`[source] `_ compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.hs ================================== Note [Grouping of type and class declarations] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ tcTyAndClassDecls is called on a list of `TyClGroup`s. Each group is a strongly connected component of mutually dependent types and classes. We kind check and type check each group separately to enhance kind polymorphism. Take the following example: :: type Id a = a data X = X (Id Int) .. If we were to kind check the two declarations together, we would give Id the kind * -> *, since we apply it to an Int in the definition of X. But we can do better than that, since Id really is kind polymorphic, and should get kind forall (k::*). k -> k. Since it does not depend on anything else, it can be kind-checked by itself, hence getting the most general kind. We then kind check X, which works fine because we then know the polymorphic kind of Id, and simply instantiate k to *. Note [Check role annotations in a second pass] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Role inference potentially depends on the types of all of the datacons declared in a mutually recursive group. The validity of a role annotation, in turn, depends on the result of role inference. Because the types of datacons might be ill-formed (see #7175 and Note [Checking GADT return types]) we must check *all* the tycons in a group for validity before checking *any* of the roles. Thus, we take two passes over the resulting tycons, first checking for general validity and then checking for valid role annotations. Note [Kind checking for type and class decls] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Kind checking is done thus: :: 1. Make up a kind variable for each parameter of the declarations, and extend the kind environment (which is in the TcLclEnv) .. 2. Kind check the declarations We need to kind check all types in the mutually recursive group before we know the kind of the type variables. For example: :: class C a where op :: D b => a -> b -> b .. :: class D c where bop :: (Monad c) => ... .. Here, the kind of the locally-polymorphic type variable "b" depends on *all the uses of class D*. For example, the use of Monad c in bop's type signature means that D must have kind Type->Type. Note: we don't treat type synonyms specially (we used to, in the past); in particular, even if we have a type synonym cycle, we still kind check it normally, and test for cycles later (checkSynCycles). The reason we can get away with this is because we have more systematic TYPE r inference, which means that we can do unification between kinds that aren't lifted (this historically was not true.) The downside of not directly reading off the kinds off the RHS of type synonyms in topological order is that we don't transparently support making synonyms of types with higher-rank kinds. But you can always specify a CUSK directly to make this work out. See tc269 for an example. Note [Skip decls with CUSKs in kcLTyClDecl] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider :: data T (a :: *) = MkT (S a) -- Has CUSK data S a = MkS (T Int) (S a) -- No CUSK .. Via getInitialKinds we get T :: * -> * S :: kappa -> * Then we call kcTyClDecl on each decl in the group, to constrain the kind unification variables. BUT we /skip/ the RHS of any decl with a CUSK. Here we skip the RHS of T, so we eventually get S :: forall k. k -> * This gets us more polymorphism than we would otherwise get, similar (but implemented strangely differently from) the treatment of type signatures in value declarations. Open type families ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This treatment of type synonyms only applies to Haskell 98-style synonyms. General type functions can be recursive, and hence, appear in `alg_decls'. The kind of an open type family is solely determinded by its kind signature; hence, only kind signatures participate in the construction of the initial kind environment (as constructed by `getInitialKind'). In fact, we ignore instances of families altogether in the following. However, we need to include the kinds of *associated* families into the construction of the initial kind environment. (This is handled by `allDecls'). See also Note [Kind checking recursive type and class declarations] Note [How TcTyCons work] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ TcTyCons are used for two distinct purposes 1. When recovering from a type error in a type declaration, we want to put the erroneous TyCon in the environment in a way that won't lead to more errors. We use a TcTyCon for this; see makeRecoveryTyCon. 2. When checking a type/class declaration (in module TcTyClsDecls), we come upon knowledge of the eventual tycon in bits and pieces. :: S1) First, we use getInitialKinds to look over the user-provided kind signature of a tycon (including, for example, the number of parameters written to the tycon) to get an initial shape of the tycon's kind. We record that shape in a TcTyCon. .. :: For CUSK tycons, the TcTyCon has the final, generalised kind. For non-CUSK tycons, the TcTyCon has as its tyConBinders only the explicit arguments given -- no kind variables, etc. .. :: S2) Then, using these initial kinds, we kind-check the body of the tycon (class methods, data constructors, etc.), filling in the metavariables in the tycon's initial kind. .. :: S3) We then generalize to get the (non-CUSK) tycon's final, fixed kind. Finally, once this has happened for all tycons in a mutually recursive group, we can desugar the lot. .. :: For convenience, we store partially-known tycons in TcTyCons, which might store meta-variables. These TcTyCons are stored in the local environment in TcTyClsDecls, until the real full TyCons can be created during desugaring. A desugared program should never have a TcTyCon. .. 3. In a TcTyCon, everything is zonked after the kind-checking pass (S2). 