`[source] `_ compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs ============================== Note [The big picture] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The general shape of the simplifier is this: :: simplExpr :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr) simplBind :: SimplEnv -> InBind -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv) .. * SimplEnv contains - Simplifier mode (which includes DynFlags for convenience) - Ambient substitution - InScopeSet * SimplFloats contains - Let-floats (which includes ok-for-spec case-floats) - Join floats - InScopeSet (including all the floats) * Expressions simplExpr :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM (SimplFloats, OutExpr) The result of simplifying an /expression/ is (floats, expr) - A bunch of floats (let bindings, join bindings) - A simplified expression. The overall result is effectively (let floats in expr) * Bindings simplBind :: SimplEnv -> InBind -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv) The result of simplifying a binding is - A bunch of floats, the last of which is the simplified binding There may be auxiliary bindings too; see prepareRhs - An environment suitable for simplifying the scope of the binding :: The floats may also be empty, if the binding is inlined unconditionally; in that case the returned SimplEnv will have an augmented substitution. .. The returned floats and env both have an in-scope set, and they are guaranteed to be the same. Note [Shadowing] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The simplifier used to guarantee that the output had no shadowing, but it does not do so any more. (Actually, it never did!) The reason is documented with simplifyArgs. Eta expansion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For eta expansion, we want to catch things like :: case e of (a,b) -> \x -> case a of (p,q) -> \y -> r .. If the \x was on the RHS of a let, we'd eta expand to bring the two lambdas together. And in general that's a good thing to do. Perhaps we should eta expand wherever we find a (value) lambda? Then the eta expansion at a let RHS can concentrate solely on the PAP case. Note [Float coercions] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ When we find the binding x = e `cast` co we'd like to transform it to x' = e x = x `cast` co -- A trivial binding There's a chance that e will be a constructor application or function, or something like that, so moving the coercion to the usage site may well cancel the coercions and lead to further optimisation. Example: :: data family T a :: * data instance T Int = T Int .. foo :: Int -> Int -> Int foo m n = ... where x = T m go 0 = 0 go n = case x of { T m -> go (n-m) } -- This case should optimise Note [Preserve strictness when floating coercions] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ In the Note [Float coercions] transformation, keep the strictness info. Eg f = e `cast` co -- f has strictness SSL When we transform to f' = e -- f' also has strictness SSL f = f' `cast` co -- f still has strictness SSL Its not wrong to drop it on the floor, but better to keep it. Note [Float coercions (unlifted)] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ BUT don't do [Float coercions] if 'e' has an unlifted type. This *can* happen: :: foo :: Int = (error (# Int,Int #) "urk") `cast` CoUnsafe (# Int,Int #) Int .. If do the makeTrivial thing to the error call, we'll get foo = case error (# Int,Int #) "urk" of v -> v `cast` ... But 'v' isn't in scope! These strange casts can happen as a result of case-of-case bar = case (case x of { T -> (# 2,3 #); F -> error "urk" }) of (# p,q #) -> p+q Note [Trivial after prepareRhs] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ If we call makeTrival on (e |> co), the recursive use of prepareRhs may leave us with { a1 = e } and (a1 |> co) Now the latter is trivial, so we don't want to let-bind it. Note [Cannot trivialise] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider: f :: Int -> Addr# :: foo :: Bar foo = Bar (f 3) .. Then we can't ANF-ise foo, even though we'd like to, because we can't make a top-level binding for the Addr# (f 3). And if so we don't want to turn it into foo = let x = f 3 in Bar x because we'll just end up inlining x back, and that makes the simplifier loop. Better not to ANF-ise it at all. Literal strings are an exception. :: foo = Ptr "blob"# .. We want to turn this into: :: foo1 = "blob"# foo = Ptr foo1 .. See Note [CoreSyn top-level string literals] in CoreSyn. Note [Arity decrease] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Generally speaking the arity of a binding should not decrease. But it *can* legitimately happen because of RULES. Eg f = g Int where g has arity 2, will have arity 2. But if there's a rewrite rule g Int --> h where h has arity 1, then f's arity will decrease. Here's a real-life example, which is in the output of Specialise: :: Rec { $dm {Arity 2} = \d.\x. op d {-# RULES forall d. $dm Int d = $s$dm #-} .. :: dInt = MkD .... opInt ... opInt {Arity 1} = $dm dInt .. :: $s$dm {Arity 0} = \x. op dInt } .. Here opInt has arity 1; but when we apply the rule its arity drops to 0. That's why Specialise goes to a little trouble to pin the right arity on specialised functions too. Note [Bottoming bindings] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Suppose we have let x = error "urk" in ...