`[source] `_ compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs ============================= Note [Type bindings] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Core does allow type bindings, although such bindings are not much used, except in the output of the desugarer. Example: let a = Int in (\x:a. x) Given this, exprType must be careful to substitute 'a' in the result type (#8522). Note [Existential variables and silly type synonyms] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider data T = forall a. T (Funny a) type Funny a = Bool f :: T -> Bool f (T x) = x Now, the type of 'x' is (Funny a), where 'a' is existentially quantified. That means that 'exprType' and 'coreAltsType' may give a result that *appears* to mention an out-of-scope type variable. See #3409 for a more real-world example. Various possibilities suggest themselves: - Ignore the problem, and make Lint not complain about such variables - Expand all type synonyms (or at least all those that discard arguments) This is tricky, because at least for top-level things we want to retain the type the user originally specified. - Expand synonyms on the fly, when the problem arises. That is what we are doing here. It's not too expensive, I think. Note that there might be existentially quantified coercion variables, too. Not defined with applyTypeToArg because you can't print from CoreSyn. Note [Binding coercions] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider binding a CoVar, c = e. Then, we must atisfy Note [CoreSyn type and coercion invariant] in CoreSyn, which allows only (Coercion co) on the RHS. Note [Unreachable code] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ It is possible (although unusual) for GHC to find a case expression that cannot match. For example: :: data Col = Red | Green | Blue x = Red f v = case x of Red -> ... _ -> ...(case x of { Green -> e1; Blue -> e2 })... .. Suppose that for some silly reason, x isn't substituted in the case expression. (Perhaps there's a NOINLINE on it, or profiling SCC stuff gets in the way; cf #3118.) Then the full-lazines pass might produce this :: x = Red lvl = case x of { Green -> e1; Blue -> e2 }) f v = case x of Red -> ... _ -> ...lvl... .. Now if x gets inlined, we won't be able to find a matching alternative for 'Red'. That's because 'lvl' is unreachable. So rather than crashing we generate (error "Inaccessible alternative"). Similar things can happen (augmented by GADTs) when the Simplifier filters down the matching alternatives in Simplify.rebuildCase. Note [Combine identical alternatives] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ If several alternatives are identical, merge them into a single DEFAULT alternative. I've occasionally seen this making a big difference: :: case e of =====> case e of C _ -> f x D v -> ....v.... D v -> ....v.... DEFAULT -> f x DEFAULT -> f x .. The point is that we merge common RHSs, at least for the DEFAULT case. [One could do something more elaborate but I've never seen it needed.] To avoid an expensive test, we just merge branches equal to the *first* alternative; this picks up the common cases a) all branches equal b) some branches equal to the DEFAULT (which occurs first) The case where Combine Identical Alternatives transformation showed up was like this (base/Foreign/C/Err/Error.hs): x | p `is` 1 -> e1 | p `is` 2 -> e2 ...etc... where @is@ was something like :: p `is` n = p /= (-1) && p == n .. This gave rise to a horrible sequence of cases :: case p of (-1) -> $j p 1 -> e1 DEFAULT -> $j p .. and similarly in cascade for all the join points! NB: it's important that all this is done in [InAlt], *before* we work on the alternatives themselves, because Simplify.simplAlt may zap the occurrence info on the binders in the alternatives, which in turn defeats combineIdenticalAlts (see #7360). Note [Care with impossible-constructors when combining alternatives] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Suppose we have (#10538) data T = A | B | C | D :: case x::T of (Imposs-default-cons {A,B}) DEFAULT -> e1 A -> e2 B -> e1 .. When calling combineIdentialAlts, we'll have computed that the "impossible constructors" for the DEFAULT alt is {A,B}, since if x is A or B we'll take the other alternatives. But suppose we combine B into the DEFAULT, to get :: case x::T of (Imposs-default-cons {A}) DEFAULT -> e1 A -> e2 .. Then we must be careful to trim the impossible constructors to just {A}, else we risk compiling 'e1' wrong! Not only that, but we take care when there is no DEFAULT beforehand, because we are introducing one. Consider :: case x of (Imposs-default-cons {A,B,C}) A -> e1 B -> e2 C -> e1 .. Then when combining the A and C alternatives we get :: case x of (Imposs-default-cons {B}) DEFAULT -> e1 B -> e2 .. Note that we have a new DEFAULT branch that