`[source] `_ compiler/specialise/Rules.hs ============================ Note [Overall plumbing for rules] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ * After the desugarer: - The ModGuts initially contains mg_rules :: [CoreRule] of locally-declared rules for imported Ids. - Locally-declared rules for locally-declared Ids are attached to the IdInfo for that Id. See Note [Attach rules to local ids] in DsBinds * TidyPgm strips off all the rules from local Ids and adds them to mg_rules, so that the ModGuts has *all* the locally-declared rules. * The HomePackageTable contains a ModDetails for each home package module. Each contains md_rules :: [CoreRule] of rules declared in that module. The HomePackageTable grows as ghc --make does its up-sweep. In batch mode (ghc -c), the HPT is empty; all imported modules are treated by the "external" route, discussed next, regardless of which package they come from. * The ExternalPackageState has a single eps_rule_base :: RuleBase for Ids in other packages. This RuleBase simply grow monotonically, as ghc --make compiles one module after another. :: During simplification, interface files may get demand-loaded, as the simplifier explores the unfoldings for Ids it has in its hand. (Via an unsafePerformIO; the EPS is really a cache.) That in turn may make the EPS rule-base grow. In contrast, the HPT never grows in this way. .. * The result of all this is that during Core-to-Core optimisation there are four sources of rules: :: (a) Rules in the IdInfo of the Id they are a rule for. These are easy: fast to look up, and if you apply a substitution then it'll be applied to the IdInfo as a matter of course. .. :: (b) Rules declared in this module for imported Ids, kept in the ModGuts. If you do a substitution, you'd better apply the substitution to these. There are seldom many of these. .. :: (c) Rules declared in the HomePackageTable. These never change. .. (d) Rules in the ExternalPackageTable. These can grow in response to lazy demand-loading of interfaces. * At the moment (c) is carried in a reader-monad way by the CoreMonad. The HomePackageTable doesn't have a single RuleBase because technically we should only be able to "see" rules "below" this module; so we generate a RuleBase for (c) by combing rules from all the modules "below" us. That's why we can't just select the home-package RuleBase from HscEnv. :: [NB: we are inconsistent here. We should do the same for external packages, but we don't. Same for type-class instances.] .. * So in the outer simplifier loop, we combine (b-d) into a single RuleBase, reading (b) from the ModGuts, (c) from the CoreMonad, and (d) from its mutable variable [Of coures this means that we won't see new EPS rules that come in during a single simplifier iteration, but that probably does not matter.] Note [Care with roughTopName] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider this module M where { x = a:b } module N where { ...f x... RULE f (p:q) = ... } You'd expect the rule to match, because the matcher can look through the unfolding of 'x'. So we must avoid roughTopName returning 'M.x' for the call (f x), or else it'll say "can't match" and we won't even try!! However, suppose we have RULE g (M.h x) = ... foo = ...(g (M.k v)).... where k is a *function* exported by M. We never really match functions (lambdas) except by name, so in this case it seems like a good idea to treat 'M.k' as a roughTopName of the call. Note [Where rules are found] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The rules for an Id come from two places: (a) the ones it is born with, stored inside the Id iself (idCoreRules fn), (b) rules added in other modules, stored in the global RuleBase (imp_rules) It's tempting to think that - LocalIds have only (a) - non-LocalIds have only (b) but that isn't quite right: - PrimOps and ClassOps are born with a bunch of rules inside the Id, even when they are imported - The rules in PrelRules.builtinRules should be active even in the module defining the Id (when it's a LocalId), but the rules are kept in the global RuleBase Note [Extra args in rule matching] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ If we find a matching rule, we return (Just (rule, rhs)), but the rule firing has only consumed as many of the input args as the ruleArity says. It's up to the caller to keep track of any left-over args. E.g. if you call lookupRule ... f [e1, e2, e3] and it returns Just (r, rhs), where r has ruleArity 2 then the real rewrite is f e1 e2 e3 ==> rhs e3 You might think it'd be cleaner for lookupRule to deal with the leftover arguments, by applying 'rhs' to them, but the main call in the Simplifier works better as it is. Reason: the 'args' passed to lookupRule are the result of a lazy substitution Note [Unbound RULE binders] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ It can be the case that the binder in a rule is not actually bound on the LHS: * Type variables. Type synonyms with phantom args can give rise to unbound template type variables. Consider this (#10689, simplCore/should_compile/T10689): :: type Foo a b = b .. :: f :: Eq a => a -> Bool f x = x==x .. :: {-# RULES "foo" forall (x :: Foo a Char). f x = True #-} finkle = f 'c' .. The rule looks like forall (a::*) (d::Eq Char) (x :: Foo a Char). f (Foo a Char) d x = True :: Matching the rule won't bind 'a', and legitimately so. We fudge by pretending that 'a' is bound to (Any :: *). .. * Coercion variables. On the LHS of a RULE for a local binder we might have RULE forall (c :: a~b). f (x |> c) = e Now, if that binding is inlined, so that a=b=Int, we'd get RULE forall (c :: Int~Int). f (x |> c) = e and now when we simplify the LHS (Simplify.simplRule) we optCoercion will turn that 'c' into Refl: RULE forall (c :: Int~Int). f (x |> ) = e and then perhaps drop it altogether. Now 'c' is unbound. :: It's tricky to be sure this never happens, so instead I say it's OK to have an unbound coercion binder in a RULE provided its type is (c :: t~t). Then, when the RULE fires we can substitute for c. .. :: This actually happened (in a RULE for a local function) in #13410, and also in test T10602. .. Note [Cloning the template binders] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider the following