(case x of )... or let f = \x. error (x ++ "urk") in ...(case f "foo" of )... Then we'd like to drop the dead immediately. So it's good to propagate the info that x's RHS is bottom to x's IdInfo as rapidly as possible. We use tryEtaExpandRhs on every binding, and it turns ou that the arity computation it performs (via CoreArity.findRhsArity) already does a simple bottoming-expression analysis. So all we need to do is propagate that info to the binder's IdInfo. This showed up in #12150; see comment:16. Note [Setting the demand info] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ If the unfolding is a value, the demand info may go pear-shaped, so we nuke it. Example: let x = (a,b) in case x of (p,q) -> h p q x Here x is certainly demanded. But after we've nuked the case, we'll get just let x = (a,b) in h a b x and now x is not demanded (I'm assuming h is lazy) This really happens. Similarly let f = \x -> e in ...f..f... After inlining f at some of its call sites the original binding may (for example) be no longer strictly demanded. The solution here is a bit ad hoc... Note [Avoiding space leaks in OutType] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Since the simplifier is run for multiple iterations, we need to ensure that any thunks in the output of one simplifier iteration are forced by the evaluation of the next simplifier iteration. Otherwise we may retain multiple copies of the Core program and leak a terrible amount of memory (as in #13426). The simplifier is naturally strict in the entire "Expr part" of the input Core program, because any expression may contain binders, which we must find in order to extend the SimplEnv accordingly. But types do not contain binders and so it is tempting to write things like :: simplExpr env (Type ty) = return (Type (substTy env ty)) -- Bad! .. This is Bad because the result includes a thunk (substTy env ty) which retains a reference to the whole simplifier environment; and the next simplifier iteration will not force this thunk either, because the line above is not strict in ty. So instead our strategy is for the simplifier to fully evaluate OutTypes when it emits them into the output Core program, for example :: simplExpr env (Type ty) = do { ty' <- simplType env ty -- Good ; return (Type ty') } .. where the only difference from above is that simplType calls seqType on the result of substTy. However, SimplCont can also contain OutTypes and it's not necessarily a good idea to force types on the way in to SimplCont, because they may end up not being used and forcing them could be a lot of wasted work. T5631 is a good example of this. - For ApplyToTy's sc_arg_ty, we force the type on the way in because the type will almost certainly appear as a type argument in the output program. - For the hole types in Stop and ApplyToTy, we force the type when we emit it into the output program, after obtaining it from contResultType. (The hole type in ApplyToTy is only directly used to form the result type in a new Stop continuation.) Note [Optimising reflexivity] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ It's important (for compiler performance) to get rid of reflexivity as soon as it appears. See #11735, #14737, and #15019. In particular, we want to behave well on * e |> co1 |> co2 where the two happen to cancel out entirely. That is quite common; e.g. a newtype wrapping and unwrapping cancel. * (f |> co) @t1 @t2 ... @tn x1 .. xm Here we wil use pushCoTyArg and pushCoValArg successively, which build up NthCo stacks. Silly to do that if co is reflexive. However, we don't want to call isReflexiveCo too much, because it uses type equality which is expensive on big types (#14737 comment:7). A good compromise (determined experimentally) seems to be to call isReflexiveCo * when composing casts, and * at the end In investigating this I saw missed opportunities for on-the-fly coercion shrinkage. See #15090. Note [Avoiding exponential behaviour] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ One way in which we can get exponential behaviour is if we simplify a big expression, and the re-simplify it -- and then this happens in a deeply-nested way. So we must be jolly careful about re-simplifying an expression. That is why completeNonRecX does not try preInlineUnconditionally. Example: f BIG, where f has a RULE Then * We simplify BIG before trying the rule; but the rule does not fire * We inline f = \x. x True * So if we did preInlineUnconditionally we'd re-simplify (BIG True) However, if BIG has /not/ already been simplified, we'd /like/ to simplify BIG True; maybe good things happen. That is why * simplLam has - a case for (isSimplified dup), which goes via simplNonRecX, and - a case for the un-simplified case, which goes via simplNonRecE * We go to some efforts to avoid unnecessarily simplifying ApplyToVal, in at least two places - In simplCast/addCoerce, where we check for isReflCo - In rebuildCall we avoid simplifying arguments before we have to (see Note [Trying rewrite rules]) Note [Zap unfolding when beta-reducing] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Lambda-bound variables can have stable unfoldings, such as $j = \x. \b{Unf=Just x}. e See Note [Case binders and join