

Note [All alternatives are the binder]

[note link]

When all alternatives simply refer to the case binder, then we do not have to bother with the case expression at all (#13588). CoreSTG does this as well, but sometimes, types get into the way:

newtype T = MkT Int
f :: (Int, Int) -> (T, Int)
f (x, y) = (MkT x, y)

Core cannot just turn this into

f p = p

as this would not be well-typed. But to STG, where MkT is no longer in the way, we can.

Note [Trivial case scrutinee]

[note link]

We want to be able to handle nested reconstruction of constructors as in

nested :: Either Int (Either Int a) -> Either Bool (Either Bool a)
nested (Right (Right v)) = Right (Right v)
nested _ = Left True

So if we come across

case x of r1
Right a -> case a of r2
Right b -> let v = Right b
in Right v

we first replace v with r2. Next we want to replace Right r2 with r1. But the ce_conAppMap contains Right a!

Therefore, we add r1 ↦ x to ce_bndrMap when analysing the outer case, and use this substitution before looking Right r2 up in ce_conAppMap, and everything works out.

Note [Free variables of an StgClosure]

[note link]

StgClosures (function and thunks) have an explicit list of free variables:

foo [x] =
let not_a_free_var = Left [x] let a_free_var = Right [x] let closure = [x a_free_var] -> [y] -> bar y (Left [x]) a_free_var in closure

If we were to CSE Left [x] in the body of closure with not_a_free_var, then the list of free variables would be wrong, so for now, we do not CSE across such a closure, simply because I (Joachim) was not sure about possible knock-on effects. If deemed safe and worth the slight code complication of re-calculating this list during or after this pass, this can surely be done.