`[source] `_ compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs ============================== Note [How top-level splices are handled] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Top-level splices (those not inside a [| .. |] quotation bracket) are handled very straightforwardly: :: 1. tcTopSpliceExpr: typecheck the body e of the splice $(e) .. 2. runMetaT: desugar, compile, run it, and convert result back to HsSyn RdrName (of the appropriate flavour, eg HsType RdrName, HsExpr RdrName etc) 3. treat the result as if that's what you saw in the first place e.g for HsType, rename and kind-check for HsExpr, rename and type-check :: (The last step is different for decls, because they can *only* be top-level: we return the result of step 2.) .. Note [How brackets and nested splices are handled] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Nested splices (those inside a [| .. |] quotation bracket), are treated quite differently. Remember, there are two forms of bracket typed [|| e ||] and untyped [| e |] The life cycle of a typed bracket: * Starts as HsBracket * When renaming: * Set the ThStage to (Brack s RnPendingTyped) * Rename the body * Result is still a HsBracket * When typechecking: * Set the ThStage to (Brack s (TcPending ps_var lie_var)) * Typecheck the body, and throw away the elaborated result * Nested splices (which must be typed) are typechecked, and the results accumulated in ps_var; their constraints accumulate in lie_var * Result is a HsTcBracketOut rn_brack pending_splices where rn_brack is the incoming renamed bracket The life cycle of a un-typed bracket: * Starts as HsBracket * When renaming: * Set the ThStage to (Brack s (RnPendingUntyped ps_var)) * Rename the body * Nested splices (which must be untyped) are renamed, and the results accumulated in ps_var * Result is still (HsRnBracketOut rn_body pending_splices) * When typechecking a HsRnBracketOut * Typecheck the pending_splices individually * Ignore the body of the bracket; just check that the context expects a bracket of that type (e.g. a [p| pat |] bracket should be in a context needing a (Q Pat) * Result is a HsTcBracketOut rn_brack pending_splices where rn_brack is the incoming renamed bracket In both cases, desugaring happens like this: * HsTcBracketOut is desugared by DsMeta.dsBracket. It a) Extends the ds_meta environment with the PendingSplices attached to the bracket b) Converts the quoted (HsExpr Name) to a CoreExpr that, when run, will produce a suitable TH expression/type/decl. This is why we leave the *renamed* expression attached to the bracket: the quoted expression should not be decorated with all the goop added by the type checker * Each splice carries a unique Name, called a "splice point", thus ${n}(e). The name is initialised to an (Unqual "splice") when the splice is created; the renamer gives it a unique. * When DsMeta (used to desugar the body of the bracket) comes across a splice, it looks up the splice's Name, n, in the ds_meta envt, to find an (HsExpr Id) that should be substituted for the splice; it just desugars it to get a CoreExpr (DsMeta.repSplice). Example: Source: f = [| Just $(g 3) |] The [| |] part is a HsBracket Typechecked: f = [| Just ${s7}(g 3) |]{s7 = g Int 3} The [| |] part is a HsBracketOut, containing *renamed* (not typechecked) expression The "s7" is the "splice point"; the (g Int 3) part is a typechecked expression :: Desugared: f = do { s7 <- g Int 3 ; return (ConE "Data.Maybe.Just" s7) } .. Note [Template Haskell state diagram] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Here are the ThStages, s, their corresponding level numbers (the result of (thLevel s)), and their state transitions. The top level of the program is stage Comp: Start here | V ----------- $ ------------ $ | Comp | ---------> | Splice | -----| | 1 | | 0 | <----| ----------- ------------ ^ | ^ | $ | | [||] $ | | [||] | v | v -------------- ---------------- | Brack Comp | | Brack Splice | | 2 | | 1 | -------------- ---------------- * Normal top-level declarations start in state Comp (which has level 1). Annotations start in state Splice, since they are treated very like a splice (only without a '$') * Code compiled in state Splice (and only such code) will be *run at compile time*, with the result replacing the splice * The original paper used level -1 instead of 0, etc. * The original paper did not allow a splice within a splice, but there is no reason not to. This is the $ transition in the top right. Note [Template Haskell levels] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ * Imported things are impLevel (= 0) * However things at level 0 are not *necessarily* imported. eg $( \b -> ... ) here b is bound at level 0 * In GHCi, variables bound by a previous command are treated as impLevel, because we have bytecode for them. * Variables are bound at the "current level" * The current level starts off at outerLevel (= 1) * The level is decremented by splicing $(..) incremented by brackets [| |] incremented by name-quoting 'f When a variable is used, we compare bind: binding level, and use: current level at usage site Generally bind > use Always error (bound later than used) [| \x -> $(f x) |] :: bind = use Always OK (bound same stage as used) [| \x -> $(f [| x |]) |] .. bind < use Inside brackets, it depends Inside splice, OK Inside neither, OK For (bind < use) inside brackets, there are three cases: - Imported things OK f = [| map |] - Top-level things OK g = [| f |] - Non-top-level Only if there is a liftable instance h = \(x:Int) -> [| x |] :: To track top-level-ness we use the ThBindEnv in TcLclEnv .. For example: f = ... g1 = $(map ...) is OK g2 = $(f ...) is not OK; because we havn't compiled f yet Note [Running typed splices in the zonker] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ See #15471 for the full discussion. For many