points] below; the unfolding for lets us optimise e better. However when we beta-reduce it we want to revert to using the actual value, otherwise we can end up in the stupid situation of let x = blah in let b{Unf=Just x} = y in ...b... Here it'd be far better to drop the unfolding and use the actual RHS. Note [Rules and unfolding for join points] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Suppose we have :: simplExpr (join j x = rhs ) cont ( {- RULE j (p:ps) = blah -} ) ( {- StableUnfolding j = blah -} ) (in blah ) .. Then we will push 'cont' into the rhs of 'j'. But we should *also* push 'cont' into the RHS of * Any RULEs for j, e.g. generated by SpecConstr * Any stable unfolding for j, e.g. the result of an INLINE pragma Simplifying rules and stable-unfoldings happens a bit after simplifying the right-hand side, so we remember whether or not it is a join point, and what 'cont' is, in a value of type MaybeJoinCont #13900 wsa caused by forgetting to push 'cont' into the RHS of a SpecConstr-generated RULE for a join point. Note [Join points and case-of-case] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ When we perform the case-of-case transform (or otherwise push continuations inward), we want to treat join points specially. Since they're always tail-called and we want to maintain this invariant, we can do this (for any evaluation context E): :: E[join j = e in case ... of A -> jump j 1 B -> jump j 2 C -> f 3] .. --> :: join j = E[e] in case ... of A -> jump j 1 B -> jump j 2 C -> E[f 3] .. As is evident from the example, there are two components to this behavior: :: 1. When entering the RHS of a join point, copy the context inside. 2. When a join point is invoked, discard the outer context. .. We need to be very careful here to remain consistent---neither part is optional! We need do make the continuation E duplicable (since we are duplicating it) with mkDuableCont. Note [Join points wih -fno-case-of-case] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Supose case-of-case is switched off, and we are simplifying :: case (join j x = in case y of A -> j 1 B -> j 2 C -> e) of .. Usually, we'd push the outer continuation (case . of ) into both the RHS and the body of the join point j. But since we aren't doing case-of-case we may then end up with this totally bogus result :: join x = case of in case (case y of A -> j 1 B -> j 2 C -> e) of .. This would be OK in the language of the paper, but not in GHC: j is no longer a join point. We can only do the "push contination into the RHS of the join point j" if we also push the contination right down to the /jumps/ to j, so that it can evaporate there. If we are doing case-of-case, we'll get to :: join x = case of in case y of A -> j 1 B -> j 2 C -> case e of .. which is great. Bottom line: if case-of-case is off, we must stop pushing the continuation inwards altogether at any join point. Instead simplify the (join ... in ...) with a Stop continuation, and wrap the original continuation around the outside. Surprisingly tricky! Note [Trying rewrite rules] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider an application (f e1 e2 e3) where the e1,e2,e3 are not yet simplified. We want to simplify enough arguments to allow the rules to apply, but it's more efficient to avoid simplifying e2,e3 if e1 alone is sufficient. Example: class ops (+) dNumInt e2 e3 If we rewrite ((+) dNumInt) to plusInt, we can take advantage of the latter's strictness when simplifying e2, e3. Moreover, suppose we have RULE f Int = \x. x True Then given (f Int e1) we rewrite to (\x. x True) e1 without simplifying e1. Now we can inline x into its unique call site, and absorb the True into it all in the same pass. If we simplified e1 first, we couldn't do that; see Note [Avoiding exponential behaviour]. So we try to apply rules if either (a) no_more_args: we've run out of argument that the rules can "see" (b) nr_wanted: none of the rules wants any more arguments Note [RULES apply to simplified arguments] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ It's very desirable to try RULES once the arguments have been simplified, because doing so ensures that rule cascades work in one pass. Consider {-# RULES g (h x) = k x f (k x) = x #-} ...f (g (h x))... Then we want to rewrite (g (h x)) to (k x) and only then try f's rules. If we match f's rules against the un-simplified RHS, it won't match. This makes a particularly big difference when superclass selectors are involved: op ($p1 ($p2 (df d))) We want all this to unravel in one sweep. Note [Avoid redundant simplification] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Because RULES apply to simplified arguments, there's a danger of repeatedly simplifying already-simplified arguments. An important example is that of (>>=) d e1 e2 Here e1, e2 are simplified before the rule is applied, but don't really participate in the rule firing. So we mark them as Simplified to avoid re-simplifying them. Note [Shadowing] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ This part of the simplifier may break the no-shadowing invariant Consider f (...(\a -> e)...) (case y of (a,b) -> e') where f is strict in its second arg If we simplify the innermost one first we get (...(\a -> e)...) Simplifying the second arg makes us float the case out, so we end up with case y of (a,b) -> f (...