4. tyConScopedTyVars. A challenging piece in all of this is that we end up taking three separate passes over every declaration: - one in getInitialKind (this pass look only at the head, not the body) - one in kcTyClDecls (to kind-check the body) - a final one in tcTyClDecls (to desugar) In the latter two passes, we need to connect the user-written type variables in an LHsQTyVars with the variables in the tycon's inferred kind. Because the tycon might not have a CUSK, this matching up is, in general, quite hard to do. (Look through the git history between Dec 2015 and Apr 2016 for TcHsType.splitTelescopeTvs!) :: Instead of trying, we just store the list of type variables to bring into scope, in the tyConScopedTyVars field of the TcTyCon. These tyvars are brought into scope in TcHsType.bindTyClTyVars. .. :: In a TcTyCon, why is tyConScopedTyVars :: [(Name,TcTyVar)] rather than just [TcTyVar]? Consider these mutually-recursive decls data T (a :: k1) b = MkT (S a b) data S (c :: k2) d = MkS (T c d) We start with k1 bound to kappa1, and k2 to kappa2; so initially in the (Name,TcTyVar) pairs the Name is that of the TcTyVar. But then kappa1 and kappa2 get unified; so after the zonking in 'generalise' in 'kcTyClGroup' the Name and TcTyVar may differ. .. See also Note [Type checking recursive type and class declarations]. Note [Type environment evolution] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ As we typecheck a group of declarations the type environment evolves. Consider for example: data B (a :: Type) = MkB (Proxy 'MkB) We do the following steps: 1. Start of tcTyClDecls: use mkPromotionErrorEnv to initialise the type env with promotion errors B :-> TyConPE MkB :-> DataConPE 2. kcTyCLGruup - Do getInitialKinds, which will signal a promotion error if B is used in any of the kinds needed to initialse B's kind (e.g. (a :: Type)) here - Extend the type env with these initial kinds (monomorphic for decls that lack a CUSK) B :-> TcTyCon (thereby overriding the B :-> TyConPE binding) and do kcLTyClDecl on each decl to get equality constraints on all those inital kinds - Generalise the inital kind, making a poly-kinded TcTyCon :: 3. Back in tcTyDecls, extend the envt with bindings of the poly-kinded TcTyCons, again overriding the promotion-error bindings. .. But note that the data constructor promotion errors are still in place so that (in our example) a use of MkB will sitll be signalled as an error. 4. Typecheck the decls. :: 5. In tcTyClGroup, extend the envt with bindings for TyCon and DataCons .. Note [Missed opportunity to retain higher-rank kinds] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ In 'kcTyClGroup', there is a missed opportunity to make kind inference work in a few more cases. The idea is analogous to Note [Single function non-recursive binding special-case]: * If we have an SCC with a single decl, which is non-recursive, instead of creating a unification variable representing the kind of the decl and unifying it with the rhs, we can just read the type directly of the rhs. * Furthermore, we can update our SCC analysis to ignore dependencies on declarations which have CUSKs: we don't have to kind-check these all at once, since we can use the CUSK to initialize the kind environment. Unfortunately this requires reworking a bit of the code in 'kcLTyClDecl' so I've decided to punt unless someone shouts about it. Note [Don't process associated types in kcLHsQTyVars] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Previously, we processed associated types in the thing_inside in kcLHsQTyVars, but this was wrong -- we want to do ATs sepearately. The consequence for not doing it this way is #15142: :: class ListTuple (tuple :: Type) (as :: [(k, Type)]) where type ListToTuple as :: Type .. We assign k a kind kappa[1]. When checking the tuple (k, Type), we try to unify kappa ~ Type, but this gets deferred because we bumped the TcLevel as we bring `tuple` into scope. Thus, when we check ListToTuple, kappa[1] still hasn't unified with Type. And then, when we generalize the kind of ListToTuple (which indeed has a CUSK, according to the rules), we skolemize the free metavariable kappa. Note that we wouldn't skolemize kappa when generalizing the kind of ListTuple, because the solveEqualities in kcLHsQTyVars is at TcLevel 1 and so kappa[1] will unify with Type. Bottom line: as associated types should have no effect on a CUSK enclosing class, we move processing them to a separate action, run after the outer kind has been generalized. Note [Required, Specified, and Inferred for types] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Each forall'd type variable in a type or kind is one of * Required: an argument must be provided at every call site * Specified: the argument can be inferred at call sites, but may be instantiated with visible type/kind application * Inferred: the must be inferred at call sites; it is unavailable for use with visible type/kind application. Why have Inferred at all? Because we just can't make user-facing promises about the ordering of some variables. These might swizzle around even between minor released. By forbidding visible type application, we ensure users aren't caught unawares. Go read Note [VarBndrs, TyCoVarBinders, TyConBinders, and visibility] in TyCoRep. The question for this Note is this: given a TyClDecl, how are its quantified type variables classified? Much of the debate is memorialized in #15743. Here is our design choice. When inferring the ordering of variables for a TyCl declaration (that is, for those variables that he user has not specified the order with an explicit `forall`), we use the following order: 1. Inferred variables 2. Specified variables; in the left-to-right order in which the user wrote them, modified by scopedSort (see below) to put them in depdendency order. 