

Note [Foreign calls]

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A CmmUnsafeForeignCall is used for unsafe foreign calls; a CmmForeignCall call is used for safe foreign calls.

Unsafe ones are mostly easy: think of them as a “fat machine instruction”. In particular, they do not kill all live registers, just the registers they return to (there was a bit of code in GHC that conservatively assumed otherwise.) However, see [Register parameter passing].

Safe ones are trickier. A safe foreign call
r = f(x)
ultimately expands to
push “return address” – Never used to return to;
– just points an info table

save registers into TSO call suspendThread r = f(x) – Make the call call resumeThread restore registers pop “return address”

We cannot “lower” a safe foreign call to this sequence of Cmms, because after we’ve saved Sp all the Cmm optimiser’s assumptions are broken.

Note that a safe foreign call needs an info table.

So Safe Foreign Calls must remain as last nodes until the stack is made manifest in CmmLayoutStack, where they are lowered into the above sequence.

Note [Unsafe foreign calls clobber caller-save registers]

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A foreign call is defined to clobber any GlobalRegs that are mapped to caller-saves machine registers (according to the prevailing C ABI). StgCmmUtils.callerSaves tells you which GlobalRegs are caller-saves.

This is a design choice that makes it easier to generate code later. We could instead choose to say that foreign calls do not clobber caller-saves regs, but then we would have to figure out which regs were live across the call later and insert some saves/restores.

Furthermore when we generate code we never have any GlobalRegs live across a call, because they are always copied-in to LocalRegs and copied-out again before making a call/jump. So all we have to do is avoid any code motion that would make a caller-saves GlobalReg live across a foreign call during subsequent optimisations.

Note [Register parameter passing]

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On certain architectures, some registers are utilized for parameter passing in the C calling convention. For example, in x86-64 Linux convention, rdi, rsi, rdx and rcx (as well as r8 and r9) may be used for argument passing. These are registers R3-R6, which our generated code may also be using; as a result, it’s necessary to save these values before doing a foreign call. This is done during initial code generation in callerSaveVolatileRegs in StgCmmUtils.hs. However, one result of doing this is that the contents of these registers may mysteriously change if referenced inside the arguments. This is dangerous, so you’ll need to disable inlining much in the same way is done in cmm/CmmOpt.hs currently. We should fix this!

Note [Safe foreign calls clobber STG registers]

[note link]

During stack layout phase every safe foreign call is expanded into a block that contains unsafe foreign call (instead of safe foreign call) and ends with a normal call (See Note [Foreign calls]). This means that we must treat safe foreign call as if it was a normal call (because eventually it will be). This is important if we try to run sinking pass before stack layout phase. Consider this example of what might go wrong (this is cmm code from stablename001 test). Here is code after common block elimination (before stack layout):


_s1pf::P64 = R1; _c1q8::I64 = performMajorGC; I64[(young<c1q9> + 8)] = c1q9; foreign call “ccall” arg hints: [] result hints: [] (_c1q8::I64)(…)

returns to c1q9 args: ([]) ress: ([])ret_args: 8ret_off: 8;
I64[(young<c1qb> + 8)] = c1qb; R1 = _s1pc::P64; call stg_makeStableName#(R1) returns to c1qb, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 8;

If we run sinking pass now (still before stack layout) we will get this:


I64[(young<c1q9> + 8)] = c1q9; foreign call “ccall” arg hints: [] result hints: [] performMajorGC(…)

returns to c1q9 args: ([]) ress: ([])ret_args: 8ret_off: 8;
I64[(young<c1qb> + 8)] = c1qb; _s1pf::P64 = R1; <—— _s1pf sunk past safe foreign call R1 = _s1pc::P64; call stg_makeStableName#(R1) returns to c1qb, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 8;

Notice that _s1pf was sunk past a foreign call. When we run stack layout safe call to performMajorGC will be turned into:


_s1pc::P64 = P64[Sp + 8]; I64[Sp - 8] = c1q9; Sp = Sp - 8; I64[I64[CurrentTSO + 24] + 16] = Sp; P64[CurrentNursery + 8] = Hp + 8; (_u1qI::I64) = call “ccall” arg hints: [PtrHint,]

result hints: [PtrHint] suspendThread(BaseReg, 0);

call “ccall” arg hints: [] result hints: [] performMajorGC(); (_u1qJ::I64) = call “ccall” arg hints: [PtrHint]

result hints: [PtrHint] resumeThread(_u1qI::I64);

BaseReg = _u1qJ::I64; _u1qK::P64 = CurrentTSO; _u1qL::P64 = I64[_u1qK::P64 + 24]; Sp = I64[_u1qL::P64 + 16]; SpLim = _u1qL::P64 + 192; HpAlloc = 0; Hp = I64[CurrentNursery + 8] - 8; HpLim = I64[CurrentNursery] + (%MO_SS_Conv_W32_W64(I32[CurrentNursery + 48]) * 4096 - 1); call (I64[Sp])() returns to c1q9, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 8;

I64[(young<c1qb> + 8)] = c1qb; _s1pf::P64 = R1; <—— INCORRECT! R1 = _s1pc::P64; call stg_makeStableName#(R1) returns to c1qb, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 8;

Notice that c1q6 now ends with a call. Sinking _s1pf::P64 = R1 past that call is clearly incorrect. This is what would happen if we assumed that safe foreign call has the same semantics as unsafe foreign call. To prevent this we need to treat safe foreign call as if was normal call.