`[source] `_ compiler/deSugar/Desugar.hs =========================== Note [Top-level evidence] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Top-level evidence bindings may be mutually recursive with the top-level value bindings, so we must put those in a Rec. But we can't put them *all* in a Rec because the occurrence analyser doesn't take account of type/coercion variables when computing dependencies. So we pull out the type/coercion variables (which are in dependency order), and Rec the rest. Note [Adding export flags] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Set the no-discard flag if either a) the Id is exported b) it's mentioned in the RHS of an orphan rule c) it's in the keep-alive set It means that the binding won't be discarded EVEN if the binding ends up being trivial (v = w) -- the simplifier would usually just substitute w for v throughout, but we don't apply the substitution to the rules (maybe we should?), so this substitution would make the rule bogus. You might wonder why exported Ids aren't already marked as such; it's just because the type checker is rather busy already and I didn't want to pass in yet another mapping. Note [Attach rules to local ids] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Find the rules for locally-defined Ids; then we can attach them to the binders in the top-level bindings Reason - It makes the rules easier to look up - It means that transformation rules and specialisations for locally defined Ids are handled uniformly - It keeps alive things that are referred to only from a rule (the occurrence analyser knows about rules attached to Ids) - It makes sure that, when we apply a rule, the free vars of the RHS are more likely to be in scope - The imported rules are carried in the in-scope set which is extended on each iteration by the new wave of local binders; any rules which aren't on the binding will thereby get dropped Note [Desugaring RULE left hand sides] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ For the LHS of a RULE we do *not* want to desugar [x] to build (\cn. x `c` n) We want to leave explicit lists simply as chains of cons's. We can achieve that slightly indirectly by switching off EnableRewriteRules. See DsExpr.dsExplicitList. That keeps the desugaring of list comprehensions simple too. Nor do we want to warn of conversion identities on the LHS; the rule is precisely to optimise them: {-# RULES "fromRational/id" fromRational = id :: Rational -> Rational #-} Note [Desugaring coerce as cast] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We want the user to express a rule saying roughly “mapping a coercion over a list can be replaced by a coercion”. But the cast operator of Core (▷) cannot be written in Haskell. So we use `coerce` for that (#2110). The user writes map coerce = coerce as a RULE, and this optimizes any kind of mapped' casts away, including `map MkNewtype`. For that we replace any forall'ed `c :: Coercible a b` value in a RULE by corresponding `co :: a ~#R b` and wrap the LHS and the RHS in `let c = MkCoercible co in ...`. This is later simplified to the desired form by simpleOptExpr (for the LHS) resp. the simplifiers (for the RHS). See also Note [Getting the map/coerce RULE to work] in CoreSubst. Note [Rules and inlining/other rules] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ If you have f x = ... g x = ... {-# RULES "rule-for-f" forall x. f (g x) = ... #-} then there's a good chance that in a potential rule redex ...f (g e)... then 'f' or 'g' will inline befor the rule can fire. Solution: add an INLINE [n] or NOINLINE [n] pragma to 'f' and 'g'. Note that this applies to all the free variables on the LHS, both the main function and things in its arguments. We also check if there are Ids on the LHS that have competing RULES. In the above example, suppose we had {-# RULES "rule-for-g" forally. g [y] = ... #-} Then "rule-for-f" and "rule-for-g" would compete. Better to add phase control, so "rule-for-f" has a chance to fire before "rule-for-g" becomes active; or perhpas after "rule-for-g" has become inactive. This is checked by 'competesWith' Class methods have a built-in RULE to select the method from the dictionary, so you can't change the phase on this. That makes id very dubious to match on class methods in RULE lhs's. See #10595. I'm not happy about this. For example in Control.Arrow we have {-# RULES "compose/arr" forall f g . (arr f) . (arr g) = arr (f . g) #-} and similar, which will elicit exactly these warnings, and risk never firing. But it's not clear what to do instead. We could make the class method rules inactive in phase 2, but that would delay when subsequent transformations could fire.