`[source] `_ compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.hs =============================== Note [Plugin rules] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Conal Elliott (#11651) built a GHC plugin that added some BuiltinRules (for imported Ids) to the mg_rules field of ModGuts, to do some domain-specific transformations that could not be expressed with an ordinary pattern-matching CoreRule. But then we can't extract the dependencies (in imp_rule_edges) from ru_rhs etc, because a BuiltinRule doesn't have any of that stuff. So we simply assume that BuiltinRules have no dependencies, and filter them out from the imp_rule_edges comprehension. Note [Recursive bindings: the grand plan] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ When we come across a binding group Rec { x1 = r1; ...; xn = rn } we treat it like this (occAnalRecBind): 1. Occurrence-analyse each right hand side, and build a "Details" for each binding to capture the results. :: Wrap the details in a Node (details, node-id, dep-node-ids), where node-id is just the unique of the binder, and dep-node-ids lists all binders on which this binding depends. We'll call these the "scope edges". See Note [Forming the Rec groups]. .. :: All this is done by makeNode. .. 2. Do SCC-analysis on these Nodes. Each SCC will become a new Rec or NonRec. The key property is that every free variable of a binding is accounted for by the scope edges, so that when we are done everything is still in scope. 3. For each Cyclic SCC of the scope-edge SCC-analysis in (2), we identify suitable loop-breakers to ensure that inlining terminates. This is done by occAnalRec. 4. To do so we form a new set of Nodes, with the same details, but different edges, the "loop-breaker nodes". The loop-breaker nodes have both more and fewer dependencies than the scope edges (see Note [Choosing loop breakers]) :: More edges: if f calls g, and g has an active rule that mentions h then we add an edge from f -> h .. :: Fewer edges: we only include dependencies on active rules, on rule RHSs (not LHSs) and if there is an INLINE pragma only on the stable unfolding (and vice versa). The scope edges must be much more inclusive. .. 5. The "weak fvs" of a node are, by definition: the scope fvs - the loop-breaker fvs See Note [Weak loop breakers], and the nd_weak field of Details 6. Having formed the loop-breaker nodes Note [Dead code] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Dropping dead code for a cyclic Strongly Connected Component is done in a very simple way: :: the entire SCC is dropped if none of its binders are mentioned in the body; otherwise the whole thing is kept. .. The key observation is that dead code elimination happens after dependency analysis: so 'occAnalBind' processes SCCs instead of the original term's binding groups. Thus 'occAnalBind' does indeed drop 'f' in an example like letrec f = ...g... g = ...(...g...)... in ...g... when 'g' no longer uses 'f' at all (eg 'f' does not occur in a RULE in 'g'). 'occAnalBind' first consumes 'CyclicSCC g' and then it consumes 'AcyclicSCC f', where 'body_usage' won't contain 'f'. ------------------------------------------------------------ Note [Forming Rec groups] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We put bindings {f = ef; g = eg } in a Rec group if "f uses g" and "g uses f", no matter how indirectly. We do a SCC analysis with an edge f -> g if "f uses g". More precisely, "f uses g" iff g should be in scope wherever f is. That is, g is free in: a) the rhs 'ef' b) or the RHS of a rule for f (Note [Rules are extra RHSs]) c) or the LHS or a rule for f (Note [Rule dependency info]) These conditions apply regardless of the activation of the RULE (eg it might be inactive in this phase but become active later). Once a Rec is broken up it can never be put back together, so we must be conservative. The principle is that, regardless of rule firings, every variable is always in scope. * Note [Rules are extra RHSs] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A RULE for 'f' is like an extra RHS for 'f'. That way the "parent" keeps the specialised "children" alive. If the parent dies (because it isn't referenced any more), then the children will die too (unless they are already referenced directly). To that end, we build a Rec group for each cyclic strongly connected component, *treating f's rules as extra RHSs for 'f'*. More concretely, the SCC analysis runs on a graph with an edge from f -> g iff g is mentioned in (a) f's rhs (b) f's RULES These are rec_edges. Under (b) we include variables free in *either* LHS *or* RHS of the rule. The former might seems silly, but see Note [Rule dependency info]. So in Example [eftInt], eftInt and eftIntFB will be put in the same Rec, even though their 'main' RHSs are both non-recursive. * Note [Rule dependency info] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The VarSet in a RuleInfo is used for dependency analysis in the occurrence analyser. We must track free vars in *both* lhs and rhs. Hence use of idRuleVars, rather than idRuleRhsVars in occAnalBind. Why both? Consider x = y RULE f x = v+4 Then if we substitute y for x, we'd better do so in the rule's LHS too, so we'd better ensure the RULE appears to mention 'x' as well as 'v' * Note [Rules are visible in their own rec group] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We want the rules for 'f' to be visible in f's right-hand side. And we'd like them to be visible in other functions in f's Rec group. E.g. in Note [Specialisation rules] we want f' rule to be visible in both f's RHS, and fs's RHS. This means that we must simplify the RULEs first, before looking at any of the definitions. This is done by Simplify.simplRecBind, when it calls addLetIdInfo. ------------------------------------------------------------ Note [Choosing loop breakers] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Loop breaking is surprisingly subtle. First read the section 4 of "Secrets of the GHC inliner". This describes our basic plan. We avoid infinite inlinings by choosing loop breakers, and ensuring that a loop breaker cuts each loop. See also Note [Inlining and hs-boot files] in ToIface, which deals with a closely related source of infinite loops. Fundamentally, we do SCC analysis on a graph. For each recursive group we choose a loop breaker, delete all edges to that node, re-analyse the SCC, and iterate. But what is the graph? NOT the same graph as was used for Note [Forming Rec groups]! In particular, a RULE is like an equation for 'f' that is *always* inlined if it is applicable. We do *not* disable rules for loop-breakers. It's up to whoever makes the rules to make sure that the rules themselves always terminate. See Note [Rules for recursive functions] in Simplify.hs Hence, if f's RHS (or its INLINE template if it has one) mentions g, and g has a RULE that mentions h, and h has a RULE that mentions f then we *must* choose f to be a loop breaker. Example: see Note [Specialisation rules]. In general, take the free variables of f's RHS, and augment it with all the variables reachable by RULES from those starting points. That is the whole reason for computing rule_fv_env in occAnalBind. (Of course we only consider free vars that are also binders in this Rec group.) See also Note [Finding rule RHS free vars] Note that when we compute this rule_fv_env, we only consider variables free in the *RHS* of the rule, in contrast to the way we build the Rec group in the first place (Note [Rule dependency info]) Note that if 'g' has RHS that mentions 'w', we should add w to g's loop-breaker edges. More concretely there is an edge from f -> g iff (a) g is mentioned in f's RHS `xor` f's INLINE rhs (see Note [Inline rules]) (b) or h is mentioned in f's RHS, and g appears in the RHS of an active RULE of h or a transitive sequence of active rules starting with h Why "active rules"? See Note [Finding rule RHS free vars] Note that in Example [eftInt], *neither* eftInt *nor* eftIntFB is chosen as a loop breaker, because their RHSs don't mention each other. And indeed both can be inlined safely. Note again that the edges of the graph we use for computing loop breakers are not the same as the edges we use for computing the Rec blocks. That's why we compute - rec_edges for the Rec block analysis - loop_breaker_nodes for the loop breaker analysis * Note [Finding rule RHS free vars] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider this real example from Data Parallel Haskell tagZero :: Array Int -> Array Tag {-# INLINE [1] tagZeroes #-} tagZero xs = pmap (\x -> fromBool (x==0)) xs :: {-# RULES "tagZero" [~1] forall xs n. pmap fromBool = tagZero xs #-} So tagZero's RHS mentions pmap, and pmap's RULE mentions tagZero. However, tagZero can only be inlined in phase 1 and later, while the RULE is only active *before* phase 1. So there's no problem. .. To make this work, we look for the RHS free vars only for *active* rules. That's the reason for the occ_rule_act field of the OccEnv. * Note [Weak loop breakers] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a last nasty wrinkle. Suppose we have :: Rec { f = f_rhs RULE f [] = g .. h = h_rhs g = h ...more... } :: Remember that we simplify the RULES before any RHS (see Note [Rules are visible in their own rec group] above). .. So we must *not* postInlineUnconditionally 'g', even though its RHS turns out to be trivial. (I'm assuming that 'g' is not choosen as a loop breaker.) Why not? Because then we drop the binding for 'g', which leaves it out of scope in the RULE! :: Here's a somewhat different example of the same thing Rec { g = h ; h = ...f... ; f = f_rhs RULE f [] = g } Here the RULE is "below" g, but we *still* can't postInlineUnconditionally g, because the RULE for f is active throughout. So the RHS of h might rewrite to h = ...g... So g must remain in scope in the output program! .. :: We "solve" this by: .. :: Make g a "weak" loop breaker (OccInfo = IAmLoopBreaker True) iff g is a "missing free variable" of the Rec group .. :: A "missing free variable" x is one that is mentioned in an RHS or INLINE or RULE of a binding in the Rec group, but where the dependency on x may not show up in the loop_breaker_nodes (see note [Choosing loop breakers} above). .. :: A normal "strong" loop breaker has IAmLoopBreaker False. So .. Inline postInlineUnconditionally strong IAmLoopBreaker False no no weak IAmLoopBreaker True yes no other yes yes :: The **sole** reason for this kind of loop breaker is so that postInlineUnconditionally does not fire. Ugh. (Typically it'll inline via the usual callSiteInline stuff, so it'll be dead in the next pass, so the main Ugh is the tiresome complication.) .. Note [Rules for imported functions] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider this f = /\a. B.g a RULE B.g Int = 1 + f Int Note that * The RULE is for an imported function. * f is non-recursive Now we can get f Int --> B.g Int Inlining f --> 1 + f Int Firing RULE and so the simplifier goes into an infinite loop. This would not happen if the RULE was for a local function, because we keep track of dependencies through rules. But that is pretty much impossible to do for imported Ids. Suppose f's definition had been f = /\a. C.h a where (by some long and devious process), C.h eventually inlines to B.g. We could only spot such loops by exhaustively following unfoldings of C.h etc, in case we reach B.g, and hence (via the RULE) f. Note that RULES for imported functions are important in practice; they occur a lot in the libraries. We regard this potential infinite loop as a *programmer* error. It's up the programmer not to write silly rules like RULE f x = f x and the example above is just a more complicated version. Note [Preventing loops due to imported functions rules] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider: import GHC.Base (foldr) :: {-# RULES "filterList" forall p. foldr (filterFB (:) p) [] = filter p #-} filter p xs = build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs) filterFB c p = ... .. :: f = filter p xs .. Note that filter is not a loop-breaker, so what happens is: f = filter p xs = {inline} build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs) = {inline} foldr (filterFB (:) p) [] xs = {RULE} filter p xs We are in an infinite loop. A more elaborate example (that I actually saw in practice when I went to mark GHC.List.filter as INLINABLE) is as follows. Say I have this module: {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module GHCList where :: import Prelude hiding (filter) import GHC.Base (build) .. :: {-# INLINABLE filter #-} filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] filter p [] = [] filter p (x:xs) = if p x then x : filter p xs else filter p xs .. :: {-# NOINLINE [0] filterFB #-} filterFB :: (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> b -> b filterFB c p x r | p x = x `c` r | otherwise = r .. :: {-# RULES "filter" [~1] forall p xs. filter p xs = build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs) "filterList" [1] forall p. foldr (filterFB (:) p) [] = filter p #-} .. Then (because RULES are applied inside INLINABLE unfoldings, but inlinings are not), the unfolding given to "filter" in the interface file will be: filter p [] = [] filter p (x:xs) = if p x then x : build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs) else build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs Note that because this unfolding does not mention "filter", filter is not marked as a strong loop breaker. Therefore at a use site in another module: filter p xs = {inline} case xs of [] -> [] (x:xs) -> if p x then x : build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs) else build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs) :: build (\c n -> foldr (filterFB c p) n xs) = {inline} foldr (filterFB (:) p) [] xs = {RULE} filter p xs .. And we are in an infinite loop again, except that this time the loop is producing an infinitely large *term* (an unrolling of filter) and so the simplifier finally dies with "ticks exhausted" Because of this problem, we make a small change in the occurrence analyser designed to mark functions like "filter" as strong loop breakers on the basis that: 1. The RHS of filter mentions the local function "filterFB" 2. We have a rule which mentions "filterFB" on the LHS and "filter" on the RHS So for each RULE for an *imported* function we are going to add dependency edges between the *local* FVS of the rule LHS and the *local* FVS of the rule RHS. We don't do anything special for RULES on local functions because the standard occurrence analysis stuff is pretty good at getting loop-breakerness correct there. It is important to note that even with this extra hack we aren't always going to get things right. For example, it might be that the rule LHS mentions an imported Id, and another module has a RULE that can rewrite that imported Id to one of our local Ids. Note [Specialising imported functions] (referred to from Specialise) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUT for *automatically-generated* rules, the programmer can't be responsible for the "programmer error" in Note [Rules for imported functions]. In paricular, consider specialising a recursive function defined in another module. If we specialise a recursive function B.g, we get g_spec = .....(B.g Int)..... RULE B.g Int = g_spec Here, g_spec doesn't look recursive, but when the rule fires, it becomes so. And if B.g was mutually recursive, the loop might not be as obvious as it is here. To avoid this, * When specialising a function that is a loop breaker, give a NOINLINE pragma to the specialised function Note [Glomming] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ RULES for imported Ids can make something at the top refer to something at the bottom: f = \x -> B.g (q x) h = \y -> 3 :: RULE: B.g (q x) = h x .. Applying this rule makes f refer to h, although f doesn't appear to depend on h. (And, as in Note [Rules for imported functions], the dependency might be more indirect. For example, f might mention C.t rather than B.g, where C.t eventually inlines to B.g.) NOTICE that this cannot happen for rules whose head is a locally-defined function, because we accurately track dependencies through RULES. It only happens for rules whose head is an imported function (B.g in the example above). Solution: - When simplifying, bring all top level identifiers into scope at the start, ignoring the Rec/NonRec structure, so that when 'h' pops up in f's rhs, we find it in the in-scope set (as the simplifier generally expects). This happens in simplTopBinds. - In the occurrence analyser, if there are any out-of-scope occurrences that pop out of the top, which will happen after firing the rule: f = \x -> h x h = \y -> 3 then just glom all the bindings into a single Rec, so that the *next* iteration of the occurrence analyser will sort them all out. This part happens in occurAnalysePgm. ------------------------------------------------------------ Note [Inline rules] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ None of the above stuff about RULES applies to Inline Rules, stored in a CoreUnfolding. The unfolding, if any, is simplified at the same time as the regular RHS of the function (ie *not* like Note [Rules are visible in their own rec group]), so it should be treated *exactly* like an extra RHS. Or, rather, when computing loop-breaker edges, * If f has an INLINE pragma, and it is active, we treat the INLINE rhs as f's rhs * If it's inactive, we treat f as having no rhs * If it has no INLINE pragma, we look at f's actual rhs There is a danger that we'll be sub-optimal if we see this f = ...f... [INLINE f = ..no f...] where f is recursive, but the INLINE is not. This can just about happen with a sufficiently odd set of rules; eg :: foo :: Int -> Int {-# INLINE [1] foo #-} foo x = x+1 .. :: bar :: Int -> Int {-# INLINE [1] bar #-} bar x = foo x + 1 .. :: {-# RULES "foo" [~1] forall x. foo x = bar x #-} .. Here the RULE makes bar recursive; but it's INLINE pragma remains non-recursive. It's tempting to then say that 'bar' should not be a loop breaker, but an attempt to do so goes wrong in two ways: a) We may get $df = ...