3. Required variables before a top-level :: 4. All variables after a top-level :: If this ordering does not make a valid telescope, we reject the definition. Example: data SameKind :: k -> k -> * data Bad a (c :: Proxy b) (d :: Proxy a) (x :: SameKind b d) For Bad: - a, c, d, x are Required; they are explicitly listed by the user as the positional arguments of Bad - b is Specified; it appears explicitly in a kind signature - k, the kind of a, is Inferred; it is not mentioned explicitly at all Putting variables in the order Inferred, Specified, Required gives us this telescope: Inferred: k Specified: b : Proxy a Required : (a : k) (c : Proxy b) (d : Proxy a) (x : SameKind b d) But this order is ill-scoped, because b's kind mentions a, which occurs after b in the telescope. So we reject Bad. Associated types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For associated types everything above is determined by the associated-type declaration alone, ignoring the class header. Here is an example (#15592) class C (a :: k) b where type F (x :: b a) In the kind of C, 'k' is Specified. But what about F? In the kind of F, * Should k be Inferred or Specified? It's Specified for C, but not mentioned in F's declaration. * In which order should the Specified variables a and b occur? It's clearly 'a' then 'b' in C's declaration, but the L-R ordering in F's declaration is 'b' then 'a'. In both cases we make the choice by looking at F's declaration alone, so it gets the kind F :: forall {k}. forall b a. b a -> Type How it works ~~~~~~~~~~~~ These design choices are implemented by two completely different code paths for * Declarations with a complete user-specified kind signature (CUSK) Handed by the CUSK case of kcLHsQTyVars. * Declarations without a CUSK are handled by kcTyClDecl; see Note [Inferring kinds for type declarations]. Note that neither code path worries about point (4) above, as this is nicely handled by not mangling the res_kind. (Mangling res_kinds is done *after* all this stuff, in tcDataDefn's call to etaExpandAlgTyCon.) We can tell Inferred apart from Specified by looking at the scoped tyvars; Specified are always included there. Design alternatives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * For associated types we considered putting the class variables before the local variables, in a nod to the treatment for class methods. But it got too compilicated; see #15592, comment:21ff. * We rigidly require the ordering above, even though we could be much more permissive. Relevant musings are at https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/15743#note_161623 The bottom line conclusion is that, if the user wants a different ordering, then can specify it themselves, and it is better to be predictable and dumb than clever and capricious. :: I (Richard) conjecture we could be fully permissive, allowing all classes of variables to intermix. We would have to augment ScopedSort to refuse to reorder Required variables (or check that it wouldn't have). But this would allow more programs. See #15743 for examples. Interestingly, Idris seems to allow this intermixing. The intermixing would be fully specified, in that we can be sure that inference wouldn't change between versions. However, would users be able to predict it? That I cannot answer. .. Test cases (and tickets) relevant to these design decisions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T15591* T15592* T15743* Note [Inferring kinds for type declarations] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ This note deals with /inference/ for type declarations that do not have a CUSK. Consider data T (a :: k1) k2 (x :: k2) = MkT (S a k2 x) data S (b :: k3) k4 (y :: k4) = MkS (T b k4 y) We do kind inference as follows: * Step 1: getInitialKinds, and in particular kcLHsQTyVars_NonCusk. Make a unification variable for each of the Required and Specified type varialbes in the header. Record the connection between the Names the user wrote and the fresh unification variables in the tcTyConScopedTyVars field of the TcTyCon we are making [ (a, aa) , (k1, kk1) , (k2, kk2) , (x, xx) ] (I'm using the convention that double letter like 'aa' or 'kk' mean a unification variable.) These unification variables - Are TyVarTvs: that is, unification variables that can unify only with other type variables. See Note [Signature skolems] in TcType - Have complete fresh Names; see TcMType Note [Unification variables need fresh Names] :: Assign initial monomorophic kinds to S, T S :: kk1 -> * -> kk2 -> * T :: kk3 -> * -> kk4 -> * .. * Step 2: kcTyClDecl. Extend the environment with a TcTyCon for S and T, with these monomophic kinds. Now kind-check the declarations, and solve the resulting equalities. The goal here is to discover constraints on all these unification variables. :: Here we find that kk1 := kk3, and kk2 := kk4. .. This is why we can't use skolems for kk1 etc; they have to unify with each other. * Step 3: generaliseTcTyCon. Generalise each TyCon in turn. We find the free variables of the kind, skolemise them, sort them out into Inferred/Required/Specified (see the above Note [Required, Specified, and Inferred for types]), and perform some validity checks. :: This makes the utterly-final TyConBinders for the TyCon. .. :: All this is very similar at the level of terms: see TcBinds Note [Quantified variables in partial type signatures] .. :: But there some tricky corners: Note [Tricky scoping in generaliseTcTyCon] .. * Step 4. Extend the type environment with a TcTyCon for S and T, now with their utterly-final polymorphic kinds (needed for recursive occurrences of S, T). Now typecheck the declarations, and build the final AlgTyCOn for S and T resp. The first three steps are in kcTyClGroup; the fourth is in tcTyClDecls. There are some wrinkles * Do not default TyVarTvs. We always want to kind-generalise over TyVarTvs, and /not/ default them to Type. By definition a TyVarTv is not allowed to unify with a type; it must stand for a type variable. Hence the check in TcSimplify.defaultTyVarTcS, and TcMType.defaultTyVar. Here's another example (#14555): data Exp :: [TYPE rep] -> TYPE rep -> Type where Lam :: Exp (a:xs) b -> Exp xs (a -> b) We want to kind-generalise over the 'rep' variable. #14563 is another example. * Duplicate type variables. Consider #11203 data SameKind :: k -> k -> * data Q (a :: k1) (b :: k2) c = MkQ (SameKind a b) Here we will unify k1 with k2, but this time doing so is an error, because k1 and k2 are bound in the same declaration. We spot this during validity checking (findDupTyVarTvs), in generaliseTcTyCon. * Required arguments. Even the Required arguments should be made into TyVarTvs, not skolems. Consider data T k (a :: k) Here, k is a Required, dependent variable. For uniformity, it is helpful to have k be a TyVarTv, in parallel with other dependent variables. * Duplicate skolemisation is expected. When generalising in Step 3, we may find that one of the variables we want to quantify has already been skolemised. For example, suppose we have already generalise S. When we come to T we'll find that kk1 (now the same as kk3) has already been skolemised. That's fine -- but it means that a) when collecting quantification candidates, in candidateQTyVarsOfKind, we