`[source] `_ compiler/basicTypes/Id.hs ========================= Note [Free type variables] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ At one time we cached the free type variables of the type of an Id at the root of the type in a TyNote. The idea was to avoid repeating the free-type-variable calculation. But it turned out to slow down the compiler overall. I don't quite know why; perhaps finding free type variables of an Id isn't all that common whereas applying a substitution (which changes the free type variables) is more common. Anyway, we removed it in March 2008. Note [Exported LocalIds] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ We use mkExportedLocalId for things like - Dictionary functions (DFunId) - Wrapper and matcher Ids for pattern synonyms - Default methods for classes - Pattern-synonym matcher and builder Ids - etc They marked as "exported" in the sense that they should be kept alive even if apparently unused in other bindings, and not dropped as dead code by the occurrence analyser. (But "exported" here does not mean "brought into lexical scope by an import declaration". Indeed these things are always internal Ids that the user never sees.) It's very important that they are *LocalIds*, not GlobalIds, for lots of reasons: * We want to treat them as free variables for the purpose of dependency analysis (e.g. CoreFVs.exprFreeVars). * Look them up in the current substitution when we come across occurrences of them (in Subst.lookupIdSubst). Lacking this we can get an out-of-date unfolding, which can in turn make the simplifier go into an infinite loop (#9857) * Ensure that for dfuns that the specialiser does not float dict uses above their defns, which would prevent good simplifications happening. * The strictness analyser treats a occurrence of a GlobalId as imported and assumes it contains strictness in its IdInfo, which isn't true if the thing is bound in the same module as the occurrence. In CoreTidy we must make all these LocalIds into GlobalIds, so that in importing modules (in --make mode) we treat them as properly global. That is what is happening in, say tidy_insts in TidyPgm. Note [Levity-polymorphic Ids] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Some levity-polymorphic Ids must be applied and and inlined, not left un-saturated. Example: unsafeCoerceId :: forall r1 r2 (a::TYPE r1) (b::TYPE r2). a -> b This has a compulsory unfolding because we can't lambda-bind those arguments. But the compulsory unfolding may leave levity-polymorphic lambdas if it is not applied to enough arguments; e.g. (#14561) bad :: forall (a :: TYPE r). a -> a bad = unsafeCoerce# The desugar has special magic to detect such cases: DsExpr.badUseOfLevPolyPrimop. And we want that magic to apply to levity-polymorphic compulsory-inline things. The easiest way to do this is for hasNoBinding to return True of all things that have compulsory unfolding. A very Ids with a compulsory unfolding also have a binding, but it does not harm to say they don't here, and its a very simple way to fix #14561. Note [Primop wrappers] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ Currently hasNoBinding claims that PrimOpIds don't have a curried function definition. But actually they do, in GHC.PrimopWrappers, which is auto-generated from prelude/primops.txt.pp. So actually, hasNoBinding could return 'False' for PrimOpIds. But we'd need to add something in CoreToStg to swizzle any unsaturated applications of GHC.Prim.plusInt# to GHC.PrimopWrappers.plusInt#. Nota Bene: GHC.PrimopWrappers is needed *regardless*, because it's used by GHCi, which does not implement primops direct at all. Note [transferPolyIdInfo] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `[note link] `__ This transfer is used in three places: FloatOut (long-distance let-floating) SimplUtils.abstractFloats (short-distance let-floating) StgLiftLams (selectively lambda-lift local functions to top-level) Consider the short-distance let-floating: :: f = /\a. let g = rhs in ... .. Then if we float thus :: g' = /\a. rhs f = /\a. ...[g' a/g].... .. we *do not* want to lose g's * strictness information * arity * inline pragma (though that is bit more debatable) * occurrence info Mostly this is just an optimisation, but it's *vital* to transfer the occurrence info. Consider :: NonRec { f = /\a. let Rec { g* = ..g.. } in ... } .. where the '*' means 'LoopBreaker'. Then if we float we must get :: Rec { g'* = /\a. ...(g' a)... } NonRec { f = /\a. ...[g' a/g]....} .. where g' is also marked as LoopBreaker. If not, terrible things can happen if we re-simplify the binding (and the Simplifier does sometimes simplify a term twice); see #4345. It's not so simple to retain * worker info * rules so we simply discard those. Sooner or later this may bite us. If we abstract wrt one or more *value* binders, we must modify the arity and strictness info before transferring it. E.g. f = \x. e --> g' = \y. \x. e + substitute (g' y) for g Notice that g' has an arity one more than the original g