

Note [Flattening one-tuples]

[note link]

This family of functions creates a tuple of variables/expressions/types.
mkCoreTup [e1,e2,e3] = (e1,e2,e3)

What if there is just one variable/expression/type in the argument? We could do one of two things:

  • Flatten it out, so that

    mkCoreTup [e1] = e1

  • Build a one-tuple (see Note [One-tuples] in TysWiredIn)

    mkCoreTup1 [e1] = Unit e1

    We use a suffix “1” to indicate this.

Usually we want the former, but occasionally the latter.


[note link]

Absent argument error for unused unboxed sum fields are different than absent error used in dummy worker functions (see mkAbsentErrorApp):

  • absentSumFieldError can’t take arguments because it’s used in unarise for unused pointer fields in unboxed sums, and applying an argument would require allocating a thunk.
  • absentSumFieldError can’t be CAFFY because that would mean making some non-CAFFY definitions that use unboxed sums CAFFY in unarise.
To make `absentSumFieldError` non-CAFFY we get a stable pointer to it in
RtsStartup.c and mark it as non-CAFFY here.

Getting this wrong causes hard-to-debug runtime issues, see #15038.

TODO: Remove stable pointer hack after fixing #9718.
However, we should still be careful about not making things CAFFY just because they use unboxed sums. Unboxed objects are supposed to be efficient, and none of the other unboxed literals make things CAFFY.

Note [Error and friends have an “open-tyvar” forall]

[note link]

‘error’ and ‘undefined’ have types
error :: forall (v :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE v). String -> a undefined :: forall (v :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE v). a

Notice the runtime-representation polymorphism. This ensures that “error” can be instantiated at unboxed as well as boxed types. This is OK because it never returns, so the return type is irrelevant.


[note link]

We use aBSENT_ERROR_ID to build dummy values in workers. E.g.

f x = (case x of (a,b) -> b) + 1::Int

The demand analyser figures ot that only the second component of x is used, and does a w/w split thus

f x = case x of (a,b) -> $wf b
$wf b = let a = absentError "blah"
            x = (a,b)
        in <the original RHS of f>

After some simplification, the (absentError “blah”) thunk goes away.

—— Tricky wrinkle ——- #14285 had, roughly

data T a = MkT a !a
{-# INLINABLE f #-}
f x = case x of MkT a b -> g (MkT b a)

It turned out that g didn’t use the second component, and hence f doesn’t use the first. But the stable-unfolding for f looks like

x. case x of MkT a b -> g ($WMkT b a)

where $WMkT is the wrapper for MkT that evaluates its arguments. We apply the same w/w split to this unfolding (see Note [Worker-wrapper for INLINEABLE functions] in WorkWrap) so the template ends up like

b. let a = absentError “blah”
x = MkT a b

in case x of MkT a b -> g ($WMkT b a)

After doing case-of-known-constructor, and expanding $WMkT we get
b -> g (case absentError “blah” of a -> MkT b a)

Yikes! That bogusly appears to evaluate the absentError!

This is extremely tiresome. Another way to think of this is that, in Core, it is an invariant that a strict data contructor, like MkT, must be applied only to an argument in HNF. So (absentError “blah”) had better be non-bottom.

So the “solution” is to add a special case for absentError to exprIsHNFlike. This allows Simplify.rebuildCase, in the Note [Case to let transformation] branch, to convert the case on absentError into a let. We also make absentError not be diverging, unlike the other error-ids, so that we can be sure not to remove the case branches before converting the case to a let.

If, by some bug or bizarre happenstance, we ever call absentError, we should throw an exception. This should never happen, of course, but we definitely can’t return anything. e.g. if somehow we had

case absentError “foo” of
Nothing -> … Just x -> …

then if we return, the case expression will select a field and continue. Seg fault city. Better to throw an exception. (Even though we’ve said it is in HNF :-)

It might seem a bit surprising that seq on absentError is simply erased

absentError "foo" `seq` x ==> x

but that should be okay; since there’s no pattern match we can’t really be relying on anything from it.