years typed splices were run immediately after they were type checked however, this is too early as it means to zonk some type variables before they can be unified with type variables in the surrounding context. For example, ``` module A where test_foo :: forall a . Q (TExp (a -> a)) test_foo = [|| id ||] module B where import A qux = $$(test_foo) ``` We would expect `qux` to have inferred type `forall a . a -> a` but if we run the splices too early the unified variables are zonked to `Any`. The inferred type is the unusable `Any -> Any`. To run the splice, we must compile `test_foo` all the way to byte code. But at the moment when the type checker is looking at the splice, test_foo has type `Q (TExp (alpha -> alpha))` and we certainly can't compile code involving unification variables! We could default `alpha` to `Any` but then we infer `qux :: Any -> Any` which definitely is not what we want. Moreover, if we had qux = [$$(test_foo), (\x -> x +1::Int)] then `alpha` would have to be `Int`. Conclusion: we must defer taking decisions about `alpha` until the typechecker is done; and *then* we can run the splice. It's fine to do it later, because we know it'll produce type-correct code. Deferring running the splice until later, in the zonker, means that the unification variables propagate upwards from the splice into the surrounding context and are unified correctly. This is implemented by storing the arguments we need for running the splice in a `DelayedSplice`. In the zonker, the arguments are passed to `TcSplice.runTopSplice` and the expression inserted into the AST as normal. Note [Exceptions in TH] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Suppose we have something like this $( f 4 ) where f :: Int -> Q [Dec] f n | n>3 = fail "Too many declarations" | otherwise = ... The 'fail' is a user-generated failure, and should be displayed as a perfectly ordinary compiler error message, not a panic or anything like that. Here's how it's processed: * 'fail' is the monad fail. The monad instance for Q in TH.Syntax effectively transforms (fail s) to qReport True s >> fail where 'qReport' comes from the Quasi class and fail from its monad superclass. * The TcM monad is an instance of Quasi (see TcSplice), and it implements (qReport True s) by using addErr to add an error message to the bag of errors. The 'fail' in TcM raises an IOEnvFailure exception * 'qReport' forces the message to ensure any exception hidden in unevaluated thunk doesn't get into the bag of errors. Otherwise the following splice will triger panic (#8987): $(fail undefined) See also Note [Concealed TH exceptions] * So, when running a splice, we catch all exceptions; then for - an IOEnvFailure exception, we assume the error is already in the error-bag (above) - other errors, we add an error to the bag and then fail Note [Concealed TH exceptions] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ When displaying the error message contained in an exception originated from TH code, we need to make sure that the error message itself does not contain an exception. For example, when executing the following splice: :: $( error ("foo " ++ error "bar") ) .. the message for the outer exception is a thunk which will throw the inner exception when evaluated. For this reason, we display the message of a TH exception using the 'safeShowException' function, which recursively catches any exception thrown when showing an error message. To call runQ in the Tc monad, we need to make TcM an instance of Quasi: Note [Freshen reified GADT constructors' universal tyvars] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Suppose one were to reify this GADT: :: data a :~: b where Refl :: forall a b. (a ~ b) => a :~: b .. We ought to be careful here about the uniques we give to the occurrences of `a` and `b` in this definition. That is because in the original DataCon, all uses of `a` and `b` have the same unique, since `a` and `b` are both universally quantified type variables--that is, they are used in both the (:~:) tycon as well as in the constructor type signature. But when we turn the DataCon definition into the reified one, the `a` and `b` in the constructor type signature becomes differently scoped than the `a` and `b` in `data a :~: b`. While it wouldn't technically be *wrong* per se to re-use the same uniques for `a` and `b` across these two different scopes, it's somewhat annoying for end users of Template Haskell, since they wouldn't be able to rely on the assumption that all TH names have globally distinct uniques (#13885). For this reason, we freshen the universally quantified tyvars that go into the reified GADT constructor type signature to give them distinct uniques from their counterparts in the tycon. Note [Reifying field labels] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ When reifying a datatype declared with DuplicateRecordFields enabled, we want the reified names of the fields to be labels rather than selector functions. That is, we want (reify ''T) and (reify 'foo) to produce :: data T = MkT { foo :: Int } foo :: T -> Int .. rather than :: data T = MkT { $sel:foo:MkT :: Int } $sel:foo:MkT :: T -> Int .. because otherwise TH code that uses the field names as strings will silently do the wrong thing. Thus we use the field label (e.g. foo) as the OccName, rather than the selector (e.g. $sel:foo:MkT). Since the Orig name M.foo isn't in the environment, NameG can't be used to represent such fields. Instead, reifyFieldLabel uses NameQ. However, this means that extracting the field name from the output of reify, and trying to reify it again, may fail with an ambiguity error if there are multiple such fields defined in the module (see the test case overloadedrecflds/should_fail/T11103.hs). The "proper" fix requires changes to the TH AST to make it able to represent duplicate record fields.