`[source] `_ compiler/basicTypes/Unique.hs ============================= Note [Unique Determinism] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The order of allocated @Uniques@ is not stable across rebuilds. The main reason for that is that typechecking interface files pulls @Uniques@ from @UniqSupply@ and the interface file for the module being currently compiled can, but doesn't have to exist. It gets more complicated if you take into account that the interface files are loaded lazily and that building multiple files at once has to work for any subset of interface files present. When you add parallelism this makes @Uniques@ hopelessly random. As such, to get deterministic builds, the order of the allocated @Uniques@ should not affect the final result. see also wiki/deterministic-builds Note [Unique Determinism and code generation] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ The goal of the deterministic builds (wiki/deterministic-builds, #4012) is to get ABI compatible binaries given the same inputs and environment. The motivation behind that is that if the ABI doesn't change the binaries can be safely reused. Note that this is weaker than bit-for-bit identical binaries and getting bit-for-bit identical binaries is not a goal for now. This means that we don't care about nondeterminism that happens after the interface files are created, in particular we don't care about register allocation and code generation. To track progress on bit-for-bit determinism see #12262. Note [No Ord for Unique] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ As explained in Note [Unique Determinism] the relative order of Uniques is nondeterministic. To prevent from accidental use the Ord Unique instance has been removed. This makes it easier to maintain deterministic builds, but comes with some drawbacks. The biggest drawback is that Maps keyed by Uniques can't directly be used. The alternatives are: 1) Use UniqFM or UniqDFM, see Note [Deterministic UniqFM] to decide which 2) Create a newtype wrapper based on Unique ordering where nondeterminism is controlled. See Module.ModuleEnv 3) Change the algorithm to use nonDetCmpUnique and document why it's still deterministic 4) Use TrieMap as done in CmmCommonBlockElim.groupByLabel