we didn't have before. So we need delete from the "impossible-default-constructors" all the known-con alternatives that we have eliminated. (In #11172 we missed the first one.) Note [getIdFromTrivialExpr] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ When substituting in a breakpoint we need to strip away the type cruft from a trivial expression and get back to the Id. The invariant is that the expression we're substituting was originally trivial according to exprIsTrivial, AND the expression is not a literal. See Note [substTickish] for how breakpoint substitution preserves this extra invariant. We also need this functionality in CorePrep to extract out Id of a function which we are saturating. However, in this case we don't know if the variable actually refers to a literal; thus we use 'getIdFromTrivialExpr_maybe' to handle this case. See test T12076lit for an example where this matters. Note [Bottoming expressions] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ A bottoming expression is guaranteed to diverge, or raise an exception. We can test for it in two different ways, and exprIsBottom checks for both of these situations: * Visibly-bottom computations. For example (error Int "Hello") is visibly bottom. The strictness analyser also finds out if a function diverges or raises an exception, and puts that info in its strictness signature. * Empty types. If a type is empty, its only inhabitant is bottom. For example: data T f :: T -> Bool f = \(x:t). case x of Bool {} Since T has no data constructors, the case alternatives are of course empty. However note that 'x' is not bound to a visibly-bottom value; it's the *type* that tells us it's going to diverge. A GADT may also be empty even though it has constructors: data T a where T1 :: a -> T Bool T2 :: T Int ...(case (x::T Char) of {})... Here (T Char) is uninhabited. A more realistic case is (Int ~ Bool), which is likewise uninhabited. Note [exprIsDupable] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ @exprIsDupable@ is true of expressions that can be duplicated at a modest cost in code size. This will only happen in different case branches, so there's no issue about duplicating work. :: That is, exprIsDupable returns True of (f x) even if f is very very expensive to call. .. :: Its only purpose is to avoid fruitless let-binding and then inlining of case join points .. Note [exprIsWorkFree] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ exprIsWorkFree is used when deciding whether to inline something; we don't inline it if doing so might duplicate work, by peeling off a complete copy of the expression. Here we do not want even to duplicate a primop (#5623): eg let x = a #+ b in x +# x we do not want to inline/duplicate x Previously we were a bit more liberal, which led to the primop-duplicating problem. However, being more conservative did lead to a big regression in one nofib benchmark, wheel-sieve1. The situation looks like this: :: let noFactor_sZ3 :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Bool noFactor_sZ3 = case s_adJ of _ { GHC.Types.I# x_aRs -> case GHC.Prim.<=# x_aRs 2 of _ { GHC.Types.False -> notDivBy ps_adM qs_adN; GHC.Types.True -> lvl_r2Eb }} go = \x. ...(noFactor (I# y))....(go x')... .. The function 'noFactor' is heap-allocated and then called. Turns out that 'notDivBy' is strict in its THIRD arg, but that is invisible to the caller of noFactor, which therefore cannot do w/w and heap-allocates noFactor's argument. At the moment (May 12) we are just going to put up with this, because the previous more aggressive inlining (which treated 'noFactor' as work-free) was duplicating primops, which in turn was making inner loops of array calculations runs slow (#5623) Note [Case expressions are work-free] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Are case-expressions work-free? Consider let v = case x of (p,q) -> p go = \y -> ...case v of ... Should we inline 'v' at its use site inside the loop? At the moment we do. I experimented with saying that case are *not* work-free, but that increased allocation slightly. It's a fairly small effect, and at the moment we go for the slightly more aggressive version which treats (case x of ....) as work-free if the alternatives are. Moreover it improves arities of overloaded functions where there is only dictionary selection (no construction) involved Note [exprIsCheap] See also Note [Interaction of exprIsCheap and lone variables] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in CoreUnfold.hs @exprIsCheap@ looks at a Core expression and returns \tr{True} if it is obviously in weak head normal form, or is cheap to get to WHNF. [Note that that's not the same as exprIsDupable; an expression might be big, and hence not dupable, but still cheap.] By ``cheap'' we mean a computation we're willing to: push