(\a -> e)...) e' So the output does not have the no-shadowing invariant. However, there is no danger of getting name-capture, because when the first arg was simplified we used an in-scope set that at least mentioned all the variables free in its static environment, and that is enough. We can't just do innermost first, or we'd end up with a dual problem: case x of (a,b) -> f e (...(\a -> e')...) I spent hours trying to recover the no-shadowing invariant, but I just could not think of an elegant way to do it. The simplifier is already knee-deep in continuations. We have to keep the right in-scope set around; AND we have to get the effect that finding (error "foo") in a strict arg position will discard the entire application and replace it with (error "foo"). Getting all this at once is TOO HARD! Note [User-defined RULES for seq] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Given case (scrut |> co) of _ -> rhs look for rules that match the expression seq @t1 @t2 scrut where scrut :: t1 rhs :: t2 If you find a match, rewrite it, and apply to 'rhs'. Notice that we can simply drop casts on the fly here, which makes it more likely that a rule will match. See Note [User-defined RULES for seq] in MkId. Note [Occurrence-analyse after rule firing] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ After firing a rule, we occurrence-analyse the instantiated RHS before simplifying it. Usually this doesn't make much difference, but it can be huge. Here's an example (simplCore/should_compile/T7785) :: map f (map f (map f xs) .. = -- Use build/fold form of map, twice map f (build (\cn. foldr (mapFB c f) n (build (\cn. foldr (mapFB c f) n xs)))) = -- Apply fold/build rule map f (build (\cn. (\cn. foldr (mapFB c f) n xs) (mapFB c f) n)) = -- Beta-reduce -- Alas we have no occurrence-analysed, so we don't know -- that c is used exactly once map f (build (\cn. let c1 = mapFB c f in foldr (mapFB c1 f) n xs)) = -- Use mapFB rule: mapFB (mapFB c f) g = mapFB c (f.g) -- We can do this because (mapFB c n) is a PAP and hence expandable map f (build (\cn. let c1 = mapFB c n in foldr (mapFB c (f.f)) n x)) This is not too bad. But now do the same with the outer map, and we get another use of mapFB, and t can interact with /both/ remaining mapFB calls in the above expression. This is stupid because actually that 'c1' binding is dead. The outer map introduces another c2. If there is a deep stack of maps we get lots of dead bindings, and lots of redundant work as we repeatedly simplify the result of firing rules. The easy thing to do is simply to occurrence analyse the result of the rule firing. Note that this occ-anals not only the RHS of the rule, but also the function arguments, which by now are OutExprs. E.g. RULE f (g x) = x+1 Call f (g BIG) --> (\x. x+1) BIG The rule binders are lambda-bound and applied to the OutExpr arguments (here BIG) which lack all internal occurrence info. Is this inefficient? Not really: we are about to walk over the result of the rule firing to simplify it, so occurrence analysis is at most a constant factor. Possible improvement: occ-anal the rules when putting them in the database; and in the simplifier just occ-anal the OutExpr arguments. But that's more complicated and the rule RHS is usually tiny; so I'm just doing the simple thing. Historical note: previously we did occ-anal the rules in Rule.hs, but failed to occ-anal the OutExpr arguments, which led to the nasty performance problem described above. Note [Optimising tagToEnum#] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ If we have an enumeration data type: :: data Foo = A | B | C .. Then we want to transform :: case tagToEnum# x of ==> case x of A -> e1 DEFAULT -> e1 B -> e2 1# -> e2 C -> e3 2# -> e3 .. thereby getting rid of the tagToEnum# altogether. If there was a DEFAULT alternative we retain it (remember it comes first). If not the case must be exhaustive, and we reflect that in the transformed version by adding a DEFAULT. Otherwise Lint complains that the new case is not exhaustive. See #8317. Note [Rules for recursive functions] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ You might think that we shouldn't apply rules for a loop breaker: doing so might give rise to an infinite loop, because a RULE is rather like an extra equation for the function: RULE: f (g x) y = x+y Eqn: f a y = a-y But it's too drastic to disable rules for loop breakers. Even the foldr/build rule would be disabled, because foldr is recursive, and hence a loop breaker: foldr k z (build g) = g k z So it's up to the programmer: rules can cause divergence Note [Case elimination] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The case-elimination transformation discards redundant case expressions. Start with a simple situation: :: case x# of ===> let y# = x# in e y# -> e .. (when x#, y# are of primitive type, of course). We can't (in general) do this for algebraic cases, because we might turn bottom into non-bottom! The code in SimplUtils.prepareAlts has the effect of generalise this idea to look for a case where we're scrutinising a variable, and we know that only the default case can match. For example: :: case x of 0# -> ... DEFAULT -> ...