`[source] `_ compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs =============================== Note [Superclass cycle check] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The superclass cycle check for C decides if we can statically guarantee that expanding C's superclass cycles transitively is guaranteed to terminate. This is a Haskell98 requirement, but one that we lift with -XUndecidableSuperClasses. The worry is that a superclass cycle could make the type checker loop. More precisely, with a constraint (Given or Wanted) C ty1 .. tyn one approach is to instantiate all of C's superclasses, transitively. We can only do so if that set is finite. This potential loop occurs only through superclasses. This, for example, is fine class C a where op :: C b => a -> b -> b even though C's full definition uses C. Making the check static also makes it conservative. Eg type family F a class F a => C a Here an instance of (F a) might mention C: type instance F [a] = C a and now we'd have a loop. The static check works like this, starting with C * Look at C's superclass predicates * If any is a type-function application, or is headed by a type variable, fail * If any has C at the head, fail * If any has a type class D at the head, make the same test with D A tricky point is: what if there is a type variable at the head? Consider this: class f (C f) => C f class c => Id c and now expand superclasses for constraint (C Id): C Id --> Id (C Id) --> C Id --> .... Each step expands superclasses one layer, and clearly does not terminate. Note [Role inference] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The role inference algorithm datatype definitions to infer the roles on the parameters. Although these roles are stored in the tycons, we can perform this algorithm on the built tycons, as long as we don't peek at an as-yet-unknown roles field! Ah, the magic of laziness. First, we choose appropriate initial roles. For families and classes, roles (including initial roles) are N. For datatypes, we start with the role in the role annotation (if any), or otherwise use Phantom. This is done in initialRoleEnv1. The function irGroup then propagates role information until it reaches a fixpoint, preferring N over (R or P) and R over P. To aid in this, we have a monad RoleM, which is a combination reader and state monad. In its state are the current RoleEnv, which gets updated by role propagation, and an update bit, which we use to know whether or not we've reached the fixpoint. The environment of RoleM contains the tycon whose parameters we are inferring, and a VarEnv from parameters to their positions, so we can update the RoleEnv. Between tycons, this reader information is missing; it is added by addRoleInferenceInfo. There are two kinds of tycons to consider: algebraic ones (excluding classes) and type synonyms. (Remember, families don't participate -- all their parameters are N.) An algebraic tycon processes each of its datacons, in turn. Note that a datacon's universally quantified parameters might be different from the parent tycon's parameters, so we use the datacon's univ parameters in the mapping from vars to positions. Note also that we don't want to infer roles for existentials (they're all at N, too), so we put them in the set of local variables. As an optimisation, we skip any tycons whose roles are already all Nominal, as there nowhere else for them to go. For synonyms, we just analyse their right-hand sides. irType walks through a type, looking for uses of a variable of interest and propagating role information. Because anything used under a phantom position is at phantom and anything used under a nominal position is at nominal, the irType function can assume that anything it sees is at representational. (The other possibilities are pruned when they're encountered.) The rest of the code is just plumbing. How do we know that this algorithm is correct? It should meet the following specification: Let Z be a role context -- a mapping from variables to roles. The following rules define the property (Z |- t : r), where t is a type and r is a role: Z(a) = r' r' <= r ------------------------- RCVar Z |- a : r ---------- RCConst Z |- T : r -- T is a type constructor Z |- t1 : r Z |- t2 : N -------------- RCApp Z |- t1 t2 : r forall i<=n. (r_i is R or N) implies Z |- t_i : r_i roles(T) = r_1 .. r_n ---------------------------------------------------- RCDApp Z |- T t_1 .. t_n : R Z, a:N |- t : r ---------------------- RCAll Z |- forall a:k.t : r We also have the following rules: For all datacon_i in type T, where a_1 .. a_n are universally quantified and b_1 .. b_m are existentially quantified, and the arguments are t_1 .. t_p, then if forall j<=p, a_1 : r_1 .. a_n : r_n, b_1 : N .. b_m : N |- t_j : R, then roles(T) = r_1 .. r_n roles(->) = R, R roles(~#) = N, N With -dcore-lint on, the output of this algorithm is checked in checkValidRoles, called from checkValidTycon. Note [Role-checking data constructor arguments] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider data T a where MkT :: Eq b => F a -> (a->a) -> T (G a) Then we want to check the roles at which 'a' is used in MkT's type. We want to work on the user-written type, so we need to take into account * the arguments: (F a) and (a->a) * the context: C a b * the result type: (G a) -- this is in the eq_spec Note [Coercions in