inside a lambda, or inline at more than one place That might mean it gets evaluated more than once, instead of being shared. The main examples of things which aren't WHNF but are ``cheap'' are: * case e of pi -> ei (where e, and all the ei are cheap) * let x = e in b (where e and b are cheap) * op x1 ... xn (where op is a cheap primitive operator) * error "foo" (because we are happy to substitute it inside a lambda) Notice that a variable is considered 'cheap': we can push it inside a lambda, because sharing will make sure it is only evaluated once. Note [exprIsCheap and exprIsHNF] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Note that exprIsHNF does not imply exprIsCheap. Eg let x = fac 20 in Just x This responds True to exprIsHNF (you can discard a seq), but False to exprIsCheap. Note [Arguments and let-bindings exprIsCheapX] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ What predicate should we apply to the argument of an application, or the RHS of a let-binding? We used to say "exprIsTrivial arg" due to concerns about duplicating nested constructor applications, but see #4978. So now we just recursively use exprIsCheapX. We definitely want to treat let and app the same. The principle here is that let x = blah in f x should behave equivalently to f blah This in turn means that the 'letrec g' does not prevent eta expansion in this (which it previously was): f = \x. let v = case x of True -> letrec g = \w. blah in g False -> \x. x in \w. v True Note [exprIsExpandable] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ An expression is "expandable" if we are willing to duplicate it, if doing so might make a RULE or case-of-constructor fire. Consider let x = (a,b) y = build g in ....(case x of (p,q) -> rhs)....(foldr k z y).... We don't inline 'x' or 'y' (see Note [Lone variables] in CoreUnfold), but we do want * the case-expression to simplify (via exprIsConApp_maybe, exprIsLiteral_maybe) * the foldr/build RULE to fire (by expanding the unfolding during rule matching) So we classify the unfolding of a let-binding as "expandable" (via the uf_expandable field) if we want to do this kind of on-the-fly expansion. Specifically: * True of constructor applications (K a b) * True of applications of a "CONLIKE" Id; see Note [CONLIKE pragma] in BasicTypes. (NB: exprIsCheap might not be true of this) * False of case-expressions. If we have let x = case ... in ...(case x of ...)... we won't simplify. We have to inline x. See #14688. * False of let-expressions (same reason); and in any case we float lets out of an RHS if doing so will reveal an expandable application (see SimplEnv.doFloatFromRhs). * Take care: exprIsExpandable should /not/ be true of primops. I found this in test T5623a: let q = /\a. Ptr a (a +# b) in case q @ Float of Ptr v -> ...q... :: q's inlining should not be expandable, else exprIsConApp_maybe will say that (q @ Float) expands to (Ptr a (a +# b)), and that will duplicate the (a +# b) primop, which we should not do lightly. (It's quite hard to trigger this bug, but T13155 does so for GHC 8.0.) .. Note [isCheapApp: bottoming functions] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ I'm not sure why we have a special case for bottoming functions in isCheapApp. Maybe we don't need it. Note [isExpandableApp: bottoming functions] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ It's important that isExpandableApp does not respond True to bottoming functions. Recall undefined :: HasCallStack => a Suppose isExpandableApp responded True to (undefined d), and we had: :: x = undefined .. Then Simplify.prepareRhs would ANF the RHS: :: d = x = undefined d .. This is already bad: we gain nothing from having x bound to (undefined var), unlike the case for data constructors. Worse, we get the simplifier loop described in OccurAnal Note [Cascading inlines]. Suppose x occurs just once; OccurAnal.occAnalNonRecRhs decides x will certainly_inline; so we end up inlining d right back into x; but in the end x doesn't inline because it is bottom (preInlineUnconditionally); so the process repeats.. We could elaborate the certainly_inline logic some more, but it's better just to treat bottoming bindings as non-expandable, because ANFing them is a bad idea in the first place. Note [Record selection] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ I'm experimenting with making record selection look cheap, so we will substitute it inside a lambda. Particularly for dictionary field selection. BUT: Take care with (sel d x)! The (sel d) might be cheap, but there's no guarantee that (sel d x) will be too. Hence (n_val_args == 1) Note [Expandable overloadings] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Suppose the user wrote this {-# RULE forall x. foo (negate x) = h x #-} f x = ....