match (example 1): Template: forall x. f x Target: f (x+1) This should succeed, because the template variable 'x' has nothing to do with the 'x' in the target. Likewise this one (example 2): Template: forall x. f (\x.x) Target: f (\y.y) We achieve this simply by using rnBndrL to clone the template binders if they are already in scope. ------ Historical note ------- At one point I tried simply adding the template binders to the in-scope set /without/ cloning them, but that failed in a horribly obscure way in #14777. Problem was that during matching we look up target-term variables in the in-scope set (see Note [Lookup in-scope]). If a target-term variable happens to name-clash with a template variable, that lookup will find the template variable, which is /utterly/ bogus. In #14777, this transformed a term variable into a type variable, and then crashed when we wanted its idInfo. ------ End of historical note ------- Note [Expanding variables] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Here is another Very Important rule: if the term being matched is a variable, we expand it so long as its unfolding is "expandable". (Its occurrence information is not necessarily up to date, so we don't use it.) By "expandable" we mean a WHNF or a "constructor-like" application. This is the key reason for "constructor-like" Ids. If we have {-# NOINLINE [1] CONLIKE g #-} {-# RULE f (g x) = h x #-} then in the term let v = g 3 in ....(f v).... we want to make the rule fire, to replace (f v) with (h 3). Note [Do not expand locally-bound variables] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Do *not* expand locally-bound variables, else there's a worry that the unfolding might mention variables that are themselves renamed. Example case x of y { (p,q) -> ...y... } Don't expand 'y' to (p,q) because p,q might themselves have been renamed. Essentially we only expand unfoldings that are "outside" the entire match. Hence, (a) the guard (not (isLocallyBoundR v2)) (b) when we expand we nuke the renaming envt (nukeRnEnvR). Note [Tick annotations in RULE matching] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We used to unconditionally look through Notes in both template and expression being matched. This is actually illegal for counting or cost-centre-scoped ticks, because we have no place to put them without changing entry counts and/or costs. So now we just fail the match in these cases. On the other hand, where we are allowed to insert new cost into the tick scope, we can float them upwards to the rule application site. cf Note [Notes in call patterns] in SpecConstr Note [Matching lets] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Matching a let-expression. Consider RULE forall x. f (g x) = and target expression f (let { w=R } in g E)) Then we'd like the rule to match, to generate let { w=R } in (\x. ) E In effect, we want to float the let-binding outward, to enable the match to happen. This is the WHOLE REASON for accumulating bindings in the RuleSubst We can only do this if the free variables of R are not bound by the part of the target expression outside the let binding; e.g. f (\v. let w = v+1 in g E) Here we obviously cannot float the let-binding for w. Hence the use of okToFloat. There are a couple of tricky points. (a) What if floating the binding captures a variable? f (let v = x+1 in v) v --> NOT! let v = x+1 in f (x+1) v (b) What if two non-nested let bindings bind the same variable? f (let v = e1 in b1) (let v = e2 in b2) --> NOT! let v = e1 in let v = e2 in (f b2 b2) See testsuite test "RuleFloatLet". Our cunning plan is this: * Along with the growing substitution for template variables we maintain a growing set of floated let-bindings (rs_binds) plus the set of variables thus bound. * The RnEnv2 in the MatchEnv binds only the local binders in the term (lambdas, case) * When we encounter a let in the term to be matched, we check that does not mention any locally bound (lambda, case) variables. If so we fail * We use CoreSubst.substBind to freshen the binding, using an in-scope set that is the original in-scope variables plus the rs_bndrs (currently floated let-bindings). So in (a) above we'll freshen the 'v' binding; in (b) above we'll freshen the *second* 'v' binding. * We apply that freshening substitution, in a lexically-scoped way to the term, although lazily; this is the rv_fltR field. Note [Matching cases] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ {- NOTE: This idea is currently disabled. It really only works if the primops involved are OkForSpeculation, and, since they have side effects readIntOfAddr and touch are not. Maybe we'll get back to this later . -} Consider f (case readIntOffAddr# p# i# realWorld# of { (# s#, n# #) -> case touch# fp s# of { _ -> I# n# } } ) This happened in a tight loop generated by stream fusion that Roman encountered. We'd like to treat this just like the let case, because the primops concerned are ok-for-speculation. That is, we'd like to behave as if it had been case readIntOffAddr# p# i# realWorld# of { (# s#, n# #) -> case touch# fp s# of { _ -> f (I# n# } } ) Note [Lookup in-scope] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider this example foo :: Int -> Maybe Int -> Int foo 0 (Just n) = n foo m (Just n) = foo (m-n) (Just n) SpecConstr sees this fragment: :: case w_smT of wild_Xf [Just A] { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> lvl_smf; Data.Maybe.Just n_acT [Just S(L)] -> case n_acT of wild1_ams [Just A] { GHC.Base.I# y_amr [Just L] -> $wfoo_smW (GHC.Prim.-# ds_Xmb y_amr) wild_Xf }}; .. and correctly generates the rule :: RULES: "SC:$wfoo1" [0] __forall {y_amr [Just L] :: GHC.Prim.Int# sc_snn :: GHC.Prim.Int#} $wfoo_smW sc_snn (Data.Maybe.Just @ GHC.Base.Int (GHC.Base.I# y_amr)) = $s$wfoo_sno y_amr sc_snn ;] .. BUT we must ensure that this rule matches in the original function! Note that the call to $wfoo is $wfoo_smW (GHC.Prim.-# ds_Xmb y_amr) wild_Xf During matching we expand wild_Xf to (Just n_acT). But then we must also expand n_acT to (I# y_amr). And we can only do that if we look up n_acT in the in-scope set, because in wild_Xf's unfolding it won't have an unfolding at all. That is why the 'lookupRnInScope' call in the (Var v2) case of 'match' is so important.