

Note [Which transformations are innocuous]

[note link]

At one point (Jun 18) I wondered if some transformations (ticks) might be “innocuous”, in the sense that they do not unlock a later transformation that does not occur in the same pass. If so, we could refrain from bumping the overall tick-count for such innocuous transformations, and perhaps terminate the simplifier one pass earlier.

BUt alas I found that virtually nothing was innocuous! This Note just records what I learned, in case anyone wants to try again.

These transformations are not innocuous:

*** NB: I think these ones could be made innocuous
EtaExpansion LetFloatFromLet
x = K (let z = e2 in Just z)
prepareRhs transforms to
x2 = let z=e2 in Just z x = K xs

And now more let-floating can happen in the next pass, on x2

Example in spectral/cichelli/Auxil
hinsert = …let lo = e in

let j = …lo… in case x of

False -> () True -> case lo of I# lo’ ->


When we PreInlineUnconditionally j, lo’s occ-info changes to once, so it can be PreInlineUnconditionally in the next pass, and a cascade of further things can happen.


let x = e in let y = …x.. in case .. of { A -> …x…y…

B -> …x…y… }

Current postinlineUnconditinaly will inline y, and then x; sigh.

But PostInlineUnconditionally might also unlock subsequent
transformations for the same reason as PreInlineUnconditionally,
so it's probably not innocuous anyway.
KnownBranch, BetaReduction:
May drop chunks of code, and thereby enable PreInlineUnconditionally for some let-binding which now occurs once
Example in imaginary/digits-of-e1
fail = void. e where e :: IO ()
–> etaExpandRhs
fail = void. (s. (e |> g) s) |> sym g where g :: IO () ~ S -> (S,())
–> Next iteration of simplify
fail1 = void. s. (e |> g) s fail = fail1 |> Void#->sym g

And now inline ‘fail’

case x of y {
DEFAULT -> case y of z { pi -> ei } alts2 }
—> CaseMerge
case x of { pi -> let z = y in ei
; alts2 }

The “let z=y” case-binder-swap gets dealt with in the next pass

Note [Annotations]

[note link]

A Core-to-Core pass that wants to make use of annotations calls getAnnotations or getFirstAnnotations at the beginning to obtain a UniqFM with annotations of a specific type. This produces all annotations from interface files read so far. However, annotations from interface files read during the pass will not be visible until getAnnotations is called again. This is similar to how rules work and probably isn’t too bad.

The current implementation could be optimised a bit: when looking up annotations for a thing from the HomePackageTable, we could search directly in the module where the thing is defined rather than building one UniqFM which contains all annotations we know of. This would work because annotations can only be given to things defined in the same module. However, since we would only want to deserialise every annotation once, we would have to build a cache for every module in the HTP. In the end, it’s probably not worth it as long as we aren’t using annotations heavily.