$cfoo... $cfoo = ...$df.... [INLINE $cfoo = ...no-$df...] But we want $cfoo to depend on $df explicitly so that we put the bindings in the right order to inline $df in $cfoo and perhaps break the loop altogether. (Maybe this b) Example [eftInt] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Example (from GHC.Enum): :: eftInt :: Int# -> Int# -> [Int] eftInt x y = ...(non-recursive)... .. :: {-# INLINE [0] eftIntFB #-} eftIntFB :: (Int -> r -> r) -> r -> Int# -> Int# -> r eftIntFB c n x y = ...(non-recursive)... .. :: {-# RULES "eftInt" [~1] forall x y. eftInt x y = build (\ c n -> eftIntFB c n x y) "eftIntList" [1] eftIntFB (:) [] = eftInt #-} .. Note [Specialisation rules] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider this group, which is typical of what SpecConstr builds: :: fs a = ....f (C a).... f x = ....f (C a).... {-# RULE f (C a) = fs a #-} .. So 'f' and 'fs' are in the same Rec group (since f refers to fs via its RULE). But watch out! If 'fs' is not chosen as a loop breaker, we may get an infinite loop: - the RULE is applied in f's RHS (see Note [Self-recursive rules] in Simplify - fs is inlined (say it's small) - now there's another opportunity to apply the RULE This showed up when compiling Control.Concurrent.Chan.getChanContents. ------------------------------------------------------------ Note [Finding join points] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ It's the occurrence analyser's job to find bindings that we can turn into join points, but it doesn't perform that transformation right away. Rather, it marks the eligible bindings as part of their occurrence data, leaving it to the simplifier (or to simpleOptPgm) to actually change the binder's 'IdDetails'. The simplifier then eta-expands the RHS if needed and then updates the occurrence sites. Dividing the work this way means that the occurrence analyser still only takes one pass, yet one can always tell the difference between a function call and a jump by looking at the occurrence (because the same pass changes the 'IdDetails' and propagates the binders to their occurrence sites). To track potential join points, we use the 'occ_tail' field of OccInfo. A value of `AlwaysTailCalled n` indicates that every occurrence of the variable is a tail call with `n` arguments (counting both value and type arguments). Otherwise 'occ_tail' will be 'NoTailCallInfo'. The tail call info flows bottom-up with the rest of 'OccInfo' until it goes on the binder. Note [Rules and join points] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Things get fiddly with rules. Suppose we have: let j :: Int -> Int j y = 2 * y k :: Int -> Int -> Int {-# RULES "SPEC k 0" k 0 = j #-} k x y = x + 2 * y in ... Now suppose that both j and k appear only as saturated tail calls in the body. Thus we would like to make them both join points. The rule complicates matters, though, as its RHS has an unapplied occurrence of j. *However*, if we were to eta-expand the rule, all would be well: :: {-# RULES "SPEC k 0" forall a. k 0 a = j a #-} .. So conceivably we could notice that a potential join point would have an "undersaturated" rule and account for it. This would mean we could make something that's been specialised a join point, for instance. But local bindings are rarely specialised, and being overly cautious about rules only costs us anything when, for some `j`: * Before specialisation, `j` has non-tail calls, so it can't be a join point. * During specialisation, `j` gets specialised and thus acquires rules. * Sometime afterward, the non-tail calls to `j` disappear (as dead code, say), and so now `j` *could* become a join point. This appears to be very rare in practice. TODO Perhaps we should gather statistics to be sure. ------------------------------------------------------------ Note [Adjusting right-hand sides] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ There's a bit of a dance we need to do after analysing a lambda expression or a right-hand side. In particular, we need to :: a) call 'markAllInsideLam' *unless* the binding is for a thunk, a one-shot lambda, or a non-recursive join point; and b) call 'markAllNonTailCalled' *unless* the binding is for a join point. .. Some examples, with how the free occurrences in e (assumed not to be a value lambda) get marked: inside lam non-tail-called ------------------------------------------------------------ let x = e No Yes let f = \x -> e Yes Yes let f = \x{OneShot} -> e No Yes \x -> e Yes Yes join j x = e No No joinrec j x = e Yes No There are a few other caveats; most importantly, if we're marking a binding as 'AlwaysTailCalled', it's *going* to be a join point, so we treat it as one so that the effect cascades properly. Consequently, at the time the RHS is analysed, we won't know what adjustments to make; thus 'occAnalLamOrRhs' must return the unadjusted 'UsageDetails', to be adjusted by 'adjustRhsUsage' once join-point-hood has been decided. Thus the overall sequence taking place in 'occAnalNonRecBind' and 'occAnalRecBind' is as follows: 1. Call 'occAnalLamOrRhs' to find usage information for the RHS. 2. Call 'tagNonRecBinder' or 'tagRecBinders', which decides whether to make the binding a join point. 