(case x of 0# -> ... DEFAULT -> ...) ... .. Here the inner case is first trimmed to have only one alternative, the DEFAULT, after which it's an instance of the previous case. This really only shows up in eliminating error-checking code. Note that SimplUtils.mkCase combines identical RHSs. So :: case e of ===> case e of DEFAULT -> r True -> r False -> r .. Now again the case may be elminated by the CaseElim transformation. This includes things like (==# a# b#)::Bool so that we simplify case ==# a# b# of { True -> x; False -> x } to just x This particular example shows up in default methods for comparison operations (e.g. in (>=) for Int.Int32) Note [Case to let transformation] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ If a case over a lifted type has a single alternative, and is being used as a strict 'let' (all isDeadBinder bndrs), we may want to do this transformation: :: case e of r ===> let r = e in ...r... _ -> ...r... .. We treat the unlifted and lifted cases separately: * Unlifted case: 'e' satisfies exprOkForSpeculation (ok-for-spec is needed to satisfy the let/app invariant). This turns case a +# b of r -> ...r... into let r = a +# b in ...r... and thence .....(a +# b).... However, if we have case indexArray# a i of r -> ...r... we might like to do the same, and inline the (indexArray# a i). But indexArray# is not okForSpeculation, so we don't build a let in rebuildCase (lest it get floated *out*), so the inlining doesn't happen either. Annoying. * Lifted case: we need to be sure that the expression is already evaluated (exprIsHNF). If it's not already evaluated - we risk losing exceptions, divergence or user-specified thunk-forcing - even if 'e' is guaranteed to converge, we don't want to create a thunk (call by need) instead of evaluating it right away (call by value) :: However, we can turn the case into a /strict/ let if the 'r' is used strictly in the body. Then we won't lose divergence; and we won't build a thunk because the let is strict. See also Note [Case-to-let for strictly-used binders] .. NB: absentError satisfies exprIsHNF: see Note [aBSENT_ERROR_ID] in MkCore. We want to turn case (absentError "foo") of r -> ...MkT r... into let r = absentError "foo" in ...MkT r... Note [Case-to-let for strictly-used binders] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ If we have this: case of r { _ -> ..r.. } where 'r' is used strictly in (..r..), we can safely transform to let r = in ...r... This is a Good Thing, because 'r' might be dead (if the body just calls error), or might be used just once (in which case it can be inlined); or we might be able to float the let-binding up or down. E.g. #15631 has an example. Note that this can change the error behaviour. For example, we might transform case x of { _ -> error "bad" } --> error "bad" which is might be puzzling if 'x' currently lambda-bound, but later gets let-bound to (error "good"). Nevertheless, the paper "A semantics for imprecise exceptions" allows this transformation. If you want to fix the evaluation order, use 'pseq'. See #8900 for an example where the loss of this transformation bit us in practice. See also Note [Empty case alternatives] in CoreSyn. Historical notes There have been various earlier versions of this patch: * By Sept 18 the code looked like this: || scrut_is_demanded_var scrut :: scrut_is_demanded_var :: CoreExpr -> Bool scrut_is_demanded_var (Cast s _) = scrut_is_demanded_var s scrut_is_demanded_var (Var _) = isStrictDmd (idDemandInfo case_bndr) scrut_is_demanded_var _ = False .. This only fired if the scrutinee was a /variable/, which seems an unnecessary restriction. So in #15631 I relaxed it to allow arbitrary scrutinees. Less code, less to explain -- but the change had 0.00% effect on nofib. * Previously, in Jan 13 the code looked like this: || case_bndr_evald_next rhs case_bndr_evald_next :: CoreExpr -> Bool -- See Note [Case binder next] case_bndr_evald_next (Var v) = v == case_bndr case_bndr_evald_next (Cast e _) = case_bndr_evald_next e case_bndr_evald_next (App e _) = case_bndr_evald_next e case_bndr_evald_next (Case e _ _ _) = case_bndr_evald_next e case_bndr_evald_next _ = False :: This patch was part of fixing #7542. See also Note [Eta reduction of an eval'd function] in CoreUtils.) .. Further notes about case elimination ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider: test :: Integer -> IO () test = print Turns out that this compiles to: Print.test = \ eta :: Integer eta1 :: Void# -> case PrelNum.< eta PrelNum.zeroInteger of wild { __DEFAULT -> case hPutStr stdout (PrelNum.jtos eta ($w[] @ Char)) eta1 of wild1 { (# new_s, a4 #) -> PrelIO.lvl23 new_s }} Notice the strange '<' which has no effect at all. This is a funny one. It started like this: f x y = if x < 0 then jtos x else if y==0 then "" else jtos x At a particular call site we have (f v 1). So we inline to get :: if v < 0 then jtos x else if 1==0 then "" else jtos x .. Now simplify the 1==0 conditional: :: if v<0 then jtos v else jtos v .. Now common-up the two branches of the case: :: case (v<0) of DEFAULT -> jtos v .. Why don't we drop the case? Because it's strict in v. It's technically wrong to drop even unnecessary evaluations, and in practice they may be a result of 'seq' so we *definitely* don't want to drop those. I don't really know how to improve this situation. Note [FloatBinds from constructor