`[source] `_ compiler/simplStg/UnariseStg.hs =============================== Note [Unarisation] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The idea of this pass is to translate away *all* unboxed-tuple and unboxed-sum binders. So for example: :: f (x :: (# Int, Bool #)) = f x + f (# 1, True #) .. :: ==> .. :: f (x1 :: Int) (x2 :: Bool) = f x1 x2 + f 1 True .. It is important that we do this at the STG level and NOT at the Core level because it would be very hard to make this pass Core-type-preserving. In this example the type of 'f' changes, for example. STG fed to the code generators *must* be unarised because the code generators do not support unboxed tuple and unboxed sum binders natively. In more detail: (see next note for unboxed sums) Suppose that a variable x : (# t1, t2 #). * At the binding site for x, make up fresh vars x1:t1, x2:t2 * Extend the UnariseEnv x :-> MultiVal [x1,x2] * Replace the binding with a curried binding for x1,x2 :: Lambda: \x.e ==> \x1 x2. e Case alt: MkT a b x c d -> e ==> MkT a b x1 x2 c d -> e .. * Replace argument occurrences with a sequence of args via a lookup in UnariseEnv :: f a b x c d ==> f a b x1 x2 c d .. * Replace tail-call occurrences with an unboxed tuple via a lookup in UnariseEnv :: x ==> (# x1, x2 #) .. So, for example :: f x = x ==> f x1 x2 = (# x1, x2 #) .. * We /always/ eliminate a case expression when - It scrutinises an unboxed tuple or unboxed sum - The scrutinee is a variable (or when it is an explicit tuple, but the simplifier eliminates those) The case alternative (there can be only one) can be one of these two things: - An unboxed tuple pattern. e.g. :: case v of x { (# x1, x2, x3 #) -> ... } .. Scrutinee has to be in form `(# t1, t2, t3 #)` so we just extend the environment with :: x :-> MultiVal [t1,t2,t3] x1 :-> UnaryVal t1, x2 :-> UnaryVal t2, x3 :-> UnaryVal t3 .. - A DEFAULT alternative. Just the same, without the bindings for x1,x2,x3 By the end of this pass, we only have unboxed tuples in return positions. Unboxed sums are completely eliminated, see next note. Note [Translating unboxed sums to unboxed tuples] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Unarise also eliminates unboxed sum binders, and translates unboxed sums in return positions to unboxed tuples. We want to overlap fields of a sum when translating it to a tuple to have efficient memory layout. When translating a sum pattern to a tuple pattern, we need to translate it so that binders of sum alternatives will be mapped to right arguments after the term translation. So translation of sum DataCon applications to tuple DataCon applications and translation of sum patterns to tuple patterns need to be in sync. These translations work like this. Suppose we have :: (# x1 | | ... #) :: (# t1 | t2 | ... #) .. remember that t1, t2 ... can be sums and tuples too. So we first generate layouts of those. Then we "merge" layouts of each alternative, which gives us a sum layout with best overlapping possible. Layout of a flat type 'ty1' is just [ty1]. Layout of a tuple is just concatenation of layouts of its fields. For layout of a sum type, - We first get layouts of all alternatives. - We sort these layouts based on their "slot types". - We merge all the alternatives. For example, say we have (# (# Int#, Char #) | (# Int#, Int# #) | Int# #) - Layouts of alternatives: [ [Word, Ptr], [Word, Word], [Word] ] - Sorted: [ [Ptr, Word], [Word, Word], [Word] ] - Merge all alternatives together: [ Ptr, Word, Word ] We add a slot for the tag to the first position. So our tuple type is :: (# Tag#, Any, Word#, Word# #) (we use Any for pointer slots) .. Now, any term of this sum type needs to generate a tuple of this type instead. The translation works by simply putting arguments to first slots that they fit in. Suppose we had :: (# (# 42#, 'c' #) | | #) .. 42# fits in Word#, 'c' fits in Any, so we generate this application: :: (# 1#, 'c', 42#, rubbish #) .. Another example using the same type: (# | (# 2#, 3# #) | #). 2# fits in Word#, 3# fits in Word #, so we get: :: (# 2#, rubbish, 2#, 3# #). .. Note [Types in StgConApp] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Suppose we have this unboxed sum term: :: (# 123 | #) .. What will be the unboxed tuple representation? We can't tell without knowing the type of this term. For example, these are all valid tuples for this: (# 1#, 123 #) -- when type is (# Int | String #) (# 1#, 123, rubbish #) -- when type is (# Int | Float# #) (# 1#, 123, rubbish, rubbish #) -- when type is (# Int | (# Int, Int, Int #) #) So we pass type arguments of the DataCon's TyCon in StgConApp to decide what layout to use. Note that unlifted values can't be let-bound, so we don't need types in StgRhsCon. Note [UnariseEnv can map to literals] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ To avoid redundant case expressions when unarising unboxed sums, UnariseEnv needs to map variables to literals too. Suppose we have this Core: :: f (# x | #) .. :: ==> (CorePrep) .. :: case (# x | #) of y { _ -> f y } .. :: ==> (MultiVal) .. :: case (# 1#, x #) of [x1, x2] { _ -> f x1 x2 } .. To eliminate this case expression we need to map x1 to 1# in UnariseEnv: :: x1 :-> UnaryVal 1#, x2 :-> UnaryVal x .. so that `f x1 x2` becomes `f 1# x`. Note [Unarisation and arity] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Because of unarisation, the arity that will be recorded in the generated info table for an Id may be larger than the idArity. Instead we record what we call the RepArity, which is the Arity taking into account any expanded arguments, and corresponds to the number of (possibly-void) *registers* arguments will arrive in. Note [Post-unarisation invariants] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ STG programs after unarisation have these invariants: * No unboxed sums at all. * No unboxed tuple binders. Tuples only appear in return position. * DataCon applications (StgRhsCon and StgConApp) don't have void arguments. This means that it's safe to wrap `StgArg`s of DataCon applications with `StgCmmEnv.NonVoid`, for example. * Alt binders (binders in patterns) are always non-void.