3. Call 'adjustRhsUsage' accordingly. (Done as part of 'tagRecBinders' when recursive.) (In the recursive case, this logic is spread between 'makeNode' and 'occAnalRec'.) Note [Unfoldings and join points] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We assume that anything in an unfolding occurs multiple times, since unfoldings are often copied (that's the whole point!). But we still need to track tail calls for the purpose of finding join points. Note [Complexity of loop breaking] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The loop-breaking algorithm knocks out one binder at a time, and performs a new SCC analysis on the remaining binders. That can behave very badly in tightly-coupled groups of bindings; in the worst case it can be (N**2)*log N, because it does a full SCC on N, then N-1, then N-2 and so on. To avoid this, we switch plans after 2 (or whatever) attempts: Plan A: pick one binder with the lowest score, make it a loop breaker, and try again Plan B: pick *all* binders with the lowest score, make them all loop breakers, and try again Since there are only a small finite number of scores, this will terminate in a constant number of iterations, rather than O(N) iterations. You might thing that it's very unlikely, but RULES make it much more likely. Here's a real example from #1969: Rec { $dm = \d.\x. op d {-# RULES forall d. $dm Int d = $s$dm1 forall d. $dm Bool d = $s$dm2 #-} :: dInt = MkD .... opInt ... dInt = MkD .... opBool ... opInt = $dm dInt opBool = $dm dBool .. $s$dm1 = \x. op dInt $s$dm2 = \x. op dBool } The RULES stuff means that we can't choose $dm as a loop breaker (Note [Choosing loop breakers]), so we must choose at least (say) opInt *and* opBool, and so on. The number of loop breakders is linear in the number of instance declarations. Note [Loop breakers and INLINE/INLINABLE pragmas] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Avoid choosing a function with an INLINE pramga as the loop breaker! If such a function is mutually-recursive with a non-INLINE thing, then the latter should be the loop-breaker. It's vital to distinguish between INLINE and INLINABLE (the Bool returned by hasStableCoreUnfolding_maybe). If we start with Rec { {-# INLINABLE f #-} f x = ...f... } and then worker/wrapper it through strictness analysis, we'll get Rec { {-# INLINABLE $wf #-} $wf p q = let x = (p,q) in ...f... :: {-# INLINE f #-} f x = case x of (p,q) -> $wf p q } .. Now it is vital that we choose $wf as the loop breaker, so we can inline 'f' in '$wf'. Note [DFuns should not be loop breakers] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ It's particularly bad to make a DFun into a loop breaker. See Note [How instance declarations are translated] in TcInstDcls We give DFuns a higher score than ordinary CONLIKE things because if there's a choice we want the DFun to be the non-loop breaker. Eg rec { sc = /\ a \$dC. $fBWrap (T a) ($fCT @ a $dC) :: $fCT :: forall a_afE. (Roman.C a_afE) => Roman.C (Roman.T a_afE) {-# DFUN #-} $fCT = /\a \$dC. MkD (T a) ((sc @ a $dC) |> blah) ($ctoF @ a $dC) } .. Here 'sc' (the superclass) looks CONLIKE, but we'll never get to it if we can't unravel the DFun first. Note [Constructor applications] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ It's really really important to inline dictionaries. Real example (the Enum Ordering instance from GHC.Base): :: rec f = \ x -> case d of (p,q,r) -> p x g = \ x -> case d of (p,q,r) -> q x d = (v, f, g) .. Here, f and g occur just once; but we can't inline them into d. On the other hand we *could* simplify those case expressions if we didn't stupidly choose d as the loop breaker. But we won't because constructor args are marked "Many". Inlining dictionaries is really essential to unravelling the loops in static numeric dictionaries, see GHC.Float. Note [Closure conversion] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We treat (\x. C p q) as a high-score candidate in the letrec scoring algorithm. The immediate motivation came from the result of a closure-conversion transformation which generated code like this: :: data Clo a b = forall c. Clo (c -> a -> b) c .. :: ($:) :: Clo a b -> a -> b Clo f env $: x = f env x .. :: rec { plus = Clo plus1 () .. :: ; plus1 _ n = Clo plus2 n .. :: ; plus2 Zero n = n ; plus2 (Succ m) n = Succ (plus $: m $: n) } .. If we inline 'plus' and 'plus1', everything unravels nicely. But if we choose 'plus1' as the loop breaker (which is entirely possible otherwise), the loop does not unravel nicely. @occAnalUnfolding@ deals with the question of bindings where the Id is marked by an INLINE pragma. For these we record that anything which occurs in its RHS occurs many times. This pessimistically assumes that this inlined binder also occurs many times in its scope, but if it doesn't we'll catch it next time round. At worst this costs an extra simplifier pass. ToDo: try using the occurrence info for the inline'd binder. [March 97] We do the same for atomic RHSs. Reason: see notes with loopBreakSCC. [June 98, SLPJ] I've undone this change; I don't understand it. See notes with loopBreakSCC. Note [Self-recursion and loop breakers] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ If we have rec { f = ...f...g... ; g = .....f... } then 'f' has to be a loop breaker anyway, so we may as well choose it right away, so that g can inline freely. This is really just a cheap hack. Consider rec { f = ...g... ; g = ..f..h... ; h = ...f....