wrappers] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ If we have FloatBinds coming from the constructor wrapper (as in Note [exprIsConApp_maybe on data constructors with wrappers]), ew cannot float past them. We'd need to float the FloatBind together with the simplify floats, unfortunately the simplifier doesn't have case-floats. The simplest thing we can do is to wrap all the floats here. The next iteration of the simplifier will take care of all these cases and lets. Given data T = MkT !Bool, this allows us to simplify case $WMkT b of { MkT x -> f x } to case b of { b' -> f b' }. We could try and be more clever (like maybe wfloats only contain let binders, so we could float them). But the need for the extra complication is not clear. Note [knownCon occ info] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ If the case binder is not dead, then neither are the pattern bound variables: case of x { (a,b) -> case x of { (p,q) -> p } } Here (a,b) both look dead, but come alive after the inner case is eliminated. The point is that we bring into the envt a binding let x = (a,b) after the outer case, and that makes (a,b) alive. At least we do unless the case binder is guaranteed dead. Note [Case alternative occ info] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ When we are simply reconstructing a case (the common case), we always zap the occurrence info on the binders in the alternatives. Even if the case binder is dead, the scrutinee is usually a variable, and *that* can bring the case-alternative binders back to life. See Note [Add unfolding for scrutinee] Note [Improving seq] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider type family F :: * -> * type instance F Int = Int We'd like to transform case e of (x :: F Int) { DEFAULT -> rhs } ===> case e `cast` co of (x'::Int) I# x# -> let x = x' `cast` sym co in rhs so that 'rhs' can take advantage of the form of x'. Notice that Note [Case of cast] (in OccurAnal) may then apply to the result. We'd also like to eliminate empty types (#13468). So if :: data Void type instance F Bool = Void .. then we'd like to transform case (x :: F Bool) of { _ -> error "urk" } ===> case (x |> co) of (x' :: Void) of {} Nota Bene: we used to have a built-in rule for 'seq' that dropped casts, so that case (x |> co) of { _ -> blah } dropped the cast; in order to improve the chances of trySeqRules firing. But that works in the /opposite/ direction to Note [Improving seq] so there's a danger of flip/flopping. Better to make trySeqRules insensitive to the cast, which is now is. The need for [Improving seq] showed up in Roman's experiments. Example: foo :: F Int -> Int -> Int foo t n = t `seq` bar n where bar 0 = 0 bar n = bar (n - case t of TI i -> i) Here we'd like to avoid repeated evaluating t inside the loop, by taking advantage of the `seq`. At one point I did transformation in LiberateCase, but it's more robust here. (Otherwise, there's a danger that we'll simply drop the 'seq' altogether, before LiberateCase gets to see it.) Note [Adding evaluatedness info to pattern-bound variables] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ addEvals records the evaluated-ness of the bound variables of a case pattern. This is *important*. Consider :: data T = T !Int !Int .. :: case x of { T a b -> T (a+1) b } .. We really must record that b is already evaluated so that we don't go and re-evaluate it when constructing the result. See Note [Data-con worker strictness] in MkId.hs NB: simplLamBinders preserves this eval info In addition to handling data constructor fields with !s, addEvals also records the fact that the result of seq# is always in WHNF. See Note [seq# magic] in PrelRules. Example (#15226): :: case seq# v s of (# s', v' #) -> E .. we want the compiler to be aware that v' is in WHNF in E. Open problem: we don't record that v itself is in WHNF (and we can't do it here). The right thing is to do some kind of binder-swap; see #15226 for discussion. Note [Case binder evaluated-ness] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We pin on a (OtherCon []) unfolding to the case-binder of a Case, even though it'll be over-ridden in every case alternative with a more informative unfolding. Why? Because suppose a later, less clever, pass simply replaces all occurrences of the case binder with the binder itself; then Lint may complain about the let/app invariant. Example case e of b { DEFAULT -> let v = reallyUnsafePtrEq# b y in .... ; K -> blah } The let/app invariant requires that y is evaluated in the call to reallyUnsafePtrEq#, which it is. But we still want that to be true if we propagate binders to occurrences. This showed up in #13027. Note [Add unfolding for scrutinee] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ In general it's unlikely that a variable scrutinee will appear in the case alternatives case x of { ...x unlikely to appear... } because the binder-swap in OccAnal has got rid of all such occurrences See Note [Binder swap] in OccAnal. BUT it is still VERY IMPORTANT to add a suitable unfolding for a variable scrutinee, in simplAlt. Here's why case x of y (a,b) -> case b of c I# v -> ...(f y)... There is no occurrence of 'b' in the (...