role inference] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Is (t |> co1) representationally equal to (t |> co2)? Of course they are! Changing the kind of a type is totally irrelevant to the representation of that type. So, we want to totally ignore coercions when doing role inference. This includes omitting any type variables that appear in nominal positions but only within coercions. Note [Default roles for abstract TyCons in hs-boot/hsig] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ What should the default role for an abstract TyCon be? Originally, we inferred phantom role for abstract TyCons in hs-boot files, because the type variables were never used. This was silly, because the role of the abstract TyCon was required to match the implementation, and the roles of data types are almost never phantom. Thus, in ticket #9204, the default was changed so be representational (the most common case). If the implementing data type was actually nominal, you'd get an easy to understand error, and add the role annotation yourself. Then Backpack was added, and with it we added role *subtyping* the matching judgment: if an abstract TyCon has a nominal parameter, it's OK to implement it with a representational parameter. But now, the representational default is not a good one, because you should *only* request representational if you're planning to do coercions. To be maximally flexible with what data types you will accept, you want the default for hsig files is nominal. We don't allow role subtyping with hs-boot files (it's good practice to give an exactly accurate role here, because any types that use the abstract type will propagate the role information.) Note [Default method Ids and Template Haskell] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider this (#4169): class Numeric a where fromIntegerNum :: a fromIntegerNum = ... :: ast :: Q [Dec] ast = [d| instance Numeric Int |] .. When we typecheck 'ast' we have done the first pass over the class decl (in tcTyClDecls), but we have not yet typechecked the default-method declarations (because they can mention value declarations). So we must bring the default method Ids into scope first (so they can be seen when typechecking the [d| .. |] quote, and typecheck them later. Note [Polymorphic selectors] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We take care to build the type of a polymorphic selector in the right order, so that visible type application works. :: data Ord a => T a = MkT { field :: forall b. (Num a, Show b) => (a, b) } .. We want :: field :: forall a. Ord a => T a -> forall b. (Num a, Show b) => (a, b) .. Note [Naughty record selectors] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ A "naughty" field is one for which we can't define a record selector, because an existential type variable would escape. For example: data T = forall a. MkT { x,y::a } We obviously can't define x (MkT v _) = v Nevertheless we *do* put a RecSelId into the type environment so that if the user tries to use 'x' as a selector we can bleat helpfully, rather than saying unhelpfully that 'x' is not in scope. Hence the sel_naughty flag, to identify record selectors that don't really exist. In general, a field is "naughty" if its type mentions a type variable that isn't in the result type of the constructor. Note that this *allows* GADT record selectors (Note [GADT record selectors]) whose types may look like sel :: T [a] -> a For naughty selectors we make a dummy binding sel = () so that the later type-check will add them to the environment, and they'll be exported. The function is never called, because the typechecker spots the sel_naughty field. Note [GADT record selectors] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ For GADTs, we require that all constructors with a common field 'f' have the same result type (modulo alpha conversion). [Checked in TcTyClsDecls.checkValidTyCon] E.g. data T where T1 { f :: Maybe a } :: T [a] T2 { f :: Maybe a, y :: b } :: T [a] T3 :: T Int and now the selector takes that result type as its argument: f :: forall a. T [a] -> Maybe a Details: the "real" types of T1,T2 are: T1 :: forall r a. (r~[a]) => a -> T r T2 :: forall r a b. (r~[a]) => a -> b -> T r So the selector loooks like this: f :: forall a. T [a] -> Maybe a f (a:*) (t:T [a]) = case t of T1 c (g:[a]~[c]) (v:Maybe c) -> v `cast` Maybe (right (sym g)) T2 c d (g:[a]~[c]) (v:Maybe c) (w:d) -> v `cast` Maybe (right (sym g)) T3 -> error "T3 does not have field f" Note the forall'd tyvars of the selector are just the free tyvars of the result type; there may be other tyvars in the constructor's type (e.g. 'b' in T2). Note the need for casts in the result! Note [Selector running example] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ It's OK to combine GADTs and type families. Here's a running example: :: data instance T [a] where T1 { fld :: b } :: T [Maybe b] .. The representation type looks like this data :R7T a where T1 { fld :: b } :: :R7T (Maybe b) and there's coercion from the family type to the representation type :CoR7T a :: T [a] ~ :R7T a The selector we want for fld looks like this: :: fld :: forall b. T [Maybe b] -> b fld = /\b. \(d::T [Maybe b]). case d `cast` :CoR7T (Maybe b) of T1 (x::b) -> x .. The scrutinee of the case has type :R7T (Maybe b), which can be gotten by appying the eq_spec to the univ_tvs of the data con.