline f_spec at call sites. But if we still have the big, un-optimised of f (albeit specialised) captured in an INLINABLE pragma for f_spec, we won’t get that optimisation.

So we simply drop INLINABLE pragmas when specialising. It’s not really a complete solution; ignoring specialisation for now, INLINABLE functions don’t get properly strictness analysed, for example. But it works well for examples involving specialisation, which is the dominant use of INLINABLE. See #4874.

Note [Floated dictionary bindings]

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We float out dictionary bindings for the reasons described under “Dictionary floating” above. But not /just/ dictionary bindings. Consider

f :: Eq a => blah
f a d = rhs
$c== :: T -> T -> Bool
$c== x y = ...
$df :: Eq T
$df = Eq $c== ...
gurgle = ...(f @T $df)...

We gather the call info for (f @T $df), and we don’t want to drop it when we come across the binding for $df. So we add $df to the floats and continue. But then we have to add $c== to the floats, and so on. These all float above the binding for ‘f’, and and now we can successfully specialise ‘f’.

So the DictBinds in (ud_binds :: Bag DictBind) may contain non-dictionary bindings too.

Note [Type determines value]

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Only specialise if all overloading is on non-IP class params, because these are the ones whose type determines their value. In parrticular, with implicit params, the type args don’t say what the value of the implicit param is! See #7101

However, consider
type family D (v::->) :: Constraint type instance D [] = () f :: D v => v Char -> Int
If we see a call (f “foo”), we’ll pass a “dictionary”
() |> (g :: () ~ D [])

and it’s good to specialise f at this dictionary.

So the question is: can an implicit parameter “hide inside” a type-family constraint like (D a). Well, no. We don’t allow

type instance D Maybe = ?x:Int

Hence the IrredPred case in type_determines_value. See #7785.

Note [Interesting dictionary arguments]

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Consider this
a.d:Eq a. let f = … in …(f d)…

There really is not much point in specialising f wrt the dictionary d, because the code for the specialised f is not improved at all, because d is lambda-bound. We simply get junk specialisations.

What is “interesting”? Just that it has some structure. But what about variables?

  • A variable might be imported, in which case its unfolding will tell us whether it has useful structure
  • Local variables are cloned on the way down (to avoid clashes when we float dictionaries), and cloning drops the unfolding (cloneIdBndr). Moreover, we make up some new bindings, and it’s a nuisance to give them unfoldings. So we keep track of the “interesting” dictionaries as a VarSet in SpecEnv. We have to take care to put any new interesting dictionary bindings in the set.

We accidentally lost accurate tracking of local variables for a long time, because cloned variables don’t have unfoldings. But makes a massive difference in a few cases, eg #5113. For nofib as a whole it’s only a small win: 2.2% improvement in allocation for ansi, 1.2% for bspt, but mostly 0.0! Average 0.1% increase in binary size.