(f y)...). But y gets the unfolding (a,b), and *that* mentions b. If f has a RULE RULE f (p, I# q) = ... we want that rule to match, so we must extend the in-scope env with a suitable unfolding for 'y'. It's *essential* for rule matching; but it's also good for case-elimintation -- suppose that 'f' was inlined and did multi-level case analysis, then we'd solve it in one simplifier sweep instead of two. Exactly the same issue arises in SpecConstr; see Note [Add scrutinee to ValueEnv too] in SpecConstr HOWEVER, given case x of y { Just a -> r1; Nothing -> r2 } we do not want to add the unfolding x -> y to 'x', which might seem cool, since 'y' itself has different unfoldings in r1 and r2. Reason: if we did that, we'd have to zap y's deadness info and that is a very useful piece of information. So instead we add the unfolding x -> Just a, and x -> Nothing in the respective RHSs. Note [Bottom alternatives] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ When we have case (case x of { A -> error .. ; B -> e; C -> error ..) of alts then we can just duplicate those alts because the A and C cases will disappear immediately. This is more direct than creating join points and inlining them away. See #4930. Note [Fusing case continuations] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ It's important to fuse two successive case continuations when the first has one alternative. That's why we call prepareCaseCont here. Consider this, which arises from thunk splitting (see Note [Thunk splitting] in WorkWrap): let x* = case (case v of {pn -> rn}) of I# a -> I# a in body The simplifier will find (Var v) with continuation Select (pn -> rn) ( Select [I# a -> I# a] ( StrictBind body Stop So we'll call mkDupableCont on Select [I# a -> I# a] (StrictBind body Stop) There is just one alternative in the first Select, so we want to simplify the rhs (I# a) with continuation (StrictBind body Stop) Supposing that body is big, we end up with let $j a = in case v of { pn -> case rn of I# a -> $j a } This is just what we want because the rn produces a box that the case rn cancels with. See #4957 a fuller example. Note [Case binders and join points] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider this case (case .. ) of c { I# c# -> ....c.... If we make a join point with c but not c# we get $j = \c -> ....c.... But if later inlining scrutinises the c, thus :: $j = \c -> ... case c of { I# y -> ... } ... .. we won't see that 'c' has already been scrutinised. This actually happens in the 'tabulate' function in wave4main, and makes a significant difference to allocation. An alternative plan is this: :: $j = \c# -> let c = I# c# in ...c.... .. but that is bad if 'c' is *not* later scrutinised. So instead we do both: we pass 'c' and 'c#' , and record in c's inlining (a stable unfolding) that it's really I# c#, thus :: $j = \c# -> \c[=I# c#] -> ...c.... .. Absence analysis may later discard 'c'. NB: take great care when doing strictness analysis; see Note [Lambda-bound unfoldings] in DmdAnal. Also note that we can still end up passing stuff that isn't used. Before strictness analysis we have let $j x y c{=(x,y)} = (h c, ...) in ... After strictness analysis we see that h is strict, we end up with let $j x y c{=(x,y)} = ($wh x y, ...) and c is unused. Note [Duplicated env] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Some of the alternatives are simplified, but have not been turned into a join point So they *must* have a zapped subst-env. So we can't use completeNonRecX to bind the join point, because it might to do PostInlineUnconditionally, and we'd lose that when zapping the subst-env. We could have a per-alt subst-env, but zapping it (as we do in mkDupableCont, the Select case) is safe, and at worst delays the join-point inlining. Note [Small alternative rhs] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ It is worth checking for a small RHS because otherwise we get extra let bindings that may cause an extra iteration of the simplifier to inline back in place. Quite often the rhs is just a variable or constructor. The Ord instance of Maybe in PrelMaybe.hs, for example, took several extra iterations because the version with the let bindings looked big, and so wasn't inlined, but after the join points had been inlined it looked smaller, and so was inlined. NB: we have to check the size of rhs', not rhs. Duplicating a small InAlt might invalidate occurrence information However, if it *is* dupable, we return the *un* simplified alternative, because otherwise we'd need to pair it up with an empty subst-env.... but we only have one env shared between all the alts. (Remember we must zap the subst-env before re-simplifying something). Rather than do this we simply agree to re-simplify the original (small) thing later. Note [Funky mkLamTypes] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Notice the funky mkLamTypes. If the constructor has existentials it's possible that the join point will be abstracted over type variables as well as term variables. Example: Suppose we have data T = forall t. C [t] Then faced with case (case e of ...) of C t xs::[t] -> rhs We get the join point let j :: forall t. [t] -> ... j = /\t \xs::[t] -> rhs in case (case e of ...) of C t xs::[t] -> j t xs Note [Duplicating StrictArg] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We make a StrictArg duplicable simply by making all its stored-up arguments (in