`[source] `_ compiler/rename/RnBinds.hs ========================== Note [Pattern bindings that bind no variables] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Generally, we want to warn about pattern bindings like Just _ = e because they don't do anything! But we have three exceptions: * A wildcard pattern _ = rhs which (a) is not that different from _v = rhs (b) is sometimes used to give a type sig for, or an occurrence of, a variable on the RHS * A strict pattern binding; that is, one with an outermost bang !Just _ = e This can fail, so unlike the lazy variant, it is not a no-op. Moreover, #13646 argues that even for single constructor types, you might want to write the constructor. See also #9127. * A splice pattern $(th-lhs) = rhs It is impossible to determine whether or not th-lhs really binds any variable. We should disable the warning for any pattern which contain splices, but that is a more expensive check. Note [Free-variable space leak] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We have fvs' = trim fvs and we seq fvs' before turning it as part of a record. The reason is that trim is sometimes something like \xs -> intersectNameSet (mkNameSet bound_names) xs and we don't want to retain the list bound_names. This showed up in trac ticket #1136. Note [Renaming pattern synonym variables] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We rename pattern synonym declaractions backwards to normal to reuse the logic already implemented for renaming patterns. We first rename the RHS of a declaration which brings into scope the variables bound by the pattern (as they would be in normal function definitions). We then lookup the variables which we want to bind in this local environment. It is crucial that we then only lookup in the *local* environment which only contains the variables brought into scope by the pattern and nothing else. Amazingly no-one encountered this bug for 3 GHC versions but it was possible to define a pattern synonym which referenced global identifiers and worked correctly. ``` x = 5 pattern P :: Int -> () pattern P x <- _ f (P x) = x > f () = 5 ``` See #13470 for the original report. Note [Pattern synonym builders don't yield dependencies] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ When renaming a pattern synonym that has an explicit builder, references in the builder definition should not be used when calculating dependencies. For example, consider the following pattern synonym definition: pattern P x <- C1 x where P x = f (C1 x) f (P x) = C2 x In this case, 'P' needs to be typechecked in two passes: 1. Typecheck the pattern definition of 'P', which fully determines the type of 'P'. This step doesn't require knowing anything about 'f', since the builder definition is not looked at. 2. Typecheck the builder definition, which needs the typechecked definition of 'f' to be in scope; done by calls oo tcPatSynBuilderBind in TcBinds.tcValBinds. This behaviour is implemented in 'tcValBinds', but it crucially depends on 'P' not being put in a recursive group with 'f' (which would make it look like a recursive pattern synonym a la 'pattern P = P' which is unsound and rejected). So: * We do not include builder fvs in the Uses returned by rnPatSynBind (which is then used for dependency analysis) * But we /do/ include them in the psb_fvs for the PatSynBind * In rnValBinds we record these builder uses, to avoid bogus unused-variable warnings (#12548) Note [Orphan COMPLETE pragmas] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We define a COMPLETE pragma to be a non-orphan if it includes at least one conlike defined in the current module. Why is this sufficient? Well if you have a pattern match :: case expr of P1 -> ... P2 -> ... P3 -> ... .. any COMPLETE pragma which mentions a conlike other than P1, P2 or P3 will not be of any use in verifying that the pattern match is exhaustive. So as we have certainly read the interface files that define P1, P2 and P3, we will have loaded all non-orphan COMPLETE pragmas that could be relevant to this pattern match. For now we simply disallow orphan COMPLETE pragmas, as the added complexity of supporting them properly doesn't seem worthwhile.