must collect skolems b) quantifyTyVars should be a no-op on such a skolem Note [Tricky scoping in generaliseTcTyCon] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider #16342 class C (a::ka) x where cop :: D a x => x -> Proxy a -> Proxy a cop _ x = x :: Proxy (a::ka) :: class D (b::kb) y where dop :: C b y => y -> Proxy b -> Proxy b dop _ x = x :: Proxy (b::kb) .. C and D are mutually recursive, by the time we get to generaliseTcTyCon we'll have unified kka := kkb. But when typechecking the default declarations for 'cop' and 'dop' in tcDlassDecl2 we need {a, ka} and {b, kb} respectively to be in scope. But at that point all we have is the utterly-final Class itself. Conclusion: the classTyVars of a class must have the same Mame as that originally assigned by the user. In our example, C must have classTyVars {a, ka, x} while D has classTyVars {a, kb, y}. Despite the fact that kka and kkb got unified! We achieve this sleight of hand in generaliseTcTyCon, using the specialised function zonkRecTyVarBndrs. We make the call zonkRecTyVarBndrs [ka,a,x] [kkb,aa,xxx] where the [ka,a,x] are the Names originally assigned by the user, and [kkb,aa,xx] are the corresponding (post-zonking, skolemised) TcTyVars. zonkRecTyVarBndrs builds a recursive ZonkEnv that binds kkb :-> (ka :: ) aa :-> (a :: ) etc That is, it maps each skolemised TcTyVars to the utterly-final TyVar to put in the class, with its correct user-specified name. When generalising D we'll do the same thing, but the ZonkEnv will map kkb :-> (kb :: ) bb :-> (b :: ) etc Note that 'kkb' again appears in the domain of the mapping, but this time mapped to 'kb'. That's how C and D end up with differently-named final TyVars despite the fact that we unified kka:=kkb zonkRecTyVarBndrs we need to do knot-tying because of the need to apply this same substitution to the kind of each. Note [Recursion and promoting data constructors] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We don't want to allow promotion in a strongly connected component when kind checking. Consider: data T f = K (f (K Any)) When kind checking the `data T' declaration the local env contains the mappings: T -> ATcTyCon K -> APromotionErr APromotionErr is only used for DataCons, and only used during type checking in tcTyClGroup. Note [Kind-checking for GADTs] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider :: data Proxy a where MkProxy1 :: forall k (b :: k). Proxy b MkProxy2 :: forall j (c :: j). Proxy c .. It seems reasonable that this should be accepted. But something very strange is going on here: when we're kind-checking this declaration, we need to unify the kind of `a` with k and j -- even though k and j's scopes are local to the type of MkProxy{1,2}. The best approach we've come up with is to use TyVarTvs during the kind-checking pass. First off, note that it's OK if the kind-checking pass is too permissive: we'll snag the problems in the type-checking pass later. (This extra permissiveness might happen with something like :: data SameKind :: k -> k -> Type data Bad a where MkBad :: forall k1 k2 (a :: k1) (b :: k2). Bad (SameKind a b) .. which would be accepted if k1 and k2 were TyVarTvs. This is correctly rejected in the second pass, though. Test case: polykinds/TyVarTvKinds3) Recall that the kind-checking pass exists solely to collect constraints on the kinds and to power unification. To achieve the use of TyVarTvs, we must be careful to use specialized functions that produce TyVarTvs, not ordinary skolems. This is why we need kcExplicitTKBndrs and kcImplicitTKBndrs in TcHsType, separate from their tc... variants. The drawback of this approach is sometimes it will accept a definition that a (hypothetical) declarative specification would likely reject. As a general rule, we don't want to allow polymorphic recursion without a CUSK. Indeed, the whole point of CUSKs is to allow polymorphic recursion. Yet, the TyVarTvs approach allows a limited form of polymorphic recursion *without* a CUSK. To wit: data T a = forall k (b :: k). MkT (T b) Int (test case: dependent/should_compile/T14066a) Note that this is polymorphically recursive, with the recursive occurrence of T used at a kind other than a's kind. The approach outlined here accepts this definition, because this kind is still a kind variable (and so the TyVarTvs unify). Stepping back, I (Richard) have a hard time envisioning a way to describe exactly what declarations will be accepted and which will be rejected (without a CUSK). However, the accepted definitions are indeed well-kinded and any rejected definitions would be accepted with a CUSK, and so this wrinkle need not cause anyone to lose sleep. Note [Type checking recursive type and class declarations] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ At this point we have completed *kind-checking* of a mutually recursive group of type/class decls (done in kcTyClGroup). However, we discarded the kind-checked types (eg RHSs of data type decls); note that kcTyClDecl returns (). There are two reasons: * It's convenient, because we don't have to rebuild a kinded HsDecl (a fairly elaborate type) * It's necessary, because after kind-generalisation, the TyCons/Classes may now be kind-polymorphic, and hence need to be given kind arguments. Example: data T f a = MkT (f a) (T f a) During kind-checking, we give T the kind T :: k1 -> k2 -> * and figure out constraints on k1, k2 etc. Then we generalise to get T :: forall k. (k->*) -> k -> * So now the (T f a) in the RHS must be elaborated to (T k f a). However, during tcTyClDecl of T (above) we will be in a recursive "knot". So we aren't allowed to look at the TyCon T itself; we are only allowed to put it (lazily) in the returned structures. But when kind-checking the RHS of T's decl, we *do* need to know T's kind (so that we can correctly elaboarate (T k f a). How can we get T's kind without looking at T? Delicate answer: during tcTyClDecl, we extend *Global* env with T -> ATyCon (the (not yet built) final TyCon for T) *Local* env with T -> ATcTyCon (TcTyCon with the polymorphic kind of T) Then: * During TcHsType.tcTyVar we look in the *local* env, to get the fully-known, not knot-tied TcTyCon for T. * Then, in TcHsSyn.zonkTcTypeToType (and zonkTcTyCon in particular) we look in the *global* env to get the TyCon. This fancy footwork (with two bindings