(foo (negate x)).... He'd expect the rule to fire. But since negate is overloaded, we might get this: f = \d -> let n = negate d in \x -> ...foo (n x)... So we treat the application of a function (negate in this case) to a *dictionary* as expandable. In effect, every function is CONLIKE when it's applied only to dictionaries. Note [exprOkForSpeculation: case expressions] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ exprOkForSpeculation accepts very special case expressions. Reason: (a ==# b) is ok-for-speculation, but the litEq rules in PrelRules convert it (a ==# 3#) to case a of { DEFAULT -> 0#; 3# -> 1# } for excellent reasons described in PrelRules Note [The litEq rule: converting equality to case]. So, annoyingly, we want that case expression to be ok-for-speculation too. Bother. But we restrict it sharply: * We restrict it to unlifted scrutinees. Consider this: case x of y { DEFAULT -> ... (let v::Int# = case y of { True -> e1 ; False -> e2 } in ...) ... Does the RHS of v satisfy the let/app invariant? Previously we said yes, on the grounds that y is evaluated. But the binder-swap done by SetLevels would transform the inner alternative to DEFAULT -> ... (let v::Int# = case x of { ... } in ...) .... which does /not/ satisfy the let/app invariant, because x is not evaluated. See Note [Binder-swap during float-out] in SetLevels. To avoid this awkwardness it seems simpler to stick to unlifted scrutinees where the issue does not arise. * We restrict it to exhaustive alternatives. A non-exhaustive case manifestly isn't ok-for-speculation. for example, this is a valid program (albeit a slightly dodgy one) let v = case x of { B -> ...; C -> ... } in case x of A -> ... _ -> ...v...v.... Should v be considered ok-for-speculation? Its scrutinee may be evaluated, but the alternatives are incomplete so we should not evaluate it strictly. :: Now, all this is for lifted types, but it'd be the same for any finite unlifted type. We don't have many of them, but we might add unlifted algebraic types in due course. .. ----- Historical note: #15696: -------- Previously SetLevels used exprOkForSpeculation to guide floating of single-alternative cases; it now uses exprIsHNF Note [Floating single-alternative cases]. But in those days, consider case e of x { DEAFULT -> ...(case x of y A -> ... _ -> ...(case (case x of { B -> p; C -> p }) of I# r -> blah)... If SetLevels considers the inner nested case as ok-for-speculation it can do case-floating (in SetLevels). So we'd float to: case e of x { DEAFULT -> case (case x of { B -> p; C -> p }) of I# r -> ...(case x of y A -> ... _ -> ...blah...)... which is utterly bogus (seg fault); see #5453. ----- Historical note: #3717: -------- foo :: Int -> Int foo 0 = 0 foo n = (if n < 5 then 1 else 2) `seq` foo (n-1) In earlier GHCs, we got this: T.$wfoo = \ (ww :: GHC.Prim.Int#) -> case ww of ds { __DEFAULT -> case (case <# ds 5 of _ { GHC.Types.False -> lvl1; GHC.Types.True -> lvl}) of _ { __DEFAULT -> T.$wfoo (GHC.Prim.-# ds_XkE 1) }; 0 -> 0 } Before join-points etc we could only get rid of two cases (which are redundant) by recognising that the (case <# ds 5 of { ... }) is ok-for-speculation, even though it has /lifted/ type. But now join points do the job nicely. ------- End of historical note ------------ Note [Primops with lifted arguments] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Is this ok-for-speculation (see #13027)? reallyUnsafePtrEq# a b Well, yes. The primop accepts lifted arguments and does not evaluate them. Indeed, in general primops are, well, primitive and do not perform evaluation. Bottom line: * In exprOkForSpeculation we simply ignore all lifted arguments. * In the rare case of primops that /do/ evaluate their arguments, (namely DataToTagOp and SeqOp) return False; see Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables] Note [exprOkForSpeculation and SeqOp/DataToTagOp] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Most primops with lifted arguments don't evaluate them (see Note [Primops with lifted arguments]), so we can ignore that argument entirely when doing exprOkForSpeculation. But DataToTagOp and SeqOp are exceptions to that rule. For reasons described in Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables], we simply return False for them. Not doing this made #5129 go bad. Lots of discussion in #15696. Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Recall that seq# :: forall a s. a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #) dataToTag# :: forall a. a -> Int# must always evaluate their first argument. Now consider these examples: * case x of y { DEFAULT -> ....y.... } Should 'y' (alone) be considered ok-for-speculation? * case x of y { DEFAULT -> ....f (dataToTag# y)... } Should (dataToTag# y) be considered ok-for-spec? You could argue 'yes', because in the case alternative we know that 'y' is evaluated. But the binder-swap transformation, which is extremely useful for float-out, changes these expressions to case x of y { DEFAULT -> ....x.... } case x of y { DEFAULT -> ....f (dataToTag# x)... } And now the expression does not obey the let/app invariant! Yikes! Moreover we really might float (f (dataToTag# x)) outside the case, and then it really, really doesn't obey the let/app invariant. The solution is simple: exprOkForSpeculation does not try to take advantage of the evaluated-ness of (lifted) variables. And it returns False (always) for DataToTagOp and SeqOp. Note that exprIsHNF /can/ and does take advantage of evaluated-ness; it doesn't have the trickiness of the let/app invariant to worry about. Note [exprIsHNF] See also Note [exprIsCheap and exprIsHNF] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Note [Mark evaluated arguments] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ When pattern matching on a constructor with strict fields, the binder can have an 'evaldUnfolding'. Moreover, it *should* have one, so that when loading an interface file unfolding like: data T = MkT !Int f x = case x of { MkT y -> let v::Int# = case y of I# n -> n+1 in ... } we don't want Lint to complain. The 'y' is evaluated, so the case in the RHS of the binding for 'v' is fine. But only if we *know* that 'y' is evaluated. c.f. add_evals in Simplify.simplAlt Note [Eta reduction conditions] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We try for eta reduction here, but *only* if we get all the way to an trivial expression. We don't want to remove extra lambdas unless we are going to avoid allocating this thing altogether. There are some particularly delicate points here: * We want to eta-reduce if doing so leaves a trivial expression, *including* a cast. For example \x. f |> co --> f |> co (provided co doesn't mention x) * Eta reduction is not valid in general: \x. bot /= bot This matters, partly for old-fashioned correctness reasons but, worse, getting it wrong can yield a seg fault. Consider f = \x.f x h y = case (case y of { True -> f `seq` True; False -> False }) of True -> ...; False -> ... If we (unsoundly) eta-reduce f to get f=f, the strictness analyser says f=bottom, and replaces the (f `seq` True) with just (f `cast` unsafe-co). BUT, as thing stand, 'f' got arity 1, and it *keeps* arity 1 (perhaps also wrongly). So CorePrep eta-expands the definition again, so that it does not termninate after all. Result: seg-fault because the boolean case actually gets a function value. See #1947. :: So it's important to do the right thing. .. * Note [Arity care]: we need to be careful if we just look at f's arity. Currently (Dec07), f's arity is visible in its own RHS (see Note [Arity robustness] in SimplEnv) so we must *not* trust the arity when checking that 'f' is a value. Otherwise we will eta-reduce f = \x. f x to f = f Which might change a terminating program (think (f `seq` e)) to a non-terminating one. So we check for being a loop breaker first. :: However for GlobalIds we can look at the arity; and for primops we must, since they have no unfolding. .. * Regardless of whether 'f' is a value, we always want to reduce (/\a -> f a) to f This came up in a RULE: foldr (build (/\a -> g a)) did not match foldr (build (/\b -> ...something complex...)) The type checker can insert these eta-expanded versions, with both type and dictionary lambdas; hence the slightly ad-hoc isDictId * Never *reduce* arity. For example f = \xy. g x y Then if h has arity 1 we don't want to eta-reduce because then f's arity would decrease, and that is bad These delicacies are why we don't use exprIsTrivial and exprIsHNF here. Alas. Note [Eta reduction with casted arguments] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Consider (\(x:t3). f (x |> g)) :: t3 -> t2 where f :: t1 -> t2 g :: t3 ~ t1 This should be eta-reduced to :: f |> (sym g -> t2) .. So we need to accumulate a coercion, pushing it inward (past variable arguments only) thus: f (x |> co_arg) |> co --> (f |> (sym co_arg -> co)) x f (x:t) |> co --> (f |> (t -> co)) x f @ a |> co --> (f |> (forall a.co)) @ a f @ (g:t1~t2) |> co --> (f |> (t1~t2 => co)) @ (g:t1~t2) These are the equations for ok_arg. It's true that we could also hope to eta reduce these: (\xy. (f x |> g) y) (\xy. (f x y) |> g) But the simplifier pushes those casts outwards, so we don't need to address that here. Note [Eta reduction of an eval'd function] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ In Haskell it is not true that f = \x. f x because f might be bottom, and 'seq' can distinguish them. But it *is* true that f = f `seq` \x. f x and we'd like to simplify the latter to the former. This amounts to the rule that * when there is just *one* value argument, * f is not bottom we can eta-reduce \x. f x ===> f This turned up in #7542.