} Here f or g are better loop breakers than h; but we might accidentally choose h. Finding the minimal set of loop breakers is hard. Note [Loop breakers, node scoring, and stability] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ To choose a loop breaker, we give a NodeScore to each node in the SCC, and pick the one with the best score (according to 'betterLB'). We need to be jolly careful (#12425, #12234) about the stability of this choice. Suppose we have let rec { f = ...g...g... ; g = ...f...f... } in case x of True -> ...f.. False -> ..f... In each iteration of the simplifier the occurrence analyser OccAnal chooses a loop breaker. Suppose in iteration 1 it choose g as the loop breaker. That means it is free to inline f. Suppose that GHC decides to inline f in the branches of the case, but (for some reason; eg it is not saturated) in the rhs of g. So we get let rec { f = ...g...g... ; g = ...f...f... } in case x of True -> ...g...g..... False -> ..g..g.... Now suppose that, for some reason, in the next iteration the occurrence analyser chooses f as the loop breaker, so it can freely inline g. And again for some reason the simplifier inlines g at its calls in the case branches, but not in the RHS of f. Then we get let rec { f = ...g...g... ; g = ...f...f... } in case x of True -> ...(...f...f...)...(...f..f..)..... False -> ..(...f...f...)...(..f..f...).... You can see where this is going! Each iteration of the simplifier doubles the number of calls to f or g. No wonder GHC is slow! (In the particular example in comment:3 of #12425, f and g are the two mutually recursive fmap instances for CondT and Result. They are both marked INLINE which, oddly, is why they don't inline in each other's RHS, because the call there is not saturated.) The root cause is that we flip-flop on our choice of loop breaker. I always thought it didn't matter, and indeed for any single iteration to terminate, it doesn't matter. But when we iterate, it matters a lot!! So The Plan is this: If there is a tie, choose the node that was a loop breaker last time round Hence the is_lb field of NodeScore Note [Join point RHSs] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider x = e join j = Just x We want to inline x into j right away, so we don't want to give the join point a RhsCtxt (#14137). It's not a huge deal, because the FloatIn pass knows to float into join point RHSs; and the simplifier does not float things out of join point RHSs. But it's a simple, cheap thing to do. See #14137. Note [Cascading inlines] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ By default we use an rhsCtxt for the RHS of a binding. This tells the occ anal n that it's looking at an RHS, which has an effect in occAnalApp. In particular, for constructor applications, it makes the arguments appear to have NoOccInfo, so that we don't inline into them. Thus x = f y k = Just x we do not want to inline x. But there's a problem. Consider x1 = a0 : [] x2 = a1 : x1 x3 = a2 : x2 g = f x3 First time round, it looks as if x1 and x2 occur as an arg of a let-bound constructor ==> give them a many-occurrence. But then x3 is inlined (unconditionally as it happens) and next time round, x2 will be, and the next time round x1 will be Result: multiple simplifier iterations. Sigh. So, when analysing the RHS of x3 we notice that x3 will itself definitely inline the next time round, and so we analyse x3's rhs in an ordinary context, not rhsCtxt. Hence the "certainly_inline" stuff. Annoyingly, we have to approximate SimplUtils.preInlineUnconditionally. If (a) the RHS is expandable (see isExpandableApp in occAnalApp), and (b) certainly_inline says "yes" when preInlineUnconditionally says "no" then the simplifier iterates indefinitely: x = f y k = Just x -- We decide that k is 'certainly_inline' v = ...k... -- but preInlineUnconditionally doesn't inline it inline ==> k = Just (f y) v = ...k... float ==> x1 = f y k = Just x1 v = ...k... This is worse than the slow cascade, so we only want to say "certainly_inline" if it really is certain. Look at the note with preInlineUnconditionally for the various clauses. Note [Gather occurrences of coercion variables] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We need to gather info about what coercion variables appear, so that we can sort them into the right place when doing dependency analysis. Note [Arguments of let-bound constructors] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider f x = let y = expensive x in let z = (True,y) in (case z of {(p,q)->q}, case z of {(p,q)->q}) We feel free to duplicate the WHNF (True,y), but that means that y may be duplicated thereby. If we aren't careful we duplicate the (expensive x) call! Constructors are rather like lambdas in this way. Note [Sources of one-shot information] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The occurrence analyser obtains one-shot-lambda information from two sources: A: Saturated applications: eg f e1 .. en :: In general, given a call (f e1 .. en) we can propagate one-shot info from f's strictness signature into e1 .. en, but /only/ if n is enough to saturate the strictness signature. A strictness signature like .. :: f :: C1(C1(L))LS .. :: means that *if f is applied to three arguments* then it will guarantee to call its first argument at most once, and to call the result of that at most once. But if f has fewer than three arguments, all bets are off; e.g. .. :: map (f (\x y. expensive) e2) xs .. :: Here the \x y abstraction may be called many times (once for each element of xs) so we should not mark x and y as one-shot. But if it was .. :: map (f (\x y. expensive) 3 2) xs .. :: then the first argument of f will be called at most once. .. :: The one-shot info, derived from f's strictness signature, is computed by 'argsOneShots', called in occAnalApp. .. A': Non-obviously saturated applications: eg build (f (\x y -> expensive)) where f is as above. :: In