for T) is only necessary for the TyCons or Classes of this recursive group. Earlier, finished groups, live in the global env only. See also Note [Kind checking recursive type and class declarations] Note [Kind checking recursive type and class declarations] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Before we can type-check the decls, we must kind check them. This is done by establishing an "initial kind", which is a rather uninformed guess at a tycon's kind (by counting arguments, mainly) and then using this initial kind for recursive occurrences. The initial kind is stored in exactly the same way during kind-checking as it is during type-checking (Note [Type checking recursive type and class declarations]): in the *local* environment, with ATcTyCon. But we still must store *something* in the *global* environment. Even though we discard the result of kind-checking, we sometimes need to produce error messages. These error messages will want to refer to the tycons being checked, except that they don't exist yet, and it would be Terribly Annoying to get the error messages to refer back to HsSyn. So we create a TcTyCon and put it in the global env. This tycon can print out its name and knows its kind, but any other action taken on it will panic. Note that TcTyCons are *not* knot-tied, unlike the rather valid but knot-tied ones that occur during type-checking. Note [Declarations for wired-in things] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ For wired-in things we simply ignore the declaration and take the wired-in information. That avoids complications. e.g. the need to make the data constructor worker name for a constraint tuple match the wired-in one Note [Associated type defaults] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The following is an example of associated type defaults: class C a where data D a :: type F a b :: * type F a b = [a] -- Default .. Note that we can get default definitions only for type families, not data families. Note [Type-checking default assoc decls] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider this default declaration for an associated type :: class C a where type F (a :: k) b :: Type type F (x :: j) y = Proxy x -> y .. Note that the class variable 'a' doesn't scope over the default assoc decl (rather oddly I think), and (less oddly) neither does the second argument 'b' of the associated type 'F', or the kind variable 'k'. Instead, the default decl is treated more like a top-level type instance. However we store the default rhs (Proxy x -> y) in F's TyCon, using F's own type variables, so we need to convert it to (Proxy a -> b). We do this by creating a substitution [j |-> k, x |-> a, b |-> y] and applying this substitution to the RHS. In order to create this substitution, we must first ensure that all of the arguments in the default instance consist of type variables. The parser already checks this to a certain degree (see RdrHsSyn.checkTyVars), but we must be wary of kind arguments being instantiated, which the parser cannot catch so easily. Consider this erroneous program (inspired by #11361): :: class C a where type F (a :: k) b :: Type type F x b = x .. If you squint, you'll notice that the kind of `x` is actually Type. However, we cannot substitute from [Type |-> k], so we reject this default. Since the LHS of an associated type family default is always just variables, it won't contain any tycons. Accordingly, the patterns used in the substitution won't actually be knot-tied, even though we're in the knot. This is too delicate for my taste, but it works. Note [Instantiating a family tycon] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ It's possible that kind-checking the result of a family tycon applied to its patterns will instantiate the tycon further. For example, we might have :: type family F :: k where F = Int F = Maybe .. After checking (F :: forall k. k) (with no visible patterns), we still need to instantiate the k. With data family instances, this problem can be even more intricate, due to Note [Arity of data families] in FamInstEnv. See indexed-types/should_compile/T12369 for an example. So, the kind-checker must return the new skolems and args (that is, Type or (Type -> Type) for the equations above) and the instantiated kind. Note [Generalising in tcFamTyPatsGuts] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Suppose we have something like type instance forall (a::k) b. F t1 t2 = rhs Then imp_vars = [k], exp_bndrs = [a::k, b] We want to quantify over * k, a, and b (all user-specified) * and any inferred free kind vars from - the kinds of k, a, b - the types t1, t2 However, unlike a type signature like f :: forall (a::k). blah we do /not/ care about the Inferred/Specified designation or order for the final quantified tyvars. Type-family instances are not invoked directly in Haskell source code, so visible type application etc plays no role. So, the simple thing is - gather candiates from [k, a, b] and pats - quantify over them Hence the sligtly mysterious call: candidateQTyVarsOfTypes (pats ++ mkTyVarTys scoped_tvs) Simple, neat, but a little non-obvious! Note [Constraints in patterns] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ NB: This isn't the whole story. See comment in tcFamTyPats. At first glance, it seems there is a complicated story to tell in tcFamTyPats around constraint solving. After all, type family patterns can now do GADT pattern-matching, which is jolly complicated. But, there's a key fact which makes this all simple: everything is at top level! There cannot be untouchable type variables. There can't be weird interaction between case branches. There can't be global skolems. This means that the semantics of type-level GADT matching is a little different than term level. If we have :: data G a where MkGBool :: G Bool .. And then :: type family F (a :: G k) :: k type instance F MkGBool = True .. we get :: axF : F Bool (MkGBool ) ~ True .. Simple! No casting on the RHS, because we can affect the kind parameter to F. If we ever introduce local type families, this all gets a lot more complicated, and will end up looking awfully like term-level GADT pattern-matching. ** The new story ** Here is really what we want: The matcher really can't deal with covars in arbitrary spots in coercions. But it can deal with covars that