sc_fun) trivial, by let-binding them. Thus: f E [..hole..] ==> let a = E in f a [..hole..] Now if the thing in the hole is a case expression (which is when we'll call mkDupableCont), we'll push the function call into the branches, which is what we want. Now RULES for f may fire, and call-pattern specialisation. Here's an example from #3116 go (n+1) (case l of 1 -> bs' _ -> Chunk p fpc (o+1) (l-1) bs') If we can push the call for 'go' inside the case, we get call-pattern specialisation for 'go', which is *crucial* for this program. Here is the (&&) example: && E (case x of { T -> F; F -> T }) ==> let a = E in case x of { T -> && a F; F -> && a T } Much better! Notice that * Arguments to f *after* the strict one are handled by the ApplyToVal case of mkDupableCont. Eg f [..hole..] E * We can only do the let-binding of E because the function part of a StrictArg continuation is an explicit syntax tree. In earlier versions we represented it as a function (CoreExpr -> CoreEpxr) which we couldn't take apart. Historical aide: previously we did this (where E is a big argument: f E [..hole..] ==> let $j = \a -> f E a in $j [..hole..] But this is terrible! Here's an example: && E (case x of { T -> F; F -> T }) Now, && is strict so we end up simplifying the case with an ArgOf continuation. If we let-bind it, we get let $j = \v -> && E v in simplExpr (case x of { T -> F; F -> T }) (ArgOf (\r -> $j r) And after simplifying more we get let $j = \v -> && E v in case x of { T -> $j F; F -> $j T } Which is a Very Bad Thing Note [Duplicating StrictBind] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We make a StrictBind duplicable in a very similar way to that for case expressions. After all, let x* = e in b is similar to case e of x -> b So we potentially make a join-point for the body, thus: let x = [] in b ==> join j x = b in let x = [] in j x Note [Join point abstraction] Historical note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NB: This note is now historical, describing how (in the past) we used to add a void argument to nullary join points. But now that "join point" is not a fuzzy concept but a formal syntactic construct (as distinguished by the JoinId constructor of IdDetails), each of these concerns is handled separately, with no need for a vestigial extra argument. Join points always have at least one value argument, for several reasons * If we try to lift a primitive-typed something out for let-binding-purposes, we will *caseify* it (!), with potentially-disastrous strictness results. So instead we turn it into a function: \v -> e where v::Void#. The value passed to this function is void, which generates (almost) no code. * CPR. We used to say "&& isUnliftedType rhs_ty'" here, but now we make the join point into a function whenever used_bndrs' is empty. This makes the join-point more CPR friendly. Consider: let j = if .. then I# 3 else I# 4 in case .. of { A -> j; B -> j; C -> ... } Now CPR doesn't w/w j because it's a thunk, so that means that the enclosing function can't w/w either, which is a lose. Here's the example that happened in practice: kgmod :: Int -> Int -> Int kgmod x y = if x > 0 && y < 0 || x < 0 && y > 0 then 78 else 5 * Let-no-escape. We want a join point to turn into a let-no-escape so that it is implemented as a jump, and one of the conditions for LNE is that it's not updatable. In CoreToStg, see Note [What is a non-escaping let] * Floating. Since a join point will be entered once, no sharing is gained by floating out, but something might be lost by doing so because it might be allocated. I have seen a case alternative like this: True -> \v -> ... It's a bit silly to add the realWorld dummy arg in this case, making $j = \s v -> ... True -> $j s (the \v alone is enough to make CPR happy) but I think it's rare There's a slight infelicity here: we pass the overall case_bndr to all the join points if it's used in *any* RHS, because we don't know its usage in each RHS separately Note [Force bottoming field] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We need to force bottoming, or the new unfolding holds on to the old unfolding (which is part of the id). Note [Setting the new unfolding] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ * If there's an INLINE pragma, we simplify the RHS gently. Maybe we should do nothing at all, but simplifying gently might get rid of more crap. * If not, we make an unfolding from the new RHS. But *only* for non-loop-breakers. Making loop breakers not have an unfolding at all means that we can avoid tests in exprIsConApp, for example. This is important: if exprIsConApp says 'yes' for a recursive thing, then we can get into an infinite loop If there's a stable unfolding on a loop breaker (which happens for INLINABLE), we hang on to the inlining. It's pretty dodgy, but the user did say 'INLINE'. May need to revisit this choice. Note [Rules in a letrec] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ After creating fresh binders for the binders of a letrec, we substitute the RULES and add them back onto the binders; this is done *before* processing any of the RHSs. This is important. Manuel found cases where he really, really wanted a RULE for a recursive function to apply in that function's own right-hand side. See Note [Forming Rec groups] in OccurAnal