this case, f is only manifestly applied to one argument, so it does not look saturated. So by the previous point, we should not use its strictness signature to learn about the one-shotness of \x y. But in this case we can: build is fully applied, so we may use its strictness signature; and from that we learn that build calls its argument with two arguments *at most once*. .. :: So there is really only one call to f, and it will have three arguments. In that sense, f is saturated, and we may proceed as described above. .. :: Hence the computation of 'guaranteed_val_args' in occAnalApp, using '(occ_one_shots env)'. See also #13227, comment:9 .. B: Let-bindings: eg let f = \c. let ... in \n -> blah in (build f, build f) :: Propagate one-shot info from the demanand-info on 'f' to the lambdas in its RHS (which may not be syntactically at the top) .. This information must have come from a previous run of the demanand analyser. Previously, the demand analyser would *also* set the one-shot information, but that code was buggy (see #11770), so doing it only in on place, namely here, is saner. Note [OneShots] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ When analysing an expression, the occ_one_shots argument contains information about how the function is being used. The length of the list indicates how many arguments will eventually be passed to the analysed expression, and the OneShotInfo indicates whether this application is once or multiple times. Example: :: Context of f occ_one_shots when analysing f .. :: f 1 2 [OneShot, OneShot] map (f 1) [OneShot, NoOneShotInfo] build f [OneShot, OneShot] f 1 2 `seq` f 2 1 [NoOneShotInfo, OneShot] .. Note [Binders in case alternatives] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider case x of y { (a,b) -> f y } We treat 'a', 'b' as dead, because they don't physically occur in the case alternative. (Indeed, a variable is dead iff it doesn't occur in its scope in the output of OccAnal.) It really helps to know when binders are unused. See esp the call to isDeadBinder in Simplify.mkDupableAlt In this example, though, the Simplifier will bring 'a' and 'b' back to life, beause it binds 'y' to (a,b) (imagine got inlined and scrutinised y). Note [Binder swap] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The "binder swap" tranformation swaps occurence of the scrutinee of a case for occurrences of the case-binder: (1) case x of b { pi -> ri } ==> case x of b { pi -> let x=b in ri } (2) case (x |> co) of b { pi -> ri } ==> case (x |> co) of b { pi -> let x = b |> sym co in ri } In both cases, the trivial 'let' can be eliminated by the immediately following simplifier pass. There are two reasons for making this swap: (A) It reduces the number of occurrences of the scrutinee, x. That in turn might reduce its occurrences to one, so we can inline it and save an allocation. E.g. let x = factorial y in case x of b { I# v -> ...x... } If we replace 'x' by 'b' in the alternative we get let x = factorial y in case x of b { I# v -> ...b... } and now we can inline 'x', thus case (factorial y) of b { I# v -> ...b... } (B) The case-binder b has unfolding information; in the example above we know that b = I# v. That in turn allows nested cases to simplify. Consider case x of b { I# v -> ...(case x of b2 { I# v2 -> rhs })... If we replace 'x' by 'b' in the alternative we get case x of b { I# v -> ...(case b of b2 { I# v2 -> rhs })... and now it is trivial to simplify the inner case: case x of b { I# v -> ...(let b2 = b in rhs)... :: The same can happen even if the scrutinee is a variable with a cast: see Note [Case of cast] .. In both cases, in a particular alternative (pi -> ri), we only add the binding if (a) x occurs free in (pi -> ri) (ie it occurs in ri, but is not bound in pi) (b) the pi does not bind b (or the free vars of co) We need (a) and (b) for the inserted binding to be correct. For the alternatives where we inject the binding, we can transfer all x's OccInfo to b. And that is the point. Notice that * The deliberate shadowing of 'x'. * That (a) rapidly becomes false, so no bindings are injected. The reason for doing these transformations /here in the occurrence analyser/ is because it allows us to adjust the OccInfo for 'x' and 'b' as we go. * Suppose the only occurrences of 'x' are the scrutinee and in the ri; then this transformation makes it occur just once, and hence get inlined right away. * If instead we do this in the Simplifier, we don't know whether 'x' is used in ri, so we are forced to pessimistically zap b's OccInfo even though it is typically dead (ie neither it nor x appear in the ri). There's nothing actually wrong with zapping it, except that it's kind of nice to know which variables are dead. My nose tells me to keep this information as robustly as possible. The Maybe (Id,CoreExpr) passed to occAnalAlt is the extra let-binding {x=b}; it's Nothing if the binder-swap doesn't happen. There is a danger though. Consider let v = x +# y in case (f v) of w -> ...v...v... And suppose that (f v) expands to just v. Then we'd like to use 'w' instead of 'v' in the alternative. But it may be too late; we may have substituted the (cheap) x+#y for v in the same simplifier pass that reduced (f v) to v. I think this is just too bad. CSE will recover some of it. Note [Case of cast] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider case (x `cast` co) of b { I# -> ... (case (x `cast` co) of {...