

Note [AbsBinds]

[note link]

The AbsBinds constructor is used in the output of the type checker, to record typechecked and generalised bindings. Specifically

AbsBinds { abs_tvs      = tvs
         , abs_ev_vars  = [d1,d2]
         , abs_exports  = [ABE { abe_poly = fp, abe_mono = fm
                               , abe_wrap = fwrap }
                           ABE { slly for g } ]
         , abs_ev_binds = DBINDS
         , abs_binds    = BIND[fm,gm] }

where ‘BIND’ binds the monomorphic Ids ‘fm’ and ‘gm’, means

fp = fwrap [/\ tvs. \d1 d2. letrec { DBINDS        ]
           [                       ; BIND[fm,gm] } ]
           [                 in fm                 ]
gp = ...same again, with gm instead of fm

The ‘fwrap’ is an impedence-matcher that typically does nothing; see Note [ABExport wrapper].

This is a pretty bad translation, because it duplicates all the bindings. So the desugarer tries to do a better job:

fp = /[a,b] -> [d1,d2] -> case tp [a,b] [d1,d2] of
(fm,gm) -> fm

..ditto for gp..

tp = /\ [a,b] -> \ [d1,d2] -> letrec { DBINDS; BIND }
                              in (fm,gm)

In general:

  • abs_tvs are the type variables over which the binding group is generalised
  • abs_ev_var are the evidence variables (usually dictionaries) over which the binding group is generalised
  • abs_binds are the monomorphic bindings
  • abs_ex_binds are the evidence bindings that wrap the abs_binds
  • abs_exports connects the monomorphic Ids bound by abs_binds with the polymorphic Ids bound by the AbsBinds itself.

For example, consider a module M, with this top-level binding, where there is no type signature for M.reverse,

M.reverse [] = [] M.reverse (x:xs) = M.reverse xs ++ [x]

In Hindley-Milner, a recursive binding is typechecked with the recursive uses being monomorphic. So after typechecking and desugaring we will get something like this

M.reverse :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
= /a. letrec
reverse :: [a] -> [a] = xs -> case xs of
[] -> [] (x:xs) -> reverse xs ++ [x]

in reverse

Notice that ‘M.reverse’ is polymorphic as expected, but there is a local definition for plain ‘reverse’ which is monomorphic. The type variable ‘a’ scopes over the entire letrec.

That’s after desugaring. What about after type checking but before desugaring? That’s where AbsBinds comes in. It looks like this:

AbsBinds { abs_tvs     = [a]
         , abs_ev_vars = []
         , abs_exports = [ABE { abe_poly = M.reverse :: forall a. [a] -> [a],
                              , abe_mono = reverse :: [a] -> [a]}]
         , abs_ev_binds = {}
         , abs_binds = { reverse :: [a] -> [a]
                            = \xs -> case xs of
                                         []     -> []
                                         (x:xs) -> reverse xs ++ [x] } }


  • abs_tvs says what type variables are abstracted over the binding group, just ‘a’ in this case.
  • abs_binds is the monomorphic bindings of the group
  • abs_exports describes how to get the polymorphic Id ‘M.reverse’ from the monomorphic one ‘reverse’

Notice that the original function (the polymorphic one you thought you were defining) appears in the abe_poly field of the abs_exports. The bindings in abs_binds are for fresh, local, Ids with a monomorphic Id.

If there is a group of mutually recursive (see Note [Polymorphic recursion]) functions without type signatures, we get one AbsBinds with the monomorphic versions of the bindings in abs_binds, and one element of abe_exports for each variable bound in the mutually recursive group. This is true even for pattern bindings. Example:

(f,g) = (x -> x, f)
After type checking we get
AbsBinds { abs_tvs = [a]
, abs_exports = [ ABE { abe_poly = M.f :: forall a. a -> a
, abe_mono = f :: a -> a }
, ABE { abe_poly = M.g :: forall a. a -> a
, abe_mono = g :: a -> a }]

, abs_binds = { (f,g) = (x -> x, f) }

Note [Polymorphic recursion]

[note link]

Rec { f x = …(g ef)…
; g :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
; g y = ...(f eg)...  }

These bindings /are/ mutually recursive (f calls g, and g calls f). But we can use the type signature for g to break the recursion, like this:

1. Add g :: forall a. [a] -> [a] to the type environment
2. Typecheck the definition of f, all by itself,
   including generalising it to find its most general
   type, say f :: forall b. b -> b -> [b]
3. Extend the type environment with that type for f
4. Typecheck the definition of g, all by itself,
   checking that it has the type claimed by its signature

Steps 2 and 4 each generate a separate AbsBinds, so we end up with

Rec { AbsBinds { …for f … }
; AbsBinds { …for g … } }

This approach allows both f and to call each other polymorphically, even though only g has a signature.

We get an AbsBinds that encompasses multiple source-program bindings only when

  • Each binding in the group has at least one binder that lacks a user type signature
  • The group forms a strongly connected component

Note [The abs_sig field of AbsBinds]

[note link]

The abs_sig field supports a couple of special cases for bindings. Consider

x :: Num a => (# a, a #)
x = (# 3, 4 #)

The general desugaring for AbsBinds would give

x = /a. ($dNum :: Num a) ->
letrec xm = (# fromInteger $dNum 3, fromInteger $dNum 4 #) in xm

But that has an illegal let-binding for an unboxed tuple. In this case we’d prefer to generate the (more direct)

x = /\ a. \ ($dNum :: Num a) ->
   (# fromInteger $dNum 3, fromInteger $dNum 4 #)

A similar thing happens with representation-polymorphic defns (#11405):

undef :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE r). HasCallStack => a
undef = error "undef"

Again, the vanilla desugaring gives a local let-binding for a representation-polymorphic (undefm :: a), which is illegal. But again we can desugar without a let:

undef = /\ a. \ (d:HasCallStack) -> error a d "undef"

The abs_sig field supports this direct desugaring, with no local let-bining. When abs_sig = True

  • the abs_binds is single FunBind
  • the abs_exports is a singleton
  • we have a complete type sig for binder and hence the abs_binds is non-recursive (it binds the mono_id but refers to the poly_id

These properties are exploited in DsBinds.dsAbsBinds to generate code without a let-binding.

Note [ABExport wrapper]

[note link]

(f,g) = (x.x, y.y)
This ultimately desugars to something like this:

tup :: forall a b. (a->a, b->b) tup = /a b. (x:a.x, y:b.y) f :: forall a. a -> a f = /a. case tup a Any of

(fm::a->a,gm:Any->Any) -> fm

…similarly for g…

The abe_wrap field deals with impedance-matching between
(/a b. case tup a b of { (f,g) -> f })

and the thing we really want, which may have fewer type variables. The action happens in TcBinds.mkExport.

Note [Bind free vars]

[note link]

The bind_fvs field of FunBind and PatBind records the free variables of the definition. It is used for the following purposes

  1. Dependency analysis prior to type checking
    (see TcBinds.tc_group)
  2. Deciding whether we can do generalisation of the binding
    (see TcBinds.decideGeneralisationPlan)
  3. Deciding whether the binding can be used in static forms
    (see TcExpr.checkClosedInStaticForm for the HsStatic case and


  • bind_fvs includes all free vars that are defined in this module (including top-level things and lexically scoped type variables)
  • bind_fvs excludes imported vars; this is just to keep the set smaller
  • Before renaming, and after typechecking, the field is unused; it’s just an error thunk