are arguments to GADT data constructors. So we somehow want to allow covars only in precisely those spots, then use them as givens when checking the RHS. TODO (RAE): Implement plan. Note [Quantifying over family patterns] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We need to quantify over two different lots of kind variables: First, the ones that come from the kinds of the tyvar args of tcTyVarBndrsKindGen, as usual data family Dist a -- Proxy :: forall k. k -> * data instance Dist (Proxy a) = DP -- Generates data DistProxy = DP -- ax8 k (a::k) :: Dist * (Proxy k a) ~ DistProxy k a -- The 'k' comes from the tcTyVarBndrsKindGen (a::k) Second, the ones that come from the kind argument of the type family which we pick up using the (tyCoVarsOfTypes typats) in the result of the thing_inside of tcHsTyvarBndrsGen. -- Any :: forall k. k data instance Dist Any = DA -- Generates data DistAny k = DA -- ax7 k :: Dist k (Any k) ~ DistAny k -- The 'k' comes from kindGeneralizeKinds (Any k) Note [Quantified kind variables of a family pattern] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider type family KindFam (p :: k1) (q :: k1) data T :: Maybe k1 -> k2 -> * type instance KindFam (a :: Maybe k) b = T a b -> Int The HsBSig for the family patterns will be ([k], [a]) Then in the family instance we want to * Bring into scope [ "k" -> k:*, "a" -> a:k ] * Kind-check the RHS * Quantify the type instance over k and k', as well as a,b, thus type instance [k, k', a:Maybe k, b:k'] KindFam (Maybe k) k' a b = T k k' a b -> Int Notice that in the third step we quantify over all the visibly-mentioned type variables (a,b), but also over the implicitly mentioned kind variables (k, k'). In this case one is bound explicitly but often there will be none. The role of the kind signature (a :: Maybe k) is to add a constraint that 'a' must have that kind, and to bring 'k' into scope. Note [Infix GADT constructors] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We do not currently have syntax to declare an infix constructor in GADT syntax, but it makes a (small) difference to the Show instance. So as a slightly ad-hoc solution, we regard a GADT data constructor as infix if a) it is an operator symbol b) it has two arguments c) there is a fixity declaration for it For example: infix 6 (:--:) data T a where (:--:) :: t1 -> t2 -> T Int Note [Checking GADT return types] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ There is a delicacy around checking the return types of a datacon. The central problem is dealing with a declaration like :: data T a where MkT :: T a -> Q a .. Note that the return type of MkT is totally bogus. When creating the T tycon, we also need to create the MkT datacon, which must have a "rejigged" return type. That is, the MkT datacon's type must be transformed to have a uniform return type with explicit coercions for GADT-like type parameters. This rejigging is what rejigConRes does. The problem is, though, that checking that the return type is appropriate is much easier when done over *Type*, not *HsType*, and doing a call to tcMatchTy will loop because T isn't fully defined yet. So, we want to make rejigConRes lazy and then check the validity of the return type in checkValidDataCon. To do this we /always/ return a 6-tuple from rejigConRes (so that we can compute the return type from it, which checkValidDataCon needs), but the first three fields may be bogus if the return type isn't valid (the last equation for rejigConRes). This is better than an earlier solution which reduced the number of errors reported in one pass. See #7175, and #10836. Example data instance T (b,c) where TI :: forall e. e -> T (e,e) The representation tycon looks like this: data :R7T b c where TI :: forall b1 c1. (b1 ~ c1) => b1 -> :R7T b1 c1 In this case orig_res_ty = T (e,e) Note [mkGADTVars] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Running example: data T (k1 :: *) (k2 :: *) (a :: k2) (b :: k2) where MkT :: forall (x1 : *) (y :: x1) (z :: *). T x1 * (Proxy (y :: x1), z) z We need the rejigged type to be :: MkT :: forall (x1 :: *) (k2 :: *) (a :: k2) (b :: k2). forall (y :: x1) (z :: *). (k2 ~ *, a ~ (Proxy x1 y, z), b ~ z) => T x1 k2 a b .. You might naively expect that z should become a universal tyvar, not an existential. (After all, x1 becomes a universal tyvar.) But z has kind * while b has kind k2, so the return type T x1 k2 a z is ill-kinded. Another way to say it is this: the universal tyvars must have exactly the same kinds as the tyConTyVars. So we need an existential tyvar and a heterogeneous equality constraint. (The b ~ z is a bit redundant with the k2 ~ * that comes before in that b ~ z implies k2 ~ *. I'm sure we could do some analysis that could eliminate k2 ~ *. But we don't do this yet.) The data con signature has already been fully kind-checked. The return type T x1 * (Proxy (y :: x1), z) z becomes qtkvs = [x1 :: *, y :: x1, z :: *] res_tmpl = T x1 * (Proxy x1 y, z) z We start off by matching (T k1 k2 a b) with (T x1 * (Proxy x1 y, z) z). We know this match will succeed because of the validity check (actually done later, but laziness saves us -- see Note [Checking GADT return types]). Thus, we get :: subst := { k1 |-> x1, k2 |-> *, a |-> (Proxy x1 y, z), b |-> z } .. Now, we need to figure out what the GADT equalities should be. In this case, we *don't* want (k1 ~ x1) to be a GADT equality: it should just be a renaming. The others should be GADT equalities. We also need to make sure that the universally-quantified variables of the datacon match up with the tyvars of the tycon, as required for Core context well-formedness. (This last bit is why we have to rejig at all!) `choose` walks down the tycon tyvars, figuring out what to do with each one. It carries two substitutions: - t_sub's domain is *template* or *tycon* tyvars, mapping them to variables mentioned in the datacon signature. - r_sub's domain is *result* tyvars, names written by the programmer in the datacon signature. The final rejigged type will use these names, but the subst is still needed because sometimes the printed name of these variables is different. (See choose_tv_name, below.) Before explaining the details of `choose`, let's just look at its operation on our example: choose [] [] {} {} [k1, k2, a, b] --> -- first branch of `case` statement choose