}) ... We'd like to eliminate the inner case. That is the motivation for equation (2) in Note [Binder swap]. When we get to the inner case, we inline x, cancel the casts, and away we go. Note [Binder swap on GlobalId scrutinees] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ When the scrutinee is a GlobalId we must take care in two ways :: i) In order to *know* whether 'x' occurs free in the RHS, we need its occurrence info. BUT, we don't gather occurrence info for GlobalIds. That's the reason for the (small) occ_gbl_scrut env in OccEnv is for: it says "gather occurrence info for these". .. ii) We must call localiseId on 'x' first, in case it's a GlobalId, or has an External Name. See, for example, SimplEnv Note [Global Ids in the substitution]. Note [Zap case binders in proxy bindings] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ From the original case x of cb(dead) { p -> ...x... } we will get case x of cb(live) { p -> let x = cb in ...x... } Core Lint never expects to find an *occurrence* of an Id marked as Dead, so we must zap the OccInfo on cb before making the binding x = cb. See #5028. NB: the OccInfo on /occurrences/ really doesn't matter much; the simplifier doesn't use it. So this is only to satisfy the perhpas-over-picky Lint. Historical note [no-case-of-case] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We *used* to suppress the binder-swap in case expressions when -fno-case-of-case is on. Old remarks: "This happens in the first simplifier pass, and enhances full laziness. Here's the bad case: f = \ y -> ...(case x of I# v -> ...(case x of ...) ... ) If we eliminate the inner case, we trap it inside the I# v -> arm, which might prevent some full laziness happening. I've seen this in action in spectral/cichelli/Prog.hs: [(m,n) | m <- [1..max], n <- [1..max]] Hence the check for NoCaseOfCase." However, now the full-laziness pass itself reverses the binder-swap, so this check is no longer necessary. Historical note [Suppressing the case binder-swap] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This old note describes a problem that is also fixed by doing the binder-swap in OccAnal: There is another situation when it might make sense to suppress the case-expression binde-swap. If we have :: case x of w1 { DEFAULT -> case x of w2 { A -> e1; B -> e2 } ...other cases .... } .. :: We'll perform the binder-swap for the outer case, giving .. :: case x of w1 { DEFAULT -> case w1 of w2 { A -> e1; B -> e2 } ...other cases .... } .. :: But there is no point in doing it for the inner case, because w1 can't be inlined anyway. Furthermore, doing the case-swapping involves zapping w2's occurrence info (see paragraphs that follow), and that forces us to bind w2 when doing case merging. So we get .. :: case x of w1 { A -> let w2 = w1 in e1 B -> let w2 = w1 in e2 ...other cases .... } .. :: This is plain silly in the common case where w2 is dead. .. Even so, I can't see a good way to implement this idea. I tried not doing the binder-swap if the scrutinee was already evaluated but that failed big-time: :: data T = MkT !Int .. :: case v of w { MkT x -> case x of x1 { I# y1 -> case x of x2 { I# y2 -> ... .. :: Notice that because MkT is strict, x is marked "evaluated". But to eliminate the last case, we must either make sure that x (as well as x1) has unfolding MkT y1. The straightforward thing to do is to do the binder-swap. So this whole note is a no-op. .. It's fixed by doing the binder-swap in OccAnal because we can do the binder-swap unconditionally and still get occurrence analysis information right. Note [UsageDetails and zapping] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ On many occasions, we must modify all gathered occurrence data at once. For instance, all occurrences underneath a (non-one-shot) lambda set the 'occ_in_lam' flag to become 'True'. We could use 'mapVarEnv' to do this, but that takes O(n) time and we will do this often---in particular, there are many places where tail calls are not allowed, and each of these causes all variables to get marked with 'NoTailCallInfo'. Instead of relying on `mapVarEnv`, then, we carry three 'IdEnv's around along with the 'OccInfoEnv'. Each of these extra environments is a "zapped set" recording which variables have been zapped in some way. Zapping all occurrence info then simply means setting the corresponding zapped set to the whole 'OccInfoEnv', a fast O(1) operation. Note [Do not mark CoVars as dead] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ It's obviously wrong to mark CoVars as dead if they are used. Currently we don't traverse types to gather usase info for CoVars, so we had better treat them as having noOccInfo. This showed up in #15696 we had something like case eq_sel d of co -> ...(typeError @(...co...) "urk")... Then 'd' was substitued by a dictionary, so the expression simpified to case (Coercion ) of co -> ...(typeError @(...co...) "urk")... But then the "drop the case altogether" equation of rebuildCase thought that 'co' was dead, and discarded the entire case. Urk! I have no idea how we managed to avoid this pitfall for so long! Note [Join points and INLINE pragmas] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider f x = let g = \x. not -- Arity 1 {-# INLINE g #-} in case x of A -> g True True B -> g True False C -> blah2 Here 'g' is always tail-called applied to 2 args, but the stable unfolding captured by the INLINE pragma has arity 1. If we try to convert g to be a join point, its unfolding will still have arity 1 (since it is stable, and we don't meddle with stable unfoldings), and Lint will complain (see Note [Invariants on join points], (2a), in CoreSyn. #13413. Moreover, since g is going to be inlined anyway, there is no benefit from making it a join point. If it is recursive, and uselessly marked INLINE, this will stop us making it a join point, which is annoying. But occasionally (notably in class methods; see Note [Instances and loop breakers] in TcInstDcls) we mark recursive things as INLINE but the recursion unravels; so ignoring INLINE pragmas on recursive things isn't good either. See Invariant 2a of Note [Invariants on join points] in CoreSyn