`[source] `_ compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs ======================= Note [DotDot fields] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The rec_dotdot field means this: Nothing => the normal case Just n => the group uses ".." notation, In the latter case: *before* renamer: rec_flds are exactly the n user-written fields *after* renamer: rec_flds includes *all* fields, with the first 'n' being the user-written ones and the remainder being 'filled in' implicitly Note [Punning] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ If you write T { x, y = v+1 }, the HsRecFields will be HsRecField x x True ... HsRecField y (v+1) False ... That is, for "punned" field x is expanded (in the renamer) to x=x; but with a punning flag so we can detect it later (e.g. when pretty printing) If the original field was qualified, we un-qualify it, thus T { A.x } means T { A.x = x } Note [HsRecField and HsRecUpdField] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ A HsRecField (used for record construction and pattern matching) contains an unambiguous occurrence of a field (i.e. a FieldOcc). We can't just store the Name, because thanks to DuplicateRecordFields this may not correspond to the label the user wrote. A HsRecUpdField (used for record update) contains a potentially ambiguous occurrence of a field (an AmbiguousFieldOcc). The renamer will fill in the selector function if it can, but if the selector is ambiguous the renamer will defer to the typechecker. After the typechecker, a unique selector will have been determined. The renamer produces an Unambiguous result if it can, rather than just doing the lookup in the typechecker, so that completely unambiguous updates can be represented by 'DsMeta.repUpdFields'. For example, suppose we have: :: data S = MkS { x :: Int } data T = MkT { x :: Int } .. :: f z = (z { x = 3 }) :: S .. The parsed HsRecUpdField corresponding to the record update will have: :: hsRecFieldLbl = Unambiguous "x" NoExt :: AmbiguousFieldOcc RdrName .. After the renamer, this will become: :: hsRecFieldLbl = Ambiguous "x" NoExt :: AmbiguousFieldOcc Name .. (note that the Unambiguous constructor is not type-correct here). The typechecker will determine the particular selector: :: hsRecFieldLbl = Unambiguous "x" $sel:x:MkS :: AmbiguousFieldOcc Id .. See also Note [Disambiguating record fields] in TcExpr. Note [Unboxed sum patterns aren't irrefutable] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Unlike unboxed tuples, unboxed sums are *not* irrefutable when used as patterns. A simple example that demonstrates this is from #14228: :: pattern Just' x = (# x | #) pattern Nothing' = (# | () #) .. :: foo x = case x of Nothing' -> putStrLn "nothing" Just' -> putStrLn "just" .. In foo, the pattern Nothing' (that is, (# x | #)) is certainly not irrefutable, as does not match an unboxed sum value of the same arity—namely, (# | y #) (covered by Just'). In fact, no unboxed sum pattern is irrefutable, since the minimum unboxed sum arity is 2. Failing to mark unboxed sum patterns as non-irrefutable would cause the Just' case in foo to be unreachable, as GHC would mistakenly believe that Nothing' is the only thing that could possibly be matched!