`[source] `_ compiler/typecheck/ClsInst.hs ============================= Note [Shortcut solving: overlap] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Suppose we have instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} C a where ... and we are typechecking f :: C a => a -> a f = e -- Gives rise to [W] C a We don't want to solve the wanted constraint with the overlappable instance; rather we want to use the supplied (C a)! That was the whole point of it being overlappable! #14434 wwas an example. Alas even if the instance has no overlap flag, thus instance C a where ... there is nothing to stop it being overlapped. GHC provides no way to declare an instance as "final" so it can't be overlapped. But really only final instances are OK for short-cut solving. Sigh. #15135 was a puzzling example. Note [KnownNat & KnownSymbol and EvLit] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ A part of the type-level literals implementation are the classes "KnownNat" and "KnownSymbol", which provide a "smart" constructor for defining singleton values. Here is the key stuff from GHC.TypeLits :: class KnownNat (n :: Nat) where natSing :: SNat n .. :: newtype SNat (n :: Nat) = SNat Integer .. Conceptually, this class has infinitely many instances: instance KnownNat 0 where natSing = SNat 0 instance KnownNat 1 where natSing = SNat 1 instance KnownNat 2 where natSing = SNat 2 ... In practice, we solve `KnownNat` predicates in the type-checker (see typecheck/TcInteract.hs) because we can't have infinitely many instances. The evidence (aka "dictionary") for `KnownNat` is of the form `EvLit (EvNum n)`. We make the following assumptions about dictionaries in GHC: 1. The "dictionary" for classes with a single method---like `KnownNat`---is a newtype for the type of the method, so using a evidence amounts to a coercion, and 2. Newtypes use the same representation as their definition types. So, the evidence for `KnownNat` is just a value of the representation type, wrapped in two newtype constructors: one to make it into a `SNat` value, and another to make it into a `KnownNat` dictionary. Also note that `natSing` and `SNat` are never actually exposed from the library---they are just an implementation detail. Instead, users see a more convenient function, defined in terms of `natSing`: :: natVal :: KnownNat n => proxy n -> Integer .. The reason we don't use this directly in the class is that it is simpler and more efficient to pass around an integer rather than an entire function, especially when the `KnowNat` evidence is packaged up in an existential. The story for kind `Symbol` is analogous: * class KnownSymbol * newtype SSymbol * Evidence: a Core literal (e.g. mkNaturalExpr) Note [Fabricating Evidence for Literals in Backpack] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Let `T` be a type of kind `Nat`. When solving for a purported instance of `KnownNat T`, ghc tries to resolve the type `T` to an integer `n`, in which case the evidence `EvLit (EvNum n)` is generated on the fly. It might appear that this is sufficient as users cannot define their own instances of `KnownNat`. However, for backpack module this would not work (see issue #15379). Consider the signature `Abstract` > signature Abstract where > data T :: Nat > instance KnownNat T and a module `Util` that depends on it: > module Util where > import Abstract > printT :: IO () > printT = do print $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy T) Clearly, we need to "use" the dictionary associated with `KnownNat T` in the module `Util`, but it is too early for the compiler to produce a real dictionary as we still have not fixed what `T` is. Only when we mixin a concrete module > module Concrete where > type T = 42 do we really get hold of the underlying integer. So the strategy that we follow is the following 1. If T is indeed available as a type alias for an integer constant, generate the dictionary on the fly, failing which 2. Look up the type class environment for the evidence. Finally actual code gets generate for Util only when a module like Concrete gets "mixed-in" in place of the signature Abstract. As a result all things, including the typeclass instances, in Concrete gets reexported. So `KnownNat` gets resolved the normal way post-Backpack. A similar generation works for `KnownSymbol` as well Note [Typeable (T a b c)] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ For type applications we always decompose using binary application, via doTyApp, until we get to a *kind* instantiation. Example Proxy :: forall k. k -> * To solve Typeable (Proxy (* -> *) Maybe) we - First decompose with doTyApp, to get (Typeable (Proxy (* -> *))) and Typeable Maybe - Then solve (Typeable (Proxy (* -> *))) with doTyConApp If we attempt to short-cut by solving it all at once, via doTyConApp (this note is sadly truncated FIXME) Note [No Typeable for polytypes or qualified types] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We do not support impredicative typeable, such as Typeable (forall a. a->a) Typeable (Eq a => a -> a) Typeable (() => Int) Typeable (((),()) => Int) See #9858. For forall's the case is clear: we simply don't have a TypeRep for them. For qualified but not polymorphic types, like (Eq a => a -> a), things are murkier. But: * We don't need a TypeRep for these things. TypeReps are for monotypes only. * Perhaps we could treat `=>` as another type constructor for `Typeable` purposes, and thus support things like `Eq Int => Int`, however, at the current state of affairs this would be an odd exception as no other class works with impredicative types. For now we leave it off, until we have a better story for impredicativity. Note [Typeable for Nat and Symbol] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We have special Typeable instances for Nat and Symbol. Roughly we have this instance, implemented here by doTyLit: instance KnownNat n => Typeable (n :: Nat) where typeRep = typeNatTypeRep @n where Data.Typeable.Internals.typeNatTypeRep :: KnownNat a => TypeRep a Ultimately typeNatTypeRep uses 'natSing' from KnownNat to get a runtime value 'n'; it turns it into a string with 'show' and uses that to whiz up a TypeRep TyCon for 'n', with mkTypeLitTyCon. See #10348. Because of this rule it's inadvisable (see #15322) to have a constraint f :: (Typeable (n :: Nat)) => blah in a function signature; it gives rise to overlap problems just as if you'd written f :: Eq [a] => blah Note [HasField instances] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Suppose we have :: data T y = MkT { foo :: [y] } .. and `foo` is in scope. Then GHC will automatically solve a constraint like :: HasField "foo" (T Int) b .. by emitting a new wanted :: T alpha -> [alpha] ~# T Int -> b .. and building a HasField dictionary out of the selector function `foo`, appropriately cast. The HasField class is defined (in GHC.Records) thus: :: class HasField (x :: k) r a | x r -> a where getField :: r -> a .. Since this is a one-method class, it is represented as a newtype. Hence we can solve `HasField "foo" (T Int) b` by taking an expression of type `T Int -> b` and casting it using the newtype coercion. Note that :: foo :: forall y . T y -> [y] .. so the expression we construct is :: foo @alpha |> co .. where :: co :: (T alpha -> [alpha]) ~# HasField "foo" (T Int) b .. is built from :: co1 :: (T alpha -> [alpha]) ~# (T Int -> b) .. which is the new wanted, and :: co2 :: (T Int -> b) ~# HasField "foo" (T Int) b .. which can be derived from the newtype coercion. If `foo` is not in scope, or has a higher-rank or existentially quantified type, then the constraint is not solved automatically, but may be solved by a user-supplied HasField instance. Similarly, if we encounter a HasField constraint where the field is not a literal string, or does not belong to the type, then we fall back on the normal constraint solver behaviour. See Note [HasField instances]