`[source] `_ compiler/utils/Digraph.hs ========================= Note [Nodes, keys, vertices] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ * A 'node' is a big blob of client-stuff * Each 'node' has a unique (client) 'key', but the latter is in Ord and has fast comparison * Digraph then maps each 'key' to a Vertex (Int) which is arranged densely in 0.n Note [reduceNodesIntoVertices implementations] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ reduceNodesIntoVertices is parameterized by the container type. This is to accomodate key types that don't have an Ord instance and hence preclude the use of Data.Map. An example of such type would be Unique, there's no way to implement Ord Unique deterministically. For such types, there's a version with a Uniquable constraint. This leaves us with two versions of every function that depends on reduceNodesIntoVertices, one with Ord constraint and the other with Uniquable constraint. For example: graphFromEdgedVerticesOrd and graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq. The Uniq version should be a tiny bit more efficient since it uses Data.IntMap internally. Note [Deterministic SCC] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq, stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniqR, stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrd and stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrdR provide a following guarantee: Given a deterministically ordered list of nodes it returns a deterministically ordered list of strongly connected components, where the list of vertices in an SCC is also deterministically ordered. Note that the order of edges doesn't need to be deterministic for this to work. We use the order of nodes to normalize the order of edges.