univs: [x1 :: *] eq_spec: [] t_sub: {k1 |-> x1} r_sub: {x1 |-> x1} t_tvs: [k2, a, b] --> -- second branch of `case` statement choose univs: [k2 :: *, x1 :: *] eq_spec: [k2 ~ *] t_sub: {k1 |-> x1, k2 |-> k2} r_sub: {x1 |-> x1} t_tvs: [a, b] --> -- second branch of `case` statement choose univs: [a :: k2, k2 :: *, x1 :: *] eq_spec: [ a ~ (Proxy x1 y, z) , k2 ~ * ] t_sub: {k1 |-> x1, k2 |-> k2, a |-> a} r_sub: {x1 |-> x1} t_tvs: [b] --> -- second branch of `case` statement choose univs: [b :: k2, a :: k2, k2 :: *, x1 :: *] eq_spec: [ b ~ z , a ~ (Proxy x1 y, z) , k2 ~ * ] t_sub: {k1 |-> x1, k2 |-> k2, a |-> a, b |-> z} r_sub: {x1 |-> x1} t_tvs: [] --> -- end of recursion ( [x1 :: *, k2 :: *, a :: k2, b :: k2] , [k2 ~ *, a ~ (Proxy x1 y, z), b ~ z] , {x1 |-> x1} ) `choose` looks up each tycon tyvar in the matching (it *must* be matched!). * If it finds a bare result tyvar (the first branch of the `case` statement), it checks to make sure that the result tyvar isn't yet in the list of univ_tvs. If it is in that list, then we have a repeated variable in the return type, and we in fact need a GADT equality. * It then checks to make sure that the kind of the result tyvar matches the kind of the template tyvar. This check is what forces `z` to be existential, as it should be, explained above. * Assuming no repeated variables or kind-changing, we wish to use the variable name given in the datacon signature (that is, `x1` not `k1`), not the tycon signature (which may have been made up by GHC). So, we add a mapping from the tycon tyvar to the result tyvar to t_sub. * If we discover that a mapping in `subst` gives us a non-tyvar (the second branch of the `case` statement), then we have a GADT equality to create. We create a fresh equality, but we don't extend any substitutions. The template variable substitution is meant for use in universal tyvar kinds, and these shouldn't be affected by any GADT equalities. This whole algorithm is quite delicate, indeed. I (Richard E.) see two ways of simplifying it: 1) The first branch of the `case` statement is really an optimization, used in order to get fewer GADT equalities. It might be possible to make a GADT equality for *every* univ. tyvar, even if the equality is trivial, and then either deal with the bigger type or somehow reduce it later. 2) This algorithm strives to use the names for type variables as specified by the user in the datacon signature. If we always used the tycon tyvar names, for example, this would be simplified. This change would almost certainly degrade error messages a bit, though. Note [Substitution in template variables kinds] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ data G (a :: Maybe k) where MkG :: G Nothing With explicit kind variables data G k (a :: Maybe k) where MkG :: G k1 (Nothing k1) Note how k1 is distinct from k. So, when we match the template `G k a` against `G k1 (Nothing k1)`, we get a subst [ k |-> k1, a |-> Nothing k1 ]. Even though this subst has two mappings, we surely don't want to add (k, k1) to the list of GADT equalities -- that would be overly complex and would create more untouchable variables than we need. So, when figuring out which tyvars are GADT-like and which aren't (the fundamental job of `choose`), we want to treat `k` as *not* GADT-like. Instead, we wish to substitute in `a`'s kind, to get (a :: Maybe k1) instead of (a :: Maybe k). This is the reason for dealing with a substitution in here. However, we do not *always* want to substitute. Consider data H (a :: k) where MkH :: H Int With explicit kind variables: data H k (a :: k) where MkH :: H * Int Here, we have a kind-indexed GADT. The subst in question is [ k |-> *, a |-> Int ]. Now, we *don't* want to substitute in `a`'s kind, because that would give a constructor with the type MkH :: forall (k :: *) (a :: *). (k ~ *) -> (a ~ Int) -> H k a The problem here is that a's kind is wrong -- it needs to be k, not *! So, if the matching for a variable is anything but another bare variable, we drop the mapping from the substitution before proceeding. This was not an issue before kind-indexed GADTs because this case could never happen. Note [Recover from validity error] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We recover from a validity error in a type or class, which allows us to report multiple validity errors. In the failure case we return a TyCon of the right kind, but with no interesting behaviour (makeRecoveryTyCon). Why? Suppose we have type T a = Fun where Fun is a type family of arity 1. The RHS is invalid, but we want to go on checking validity of subsequent type declarations. So we replace T with an abstract TyCon which will do no harm. See indexed-types/should_fail/BadSock and #10896 Some notes: * We must make fakes for promoted DataCons too. Consider (#15215) data T a = MkT ... data S a = ...T...MkT.... If there is an error in the definition of 'T' we add a "fake type constructor" to the type environment, so that we can continue to typecheck 'S'. But we /were not/ adding a fake anything for 'MkT' and so there was an internal error when we met 'MkT' in the body of 'S'. * Painfully, we *don't* want to do this for classes. Consider tcfail041: class (?x::Int) => C a where ... instance C Int The class is invalid because of the superclass constraint. But we still want it to look like a /class/, else the instance bleats that the instance is mal-formed because it hasn't got a class in the head. :: This is really bogus; now we have in scope a Class that is invalid in some way, with unknown downstream consequences. A better alterantive might be to make a fake class TyCon. A job for another day. .. Note [Class method constraints] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Haskell 2010 is supposed to reject class C a where op :: Eq a => a -> a where the method type constrains only the class variable(s). (The extension -XConstrainedClassMethods switches off this check.) But regardless we should not reject class C a where op :: (?x::Int) => a -> a as pointed out in #11793. So the test here rejects the program if * -XConstrainedClassMethods is off * the tyvars of the constraint are non-empty * all the tyvars are class tyvars, none are locally quantified Note [Abort when superclass cycle is detected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We must avoid doing the