`[source] `_ compiler/basicTypes/Module.hs ============================= Note [The identifier lexicon] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Unit IDs, installed package IDs, ABI hashes, package names, versions, there are a *lot* of different identifiers for closely related things. What do they all mean? Here's what. (See also https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/commentary/packages/concepts ) THE IMPORTANT ONES ComponentId: An opaque identifier provided by Cabal, which should uniquely identify such things as the package name, the package version, the name of the component, the hash of the source code tarball, the selected Cabal flags, GHC flags, direct dependencies of the component. These are very similar to InstalledPackageId, but an 'InstalledPackageId' implies that it identifies a package, while a package may install multiple components with different 'ComponentId's. - Same as Distribution.Package.ComponentId UnitId/InstalledUnitId: A ComponentId + a mapping from hole names (ModuleName) to Modules. This is how the compiler identifies instantiated components, and also is the main identifier by which GHC identifies things. - When Backpack is not being used, UnitId = ComponentId. this means a useful fiction for end-users is that there are only ever ComponentIds, and some ComponentIds happen to have more information (UnitIds). - Same as Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax:PkgName, see https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/10279 - The same as PackageKey in GHC 7.10 (we renamed it because they don't necessarily identify packages anymore.) - Same as -this-package-key/-package-name flags - An InstalledUnitId corresponds to an actual package which we have installed on disk. It could be definite or indefinite, but if it's indefinite, it has nothing instantiated (we never install partially instantiated units.) Module/InstalledModule: A UnitId/InstalledUnitId + ModuleName. This is how the compiler identifies modules (e.g. a Name is a Module + OccName) - Same as Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax:Module THE LESS IMPORTANT ONES PackageName: The "name" field in a Cabal file, something like "lens". - Same as Distribution.Package.PackageName - DIFFERENT FROM Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax:PkgName, see https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/10279 - DIFFERENT FROM -package-name flag - DIFFERENT FROM the 'name' field in an installed package information. This field could more accurately be described as a munged package name: when it's for the main library it is the same as the package name, but if it's an internal library it's a munged combination of the package name and the component name. LEGACY ONES InstalledPackageId: This is what we used to call ComponentId. It's a still pretty useful concept for packages that have only one library; in that case the logical InstalledPackageId = ComponentId. Also, the Cabal nix-local-build continues to compute an InstalledPackageId which is then forcibly used for all components in a package. This means that if a dependency from one component in a package changes, the InstalledPackageId changes: you don't get as fine-grained dependency tracking, but it means your builds are hermetic. Eventually, Cabal will deal completely in components and we can get rid of this. PackageKey: This is what we used to call UnitId. We ditched "Package" from the name when we realized that you might want to assign different "PackageKeys" to components from the same package. (For a brief, non-released period of time, we also called these UnitKeys). Note [UnitId to InstalledUnitId improvement] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Just because a UnitId is definite (has no holes) doesn't mean it's necessarily a InstalledUnitId; it could just be that over the course of renaming UnitIds on the fly while typechecking an indefinite library, we ended up with a fully instantiated unit id with no hash, since we haven't built it yet. This is fine. However, if there is a hashed unit id for this instantiation in the package database, we *better use it*, because that hashed unit id may be lurking in another interface, and chaos will ensue if we attempt to compare the two (the unitIdFS for a UnitId never corresponds to a Cabal-provided hash of a compiled instantiated library). There is one last niggle: improvement based on the package database means that we might end up developing on a package that is not transitively depended upon by the packages the user specified directly via command line flags. This could lead to strange and difficult to understand bugs if those instantiations are out of date. The solution is to only improve a unit id if the new unit id is part of the 'preloadClosure'; i.e., the closure of all the packages which were explicitly specified. Note [Wired-in packages] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Certain packages are known to the compiler, in that we know about certain entities that reside in these packages, and the compiler needs to declare static Modules and Names that refer to these packages. Hence the wired-in packages can't include version numbers in their package UnitId, since we don't want to bake the version numbers of these packages into GHC. So here's the plan. Wired-in packages are still versioned as normal in the packages database, and you can still have multiple versions of them installed. To the user, everything looks normal. However, for each invocation of GHC, only a single instance of each wired-in package will be recognised (the desired one is selected via @-package@\/@-hide-package@), and GHC will internall pretend that it has the *unversioned* 'UnitId', including in .hi files and object file symbols. Unselected versions of wired-in packages will be ignored, as will any other package that depends directly or indirectly on it (much as if you had used @-ignore-package@). The affected packages are compiled with, e.g., @-this-unit-id base@, so that the symbols in the object files have the unversioned unit id in their name. Make sure you change 'Packages.findWiredInPackages' if you add an entry here. For `integer-gmp`/`integer-simple` we also change the base name to `integer-wired-in`, but this is fundamentally no different. See Note [The integer library] in PrelNames. Note [Representation of module/name variables] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ In our ICFP'16, we use to represent module holes, and {A.T} to represent name holes. This could have been represented by adding some new cases to the core data types, but this would have made the existing 'nameModule' and 'moduleUnitId' partial, which would have required a lot of modifications to existing code. Instead, we adopted the following encoding scheme: :: ===> hole:A {A.T} ===> hole:A.T .. This encoding is quite convenient, but it is also a bit dangerous too, because if you have a 'hole:A' you need to know if it's actually a 'Module' or just a module stored in a 'Name'; these two cases must be treated differently when doing substitutions. 'renameHoleModule' and 'renameHoleUnitId' assume they are NOT operating on a 'Name'; 'NameShape' handles name substitutions exclusively. Note [ModuleEnv performance and determinism] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ To prevent accidental reintroduction of nondeterminism the Ord instance for Module was changed to not depend on Unique ordering and to use the lexicographic order. This is potentially expensive, but when measured there was no difference in performance. To be on the safe side and not pessimize ModuleEnv uses nondeterministic ordering on Module and normalizes by doing the lexicographic sort when turning the env to a list. See Note [Unique Determinism] for more information about the source of nondeterminismand and Note [Deterministic UniqFM] for explanation of why it matters for maps.