ambiguity check for the methods (in checkValidClass.check_op) when there are already errors accumulated. This is because one of the errors may be a superclass cycle, and superclass cycles cause canonicalization to loop. Here is a representative example: :: class D a => C a where meth :: D a => () class C a => D a .. This fixes #9415, #9739 Note [Default method type signatures must align] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ GHC enforces the invariant that a class method's default type signature must "align" with that of the method's non-default type signature, as per GHC #12918. For instance, if you have: :: class Foo a where bar :: forall b. Context => a -> b .. Then a default type signature for bar must be alpha equivalent to (forall b. a -> b). That is, the types must be the same modulo differences in contexts. So the following would be acceptable default type signatures: :: default bar :: forall b. Context1 => a -> b default bar :: forall x. Context2 => a -> x .. But the following are NOT acceptable default type signatures: :: default bar :: forall b. b -> a default bar :: forall x. x default bar :: a -> Int .. Note that a is bound by the class declaration for Foo itself, so it is not allowed to differ in the default type signature. The default type signature (default bar :: a -> Int) deserves special mention, since (a -> Int) is a straightforward instantiation of (forall b. a -> b). To write this, you need to declare the default type signature like so: :: default bar :: forall b. (b ~ Int). a -> b .. As noted in #12918, there are several reasons to do this: 1. It would make no sense to have a type that was flat-out incompatible with the non-default type signature. For instance, if you had: :: class Foo a where bar :: a -> Int default bar :: a -> Bool .. Then that would always fail in an instance declaration. So this check nips such cases in the bud before they have the chance to produce confusing error messages. 2. Internally, GHC uses TypeApplications to instantiate the default method in an instance. See Note [Default methods in instances] in TcInstDcls. Thus, GHC needs to know exactly what the universally quantified type variables are, and when instantiated that way, the default method's type must match the expected type. 3. Aesthetically, by only allowing the default type signature to differ in its context, we are making it more explicit the ways in which the default type signature is less polymorphic than the non-default type signature. You might be wondering: why are the contexts allowed to be different, but not the rest of the type signature? That's because default implementations often rely on assumptions that the more general, non-default type signatures do not. For instance, in the Enum class declaration: :: class Enum a where enum :: [a] default enum :: (Generic a, GEnum (Rep a)) => [a] enum = map to genum .. :: class GEnum f where genum :: [f a] .. The default implementation for enum only works for types that are instances of Generic, and for which their generic Rep type is an instance of GEnum. But clearly enum doesn't _have_ to use this implementation, so naturally, the context for enum is allowed to be different to accomodate this. As a result, when we validity-check default type signatures, we ignore contexts completely. Note that when checking whether two type signatures match, we must take care to split as many foralls as it takes to retrieve the tau types we which to check. See Note [Splitting nested sigma types in class type signatures]. Note [Splitting nested sigma types in class type signatures] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider this type synonym and class definition: :: type Traversal s t a b = forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t .. :: class Each s t a b where each :: Traversal s t a b default each :: (Traversable g, s ~ g a, t ~ g b) => Traversal s t a b .. It might seem obvious that the tau types in both type signatures for `each` are the same, but actually getting GHC to conclude this is surprisingly tricky. That is because in general, the form of a class method's non-default type signature is: :: forall a. C a => forall d. D d => E a b .. And the general form of a default type signature is: :: forall f. F f => E a f -- The variable `a` comes from the class .. So it you want to get the tau types in each type signature, you might find it reasonable to call tcSplitSigmaTy twice on the non-default type signature, and call it once on the default type signature. For most classes and methods, this will work, but Each is a bit of an exceptional case. The way `each` is written, it doesn't quantify any additional type variables besides those of the Each class itself, so the non-default type signature for `each` is actually this: :: forall s t a b. Each s t a b => Traversal s t a b .. Notice that there _appears_ to only be one forall. But there's actually another forall lurking in the Traversal type synonym, so if you call tcSplitSigmaTy twice, you'll also go under the forall in Traversal! That is, you'll end up with: :: (a -> f b) -> s -> f t .. A problem arises because you only call tcSplitSigmaTy once on the default type signature for `each`, which gives you Traversal s t a b Or, equivalently: :: forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t .. This is _not_ the same thing as (a -> f b) -> s -> f t! So now tcMatchTy will say that the tau types for `each` are not equal. A solution to this problem is to use tcSplitNestedSigmaTys instead of tcSplitSigmaTy. tcSplitNestedSigmaTys will always split any foralls that it sees until it can't go any further, so if you called it on the default type signature for `each`, it would return (a -> f b) -> s -> f t like we desired. Note [Checking partial record field] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ This check checks the partial record field selector, and warns (#7169). For example: :: data T a = A { m1 :: a, m2 :: a } | B { m1 :: a } .. The function 'm2' is partial record field, and will fail when it is applied to 'B'. The warning identifies such partial fields. The check is performed at the declaration of T, not at the call-sites of m2. The warning can be suppressed by prefixing the field-name with an underscore. For example: :: data T a = A { m1 :: a, _m2 :: a } | B { m1 :: a } ..